What is your opinion of gay people in politics?

We got’em by them ‘plenty everywhere in office.

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I’m a bong interested in American culture and I get the impression that pretty much no one likes you, especially amongst young people. I’m aware that zoomers and millennials have lived in the most diverse generation yet, so how has that enrichment been affecting you?What’s that like spending your childhood and early adulthood amongst them? For real though, what’s it like irl. Is all this just internet memes and everythings fine irl or does everyone your age hate you for real? Are they asking you to atone for the sins of your ancestors? How is your sexual prospects and market value also for white men in GenZ, are you still top like the stats suggest or getting cucked massively like shills on here say. Knowing America is the most diverse and has the most toxic brand of PC in the world what’s it like. Yes I asked this question earlier but I reached the thread limit and it seemed very popular so I would be interested in hearing more :) . No bully mods. I base my view of America on Tumblr,Twitter and Jow Forums.

Riveting dear chap.

depends on their temperament towards jews

read about Elagabalus


no need to theorize

Attached: elagabalus.jpg (301x167, 10K)

When I grow up I want to be like him.

What about immigration?

do you want to be remembered as a sissy trap who gets leadership of a nation but instead of spending time leading, marries and divorces 5 women, is fucked by different slaves of his and is known to offer himself to various men as a trap prostitute.
Is this the dream?


>I get the impression that pretty much no one likes you,
but everyone loves your pedophile knighting minority killing queen?

Just lynch them.

That is just the beginning, that was just a test round.

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Feisty little Slav. Ruf mich bitte an Schatzi.

user, i'm no homo but you are making me hard thinking of the things i could get away with doing to you.

Nigga I don't care what gender you fuck in bed.
Your competence is what matters.
Next thread please.

Oh I can steal better.

Fuck identity politics.

My opinion is no dykes or trannies. Twinks, shemales, and traps are fine as long as the have a soft, supple, feminine penis, and they take care of their boipucci.

The connoisseur shows it.

I've uncorked a few bottles in my day.

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I don't care as long as its not their whole identity. Meaning that they take offence at everything because its not friendly to the fact that they fuck the same sex.

user not everyone who Lanaposts is the same person. There’s at least 3 of us now. This is my post, not OPs