Even some top republicans are saying Whitaker should recuse himself. This does not bode well for the President, I’m afraid to say.
Uh... guys
Glow harder mcmuffin
He should get back on the dollar menu where he belongs
I love when these ZOGbots start talkign about the constitution and the "rule of law". If their were any rule of law, or justice, these kikes would dragged into the street and hung.
That's not a top republican. That's a cia nigger parasite who needs to take a dirt nap
so is the entire democrat platform but no one is protesting what the party aims to achieve
it's over for us.
Can't the CIA find somebody who hasn't already been humiliated?
Respect the rule of law.
Except when it comes to the first and second amendment and illegal immigration.
>top repub
>Neocons and corporate sell outs are agaisnt somthing trump said or did
Holy fuck really?! Jesus, how shocking!
why do the libs want a guy who has investigated for 2 years and had 0 results to keep his job?
If I'm ever guilty of a crime I'm demanding Mueller investigates me so I can chill for 2 years+ and then walk away scot free.
Kek. These kikes are readers
This and checked
Almost time to restore order, user
Nobody gives a fuck what this kike has to say.
he's the most blatant lefty glownigger in existence
>They now suddenly pretend to care about the constitution and rule of law
>Meme flag
McMullin is a "former" CIA officer.
His job is to make it so shills like you can go
"Muh REPUBLICAN said it!"
2pbp, discount RINO goes back to the value menu
Loyalist? He's a member of his cabinet. What did you expect, him to appoint an enemy?
>how dare a president appoint someone to his cabinet that is loyal to him!
Do these fucking faggots even think before they flap there guns?
Also, a CIA agent who uses the Constitution when it suits his needs. Supports the moderate head choppers, interventions, mass surveillance paid for by the blood of our brothers.
>Hey faggot, your boyfriend is still dead.(McMillian was also on this trip)
You mean two Mormon faggots?
*gums *McMullin
Damn you auto correct.
OP means Top CIA officials.
There will be no recusal.
Since when? The attorney general has always been the president's pick. Sessions recused himself because he was a witness and a potential target of the investigation. This is not true regarding Whittaker. The president is our unitary executive. It is his job to make sure that our laws are enforced, and he can pick whoever he wants, just like every other president. This Mueller charade is nothing more than a very poorly disguised, low IQ attempt to wrest control of the DOJ away from the president. The attempt is very obviously sedition, and could even be moving up to treason. If our government had been functioning properly, Onigger, Hillary, Brennan, Jarret and most of the other conspirators would have long ago been executed. America has fallen. Dems are now just crushing all dissidents.
>discount RINO goes back to the value menu
somebody commission an intergalactic generation ship to go search for MY FUCKING SIDES
>Top Republican
>posts Mcmuffin
How fucking new are you?
>top Republican
Mods can we please get a word filter for uh... guys..
Top positions like AG generally require Senate confirmation. This is just a clever end run since somebody needs to run the show until a new nomination can be offered, heard, and confirmed.
What is his argument for this, even?
YEs, they do, and the President picks the person who they vote on. You know, like that Kavanaugh thing.
Mormon War now.
The new Dem laws, in which everything which is not in line with their insane views is unconstitutional. Remember, the Dems are liars, and have low IQs. You can not reason with them. They must be purged.
Sure, sure. I think the way you wrote what you did made it easy to take it as meaning the eventual AG is at the sole discression of the president, rather than that the nominations are.
die cia nigger trash
4 people showed up in my area. 4
Wonder how many niggerdick jpgs he has on his PC. I say...30k niggerdicks.
Yeah, there isn't any solid evidence for that. It MAY be, but it is not a sure thing.
Not that they give a fuck.
YEs, as long as the Senate approves the pick, he is legally the AG. The Senate does have the power to scren out those who are unfit. As long as the President makes his pick, and the Senate confirms, there is absolutley no basis for leftist morons to claim the appointment was unconstitutional.
> Bill Kristol picks a TRUE CONSERVATIVE to take Utah
> the faggots sounds exactly like Hillary
almonds activated
>Billl Kristol
one of these things is not like the other
>Egg McMuffin
>Top Republican
Pick one, memeflag.
Yeah. Shill posts about McMuffin always frame themselves that way, ‘top republican’ and all. Luckily most of the GOP nevertrumper RINOs with any power were dethroned/retired after midterms.