Westerners of Jow Forums

If you had a choice between turning into brazil through rapid ethnic replacement by shitskins, or being conquered by eastern europeans, getting your women enslaved and having the entire male population turned into sissy femboys through HRT which one would you pick? Be honest.

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Is Switzerland non-white?

yes, they are mutts just like you

Too many immigrants

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>Finno-Ugric/Mongoloid trio white
You are a special type of stupid aren't ya

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Can I get asylum in Slovenia?

Denmark is still 95% ethnically Dane, and the last 5% are a mix of European immigrants, mutts(people from greenland), chinks and muslimes, or as we like to call them, New-Swedes

>still white belt

more like butthurt belt

Attached: butt-hurt-belt-s-of-europe-exactly-_-radoje-1588311.png (500x454, 102K)

Shit countries with no capitalist potential for migrants that have moved out of their 3rd world status thanks to technology, neoliberal and neoconservative capitalist.

t.anprim gang t.nazbol gang

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Well, seeing as I am already of Some Eastern European Slavic heritage, I would take the Pan Slavic Eastern European conquest please. Slavs who move here love me and appreciate my frank and politically incorrect ways.

I mean children in this country are already being subjected to hormone replacement because the faggots in the liberal party want to one day turn this countries academic academies into tranny factories.

Brazil is a shithole tier country with horrible gun laws that make even my countries horrible gun laws seem awesome in comparison.

>The Danish government does not collect data on citizens' religion so the exact number of Muslims in Denmark is not known with certainty.[26] The Danish researcher Brian Jacobsen, who makes regular estimations based on the national origin of immigrants and their descendants, estimates that by October 2017 Muslims made up 306.000 persons or 5.3% of the Danish population.

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Funny that, the report last year said 2,8%
I'll see if I can't find it


Absolutely cope

Brazil in a heartbeat.

I visited Copenhagen and Odense and it looks pretty bad, demographics wise. If you account niggers and pajeets, then I'd be surprised if danes made 90%.

Copenhagen might as well be a part of Sweden.
The amount of cancerous faggots who live there and think the entire country is Copenhagen is astonishing. All they care about is whatever the fuck "Politiken" and The Daily Mail tells them to care about.
Still working on finding the lates report btw

Can confirm. Oslo is even worse.

Lechfeld was a mistake.

This is the latest I could find, no real meantion of immigrants though

>gets butthurt over a song
tibla tibla tibla, olen tiba tibla

Don't worry. Our glorious leaders are already working on bringing in pajeets and pakis. Dis gna be good

Fortunately I don't have to choose because Eastern Europe can't conquer shit for the life of them. So the former I guess.

You've suffered both, Hans. I've suffered one only. I would like to try the other

cu cucks clan

There are no people there.

how can niggers and pajeets survive there?
I thought Oslo was one of the most expensive places on the planet
and afaik you need a fair amount of documentation + learn the language to get a job there, are you guys getting swedefied?

Gibsmedats most likely.

Kaliningrad is white.

Well obviously niggers get all their needs paid for by the state, including the expenses for a state-issued white qt3.14159265.

If I thought Copenhagen represented Denmark as a whole, then I would said you were no higher than 70% danish.
So what does it say? Kinda hard to follow without knowing the language.

>tfw fighting horse archers with no ranged units

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Why? Every faction has ranged units. Just pepper them down with regular archers.

Adolf Hitler btfo

Found the real one, it seems to be around 8,292%, and that's if you assume all nonwestern immigrants and descendence are muslimes

>I would said you were no higher than 70% danish
I wasn't talking about you, I was talking about the "liberals"

We will end up like Mexico, rather that happen, not enough blacks for a Brazil situation

Also, under "Sammenfatning" at the top of page 11
There is a useful synopsis which you should be able to google translate if you want to read some pretty interesting stats about the immigration to Denmark

>croats and not us
Salty croat detected

>Immigrants and descendants account for 13 per cent
So 8.3% muslimes, and other muds, and 4.7% other europeans, meaning Denmark is 87% danish.

Yes, basically I was wrong

>croatia white
>austria, slovenia and bosnia not white

Could be worse. 7 years behind UK.

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That's anything but reassuring. We need to "save" the immigrants like we did the Jews and send them to Sweden to get rid of them.