
So who will we be voting with in the next presidential election and who is /ourguy/?

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Nice thread

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Are you people literally sitting on Jow Forums for the opportunity to post your shitty memes?


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Vadim Tudor.

He is dead.

No one, no one cares, Romania has become a corrupt Gypsy infested country run by oligarchs and ex commie party members and whose people don't have any sense of national counciousness (let alone ethnic). They only care about their immediate material gains and short term pleasures. Every 5th person here is either a Gypsy or some swarthy fuck LARPing as WE WUZ ROMANZ AND DACIANS

Also why the fuck did you give N Transylvania to the bozgors? How can you even call yourself a nationalist?

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Why not its not like we are doing anything to protect ourselves and children so at least they can do it for their own.

Is Jesus alive?


10/10 gyppo trap.

Tell me neighbour, is Orban actually a Gypo? Hell even our own PM looks whiter than him.

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>literally every comment itt so far

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Are you dense? Who is blaming the Hungarians in this thread? If anything they have started to pollute it with their shitposting

Too smart to be a gypo.
Also, his eyes are blue.

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>muh bozgors
kys man

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An eye for an eye, a thread for a thread, a shitpost for a shitpost.
This is what you get for shitting up Hungary threads.

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I personally never did that but whatever, Romanian shitposters are annoying and they only muddy the waters, I will give you that.

>OP gives the Finnic Khaganate a bunch of land in his map
>Steppeniggers still shit up the thread
based Hungary

Well I guess I will not bother to try talking about politics with my countrymen since they dont seem to be interested in anything but shitpost.It seems we deserve whatever we get.

What politics, fucker. There are NO NATIONALIST parties or resistance groups in Romania since we do not see ourself as a nation but rather as a bunch of unlucky individuals trapped on this piece of land, that's why everyone is either trying to migrate to the West or to get some government position. All people here are pro-EU cocksuckers and politicians don't care about anything as long as they can steal freelly from the public funds.

So why not start we an alternative? Arent we supposed to be redpilled?

you need tens of thousands of signatures, with at least 600 signatures in ten or so counties to even start forming a party and then the bureaucracy without some serious grease or pull will give you a yes or no answer in a couple of years at the earliest.
funny how he died right before he could rail on about immigration and foreign ottoman invaders being refugees.

Also, kys Op for surrendering Transylvania.

We should, but consider this:
>no funding
>no social mobility
>we can't be openly antiziganist since we would get banned (MUH HUMA REIGHTS!!0!0!
>No one is gonna vote for you if you run on an anti-EU platform
>even if you get elected you would be forced to make endless compromises with the oppsition, thus there would be not that much difference between our party and those that exists.

There's no political solution. We can't exterminate the Gypsies in order to have a civilized country in the current system, let alone that the US would crack down on our ass if we attempted to (same applies for any European country, (((they))) would use the US to destroy everything, as they did in WWII.

But I would like to talk about these issues with people irl, for the beginnig we should organise and agitate the masses against the Gypsies.

Was Vadim anti Gypsy? I was like 14 when he died so idk much about him.

Then romanians deserve to die, no wonder we have always been a worthless nation.

All nations as we know them will die via race-mixing if the current capitalist neoliberal order contines, and it will continue as long as (((they))) control the US, simple as that.

And again, I will love to meet nationalists irl, we could arrange some meetings/debates, you know?

Why bother you are right we most likely not achieve anything like everybody before us, well I will not be bothering Jow Forums will further Ro generals, thanks for being honest.

Nah we need to discuss things that aren't commonly discussed in the Romanian mainstrean, I think is a good thing even as a coping mechanism

Just so we can get angry and rant about it? What good does that bring?

He loved them and wanted them to be reunited with their home country of India.

Dude no, don't get all depressed now. Don't listen to the doomsayers. You don't even need a party as it is, you just need a movement - and that is something that anyone can start. You get a movement going and the party will pop up on its own. Granted, you have to be wary of party politics since that is a classic """democracy""" meme, but things are nowhere near as bleak as the other user says. I believe in the Romaniabros. You guys are like the only Balkan country that accomplished their national ideals in decades past, don't let it be for nothing.

Meant to reply to this

No I'm a moron I actually meant to reply to this

This country will not go anywhere if all the Gypsies and their swarthy halfbreeds aren't exterminated. They have an inbreed Indian descendens from the lower castes with an IQ of 70, you can't form any civilized country with that.

This fact can't be avoided if we would ever get serious about this.

*are (instead of "have an" inbred...)

Three words, fren. EU open borders.

We are a colony. A German/American economic colony.

The swarthys are just the visible problem.
the cuck pawn leadership that gets a phone call from outside to ensure the romanian teritory plays according to the plan is imho the real issue.

I think you already know the common romanian joke, once you get comfy, that the only thing hitler did wrong is not finishing all gypsies off.

Yeah, naturally, I don't think the loss of the Cold War is given the attention it deserves. Eastern Europeans lost everything, whatever we had, we lost. Now we're just left with the American-German imperial project, the EU, to use our markets and cheap workforce for their economic benefit. No way around that. Particularly since corruption is so prevalent, there's no shortage of pawns that are willing to serve that end and that applies to basically all of the Balkans. Strong leadership with a ruthlessly disciplined anti-corruption approach is what's needed. It has to be grassroots though, anything else would just get appropriated by establishment forces.

Romania is a country that is literally under American occupation. They occupied our country without firing a shot, but hey that's what we all wanted anyway, amirite?

If we're lucky the Americans will throw us a bone, if not it's over. Western Europeans always hated us and viewed us as subhuman and Russians would happily see us genocided. Only the US has the resources and the know how to fix this country, the only question is why should they? I can't come up with a single reasonreason why.

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Sure, don't get me wrong, the current elites are corrupt to the core and need to be liquidated, we need actual leaders, but too fucking many Romanians try to minimize or outright deny the Gypo problem, then say shit like "we should integrate them/"they are also humans"/"I don't have any problems with the ones that don't beg" etc, let alone the fact that a lot of swarthy fucks are accepteed as "Romanian" by the normies simply because they don't look like literal subhumans.

Only Fascism can save us now

LOL, US is Jewed to the core, what makes you think that they would "throw us a bone"? They'll happly destroy us (see Afghanistan/Libya/Syria etc.) if they had an interest to do so

I think a regime similar to Putin's, with strategic use of corruption and anti-corruption, could prove to be a decent solution for our times, desu.

Putin's a KGB puppet and a civic nationalist, desu. He might be good for Russia but it's not what we really need.

Well when you put it like that, yeah, we're fucked.

In the current situation Romania can not go fascist, or its own way.
We will have to pick what option is available to get under a nuclear shield. Until then we get our pick of Zionism, EU Bureaucracy, Communism or Dughinism.

If America or another major power goes fash then we can think of going that way and do so only if it makes strategic sense for them to aid us.

That or getting a somewhat savy leader who will try to buy american nukes and ballistic shields if/when america goes civil war or balkanisation.

Such a scenario would allow us to look for local friends and build some buffers and partners to keep ourselves secure an on the map.

But yeah, gypo ought to be deported back to their home country. That wont happen without a global ethno-nationalist political current.

Rhodesia and Serbia has show us what happens with small to medium countries if they try to make unsanctioned moves.

Rhodesia and Serbia are imho more accurate examples than turk countries, even if those are more recent.

There used to be a Republican Party in Romania, haven't heard anything from them.

If it is to happen, funding a new party and everything, it needs to start slow with local elections, then maybe in 4-5 years it would be ready to promote a leader.

How is this to be started, I have no idea though, but would be interested in joining

I'm just thinking about a regime similar to his. It's like a functional version of the standard post-commie regime. There's a strong leader acting as the centerpiece that pushes his agenda and you've got a bunch of corrupt bureaucrats that push that agenda, be it legally or extralegally, in exchange for money. A regime like that with the right leader would be able to fix most Balkan countries, given time and persistence.

That's what I'm thinking about as well. Either the US go fash or balkanise/get destroyed or everything is lost (not just for us but for all of Europe desu).

>But yeah, gypo ought to be deported back to their home country. That wont happen without a global ethno-nationalist political current.

India would never accept them, there's a reason why Gypsies' ancestors got kicked out in the first place, so in case of a Fascist Romania, there's really only one solution to this problem.

I'm all for a benevolent dictator, I think democracy is a complete scam but my point is that if it's not a Fascist/National Syndicalist one or something similar we would just gonna get a more friendly towards private property Ceaucescu.

before party we need a cultural shift.
memefaggot is right. First there needs to be a cultural movement.

Problem is a lot of people still vote for small pre election gibs, we have to major shitlib centers, and a good portion of our productive population is abroad, and a lot of our young female population got exported as sex slaves to the west.

Fuck we need a euroskeptic anything to get us ready to leave the EU before it can get a functioning EU army, because after that it is unlikely we can leave peacefully

The Israel solution might be another option. Everyone in East Europe fucking hates Gypsies.

Get them a plot of land and deport all of them there.

Preferably outside of Europe. I am certain that if all Easteuropean countries wanted that they could pool enough money to buy some Asian land somewhere for a gypo homeland.

Sure, but you forgot the fact that Gypsies are a nomadic people, and unlike the Jews they don't have the IQ to settle and run a country so why the effort? Besides Gypsies would never do that for us if they were the majority, so why bother doing anything for them other than exterminating/sterilizing them?

another one drives a duster ;)

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Oy vey what do we have here

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Because it would be fare more likely to be accepted.

Sterilization however would be great. That is the other solution that could be easily accepted.

Most people do not have a bloody warmind, and so are unlikely to support it.

And considering who owns communications and disseminates the best propaganda...

Nah, Romanians are asskissers, backstabers and cowards, that's great if you have a belevolent dictator because they won't rise up (except the backstaber thing) but it's almost impossible to get them to do anything against the current establishment. So if we had our way no one would lift a finger to help the Gypsies, even though they might disagree with our ways. The majority would silently accept.

Good, Alexandru Lăpușneanul

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That's the case in most countries. The problem is that the international jews won't accept them, and they have powerful strings they can pull against people they don't like.

I could ask the same thing, and there's probably far nore of youe here, then us.

All nations as we know them will die via race-mixing if the current capitalist neoliberal order continues, Magnus, and it will continue as long as (((they))) control the US, since if any country would ever regain her national and ethnic counciousness, (((they))) would use the US to crack down on her ass like they did in WWII.

So it's really up to the Americans to liberate their coutry if we really want to see a real change, otherwise we will just gonna see ourselves going from a deadend strategy to another deadend strategy, simple as that


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True, and remember you lost against us when you were in numerical superiority, now...
Its over

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Stop ruining this thread with your shitposting, Vee.

Typical lazy eastern euro attitude.
>We need to fix out country
>But we can't do that because of the USA (Surrender)
>It's not our own fault (Pushing the blame away)
>We need the americans to do things first (Putting the responsibility on someone else)
Disgusting. Americans won't fix things, the Jews are only getting a tighter grip. Your best hope for prosperity is EU federation, your best hope for prosperity that preserves Romanian identity is to get rid of that attitude.

Go away homosexual!
Pic related, me on the far right

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We can't do anything about the Gypsies as long as the EU and the US exists in the current formm, and I'm not asking for anyone to pick up our country's shit, I just want them to let us to actually deal with the Gypo question, but we can't do that because the West would inmediatly shout MUH HUMA RIGHTS!!!0!0!!! and destroy everything.

Also, the EU will just be benefical in the short term because of all the foreign investors and EU funds, in the long run this country is doomed since national industry is dead and we are suffering one of the greatest braindrains in our history.


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We are soo offended now :DDD

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The EU causes your braindrain, sure. But if not for it then there would be no brain to drain.
Besides, Italy and Hungary can give the EU the finger and you can as well if you just do it. Bureaucrats in Brussels know only talk not action. Aren't gypsies undocumented anyway? That would make it a lot easier, in any case.

You should
>>(Gypsies) first appeared in Hungary in the 14th and 15th
>>Gypsy groups were even granted privileges, first under King Sigismund(1387-1437) and King Matthias(1458-1490), right up to the beginning of the 18th century.
>>Maria Theresa enacted a decree prohibiting the use of the name "Gypsy" and requiring the terms "new peasant" and "new Hungarian" to be used instead.
>>She placed restrictions on Gypsy marriages,ordered gypsy children to be taken away from Gypsies, so that they could be raised in hungarian "burgeouis" or "peasant" families.
>> Joseph II prohibited use of the Gypsy language in 1783.
>Gypsy population end up assimilating in Hungarian society, in 19th century
>new wave of Gypsy immigration in the second half of the 19th century

Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Budapest, 2004

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>The EU causes your braindrain, sure. But if not for it then there would be no brain to drain

That makes no sense

>Besides, Italy and Hungary can give the EU the finger and you can as well if you just do it. Bureaucrats in Brussels know only talk not action.

Pffff, and what "action" did Hungary and Italy take? Migrants don't want to go remain in Hungary because no gibs and despite Hungarian's denial they have a Gypo problem similar to ours (pic), and they can't do anything about it. What did Italy did. All the Africans and Romanian Gypsies are still there and won't be kicked out any time soon.

>Aren't gypsies undocumented anyway?

Some of them, but most have IDs. the true way to identify a Gypo is his DNA.

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The guys on the far right of that pic (behind the old dyed lady) look like Gypsies.

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>That makes no sense
It's partially a shitpost, because I don't believe it myself, but eurocrats will claim that the only reason you third worlders can get work in the west is because you're schooled here.

>What did Hungary and Italy do
Hungary made them scream "muh human rights" but in the end nothing worth nothing is gonna happen about it. Even if they take away their vote then it's meaningless because that vote didn't have much weight anyway.
Italians have announced that they are planning to fuck with the EU's economy and the EU are hesitant to do anything about it. And you'd better fucking believe that Euros mean more to Brussels than Gypsies. If they don't react to that they won't react to you removing undesirables. They didn't even kick out Greece for Christ's sake!

>Most have ID's
Citizenship? Or is there some Gypsy ID? It could be problematic if they have citizenship.

As of now, we Hungarians are busy giving the finger to ourselves. Yet. Motherfucking. Again.

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*descendants of the roman colonizers or based dobrogean turks/bulgars
Fixed it for you :)

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Play some football, will ya?

Again the migrants would not have remained in Hungary anyway because of no gibs, and Italy is just testing the waters to see what they can get ffrom the EU, I'm still waiting for the huexist and the itexist, if they really want to get real about fucking with the EU. Also my point about Hungary's Gypo problem still stands.

>Citizenship? Or is there some Gypsy ID? It could be problematic if they have citizenship.

Dude, Gypsies have been here since when the Ottans brought them in the 14th century, they enjoy all the rights the Vlach/ethnic Romanian enjoys + affirmative action programs. The state won't do shit about them. As far as the Romanian government is concerned, they are as Romanian as everyone else. They have Romanian citizenship, they were born in Romania (same goes for Hungary, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Serbia, Albania you name it.)

Your first link is "broken".
The second has no sources.
Strangely the wiki page can't give a confirmed source about what you are trying to shill.
In fact she ordered gypsies to "stop eating carcasses of dead animals", "take their horses from them and sell them off, the gypsy only gets 2/3rd of the sale price", "take their children from them and give them to the peasants" and the most damning of all: "they should be prohibited of the use of their language under severe punishment so their history dies along with it".

Get fucked gyppo.


Our football is utter shit, widely considered irredeemable. I wouldn't touch it with a twenty-feet pole.

No, but surely there's a newly made football field somewhere near you.

Liviu Dragnea, because romanians deserves him, he tehnically portrait the average romanian mentalitty. There is no reason to complain

I thought their nomadic nature might have hindered them in getting registered.
>I'm still waiting for other countries to leave the EU
Again with the "waiting for others to do something". Weak. At least here in Denmark people are rich and under the illusion that things are good, you don't have that excuse for not acting.

There is one, but it was deemed unsafe shortly after it was opened, and it is closed ever since.

Gyps are not Jews, they don't have any power. So, they aren't the real problem. I would like nothing else than exporting them to India, but who will not allow this to happen? That's right, American Jews, because it's (((racist))).

We need the current Politically Correct bullshit to be ridiculed by normies. Whenever some greenhair SJW starts spouting that nonsense, the normies should laugh at them. This is how an idea dies, when people think it's ridiculous. Cultural Marxism should be the laughingstock.

You were the one saying that Hungary and Italy are "doing something". I pointed out that this is just a facade and thus supporting my initial point that if the US isn't liberated there would be no actual change I actually want to do something, but pretty much everything that I would advocate for would get shutted down.

I was saying that they pissed off the EU and got little to no repercussions for doing so, and I stand by that. Who cares about being able to vote in the EU when Germany-France gets what they want one way or the other anyway?

Bring up your green shirt

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The firs link was "updated" by your government


You far right Nazi, pic related

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>take their children from them and give them to the peasants" and the most damning of all: "they should be prohibited of the use of their language under severe punishment so their history dies along with it

Haha you're the gypsy larping as some mongols kek

Thanks for that source, I'll make sure to use it
Translate the pic related signs for me bozgore, plz kek

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Oh shit I was called a Nazi for stating historical facts!
Double reply, are you butthurt for being corrected? I'm sorry that we always knew how your kind was absolutely worthless even by medieval standards.

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Finding pics of parading gypsies doesn't really serve your point that well, since none of them has a job either way. Of course you'll see them screeching in the open.

Kek this:

Also you call Gypsies "olahs"?

How dare you!? Bozgor prost! How dare you!?
You'll pay for this, again,

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>Also you call Gypsies "olahs"?
Oláh is the Hungarian version of Vlach which in old Slavonic was used to describe any language related to Latin.
You look pathetic, please continue.

Oláh is just one kind of gypsy. Specifically the ones that arrived from the direction of Wallachia.

You didn't contradicted me in the first replay at all, you didn't destroyed what I posted, you actually sourced some of my claims

I called you a "Nazi" ironically, let me explain: you are a gypsy, but you larp as white, and not only, a white supremacist

Its true that non whites don't understand irony
Guess what fag, our Gypsies are the same, a great number of them don't have IDs, they're like animals