Look at this fucking map!


Look at this map. 11/12 Congressional seats are Democrat in spite of losing the majority of counties and getting just 53% of the Senate votes. I'm well aware of the population density aspect of the I95 corridor and the shithole cities that litter it, but anyone who looks at this map and concludes that our Congressional representation should be 11-1 is a fucking asshole. This is the power of gerrymandered districts.

Attached: results-new-jersey-primary-elections-1528219021740-facebookJumbo.png (1000x524, 12K)

>I'm well aware of the population density aspect
Then you should understand that empty fields don't get a vote.

Can anons start a New Jersey corruption General? There is a whole bunch of police and judge corruption. I think NJ is able to turn red by 2022 if we can put 3000 state employees in jail and fire another 10k

I would be happy to contribute. Just to hear all the crookec cop stories.

There is also extreme corruption in many other ways. There is Genie energy too

I don't even know what that is. I hope it's not some /x/ shit

Cities fuck over the state as a whole. It would be an actual solid red state. Just look at hugin. He won more counties over even some that vote blue but Menendez got the intercity votes which is just paying people to bus junkies to the polls.

>more counties
Empty land
Hopefully you support some sort of federal gerrymandering ban now

>Oy vey, I crammed five hundred illiterate immigrant families into my tenement slum so I should get to tell you how to run your dairy farm because cows don't get a vote but niggers do! It's democracy, goy!

I think I see one more person who shouldn't be voting

Attached: democratic-party.png (500x500, 23K)

There was a weird story in (((Lakewood))) right before the election on the day after the Pittsburgh shooting. A doll with a knife through it stuck to a tree. In the media's panic to shill out antisemitic stories, they released this as a potential hate crime. Then a couple rabbis showed up at the crime scene and told the cops to drop it because the doll was goyim and it was probably a Jewish kid who did it. It went from a "hate crime against Jews" to "nothing to see here" in a couple hours after rabbinical intervention.

Millions of people, shill rat.


Attached: 1540832646374.png (520x571, 593K)

Yet it's cool for the dairy farmers to tell the cities how they should be run, yeah?

3.15 million people live in those red counties. It's 35% of the population. We have 8% of Congressional representation.

and nationally, the reverse is true...
is it also bad then?
stop playing for the retarded-ass teams, buddy.
you sound like a cultist.

>The breakdown of state representation in Congress is the same thing as using the electoral college for choosing the President in national elections.
Why can't you people just read the Federalist papers?

No. Nuh uh. You can't have it both ways.

Of course you can. Proportional representation by state in Congress and state electors for national executive is a perfectly fine system that provides both local representation and the preponderance of states in our shared leader.

Case example: NJ should have 35% of R house reps, 0 senators (statewide elections), and all electoral votes to Hillary or whoever if it was a presidential year.

It's what we have but it's not perfectly fine. Why shouldn't every single person have a say if we have the means to ask them?

I'm not saying they shouldn't have 35% representation, by the way, just that it should be the same throughout the board.

Would scrapping districts entirely fix this? Just use counties, which are a pre-existing municipal entity to calculate house representation? Then use statewide elections for senators and electoral votes? Is anyone advocating for this?

I'm not even trying to screw anybody here. Counties are the entity. Their populations are reflect representative proportion. States are the entity. Their populations choose senators and assign national electors. Wouldn't that make more sense?

This is bullshit. Only Republicans should be allowed to gerrymander districts!

Yes, but, for now, saying that the lack of representation is unfair while ignoring that the same thing happens against the other side is hypocritical, that's what we're pointing out.

Full of illegals voting in these small urban cities. Trust me I live in Hudson County and saw little beaners voting.

the problem was removing the land requirement to vote. most city voters don't own land.

Ok. I looked a few things up. It appears that 54% of the national population lives in Clinton Counties. Trump won 60% of states. This would have produced an R Senate, a Trump presidency, and a blue house in my system. This is better for you than what happened in '16. Why would you oppose this?

here is a prime example of cities and how they vote.

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-11-09 at 11.36.06 AM.png (841x301, 65K)

Can you tell me what percentage of the population lives in those 3 counties for the purpose of this conversation?

>what is gerrymandering
For as much as Dems complain about it, they sure love doing it. Maryland and Illinois have the exact same issue. You take large cities and mix them up enough with completely differing peoples living in suburban and rural areas so that their vote may as well not exist. There’s no other reasonable explanation for why warren and Sussex county are in a district that forces itself all the way to Bergen with one long tentacle or why western Maryland has a hand reaching out to the DC area. Maryland’s map in particular is so fucked up that even without knowing where the cities are, you can see it’s a complete fucking mess

Proportional representation of the STATE
It is only the amount of legislators each state recieves that is decided by population

>Why would you oppose this?
Because if you believe in an idea you still believe in it even when it doesn't work in your favor? And when you believe an idea is shit you still believe that it's shit even when it does work in your favor?

Shelby County · Population
936,961 (2017)

Haywood County · Population
17,853 (2016)

Davidson County · Population
691,243 (2017)

So this is what you believe in?This is the best way?

This would have worked out about the same. 23% of population with 2/9 reps.

?? I'm saying that I want no gerrymandering, on either side, and that you're being hypocritical to criticizing it when democrats do it and not mentioning it when republicans do it


Attached: 20160156968d1092750.jpg (800x600, 149K)

Let's agree to be past that and scrap gerrymandered districts and use actual existing things like municipalities or counties. This doesn't have to be partisan and I'm not being hypocritical. I know they both do it. I'm saying we can get together on this one.

When does that ever happen?

>Jackson: Niggers, banks, and spics can suck my dick

The only good Democrat