Can we make Peppa Pig racist?

I just realized that all the families in the cartoon Peppa Pig are made of a male and a female of the same specie, can we meme this cartoon into being consider racist by SJW by comparing it to anti-racemixing propaganda?

Attached: No racemix.jpg (3994x1994, 391K)

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I do like this user.

>bugman: of course they can’t mix species.

>user: but they are all ‘animals’.

An argie youtuber did a racist parody of the show. It's very funny but only argies understand it.

Make a knockoff. Nanna Nog with Pog the Dog sounds nice

goddamn that's stupid.

Found this on the Peppa Pig wiki

Attached: 4.png (392x561, 120K)

>brown and never appears

Must be the dad

Found the hispanic, Peppa confirmed coal burner

Attached: 5.png (397x305, 93K)

>Can we make Peppa Pig racist?
Already is.

We should accuse it of being anti Semitic because the character are all pigs (which Jews can't eat).

just use it the way pepe was used, it will work like a charm

Not enough "boludos"

Bro you been hitting that peppa pig weed.

Attached: Peppa-Pig-398413.jpg (620x413, 32K)

Hey I don't go to their countries & try to ban them from fucking goats.

oh those british muslims, always testing their power to control. someone should make a tv show about that.

eating bacon near a mosque is a death sentence here

You want to hear something weird? Sometimes mister Bull comes to pick up a kid from the kindergarten, but it is never revealed which one. To make things weirder, there is a miss Cow, but she doesn't live with Bull and there isn't a cow child. Who is mister Bull picking up? My guess? The lamb! Miss Lamb is a single mom who is getting blacked by mister Bull.

>that episode when the monkey family moves in next door and drops housing prices

is it really? sounds like an actual law for Bongland

they killed a guy in jail who was sent there for having an offensive bacon sandwich