You thought it was over?
It's only begun.
You thought it was over?
It's only begun.
Yea, a nigger breaking into my house in the middle of the night and stealing my food is more true to life anyway.
Santa Claus isn't real, guys! lmao you Jow Forumstards will believe anything.
Skinny smooth faced Japanese Santa for the win
What about his little helper?
This is the sort of shit that proves that "multiculturalism" doesn't work, it's a zero sum game even for ridiculous stuff like the color of Santa Clause's skin.
Maybe niggers should stop appropriating white culture.
They do know that Santa Claus is an reanactment of a saint in Asia minor?
A man who was greek?
>Let’s shit on white culture
So now that you want Saint Nicholas we Greeks are white on pol huh? Enjoy the future in which you get PENGUIN'D
Kill all niggers
>North Pole
im fucking triggered.
God damn I love being white
I think at this point most white fictional characters will be approached in the same manner by the politically correct. Maybe they'd rationalize that it's racist because it's a white man handing out presents instead of a poc?
>we Greeks are white on pol
Jow Forums is not one person, only nordcucks say that, Iberians and Greeks are brothers.
St Nick is based on a real person who lived 1000 years ago in poland, his son was boleslav the brave
Santa Was BLACK
Deal with it Racists
From what I see on pol they don't recognize iberians as whites because they rationalize they have mixed african blood therefore not white, plus they won't take you seriously cause' you're a hue so don't even try it.
Will there be a culture war between Spic Santa and Nigger Santa in a few years? THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE
>(((Aisha Harris)))
Santa Claus, also known as Saint Nicholas, Kris Kringle, Father Christmas, or simply Santa, is a legendary figure originating in Western Christian culture who is said to bring gifts to the homes of well-behaved ("good" or "nice") children on Christmas Eve (24 December) and the early morning hours of Christmas Day (25 December).[1] The modern Santa Claus grew out of traditions surrounding the historical Saint Nicholas (a fourth-century Greek bishop and gift-giver of Myra), the British figure of Father Christmas and the Dutch figure of Sinterklaas (himself also based on Saint Nicholas). Some maintain Santa Claus also absorbed elements of the Germanic god Wodan, who was associated with the pagan midwinter event of Yule and led the Wild Hunt, a ghostly procession through the sky.
sorry niggers, keep to your kwanzaa
Fucking liberal demofagz ruin everything I love. Fuck off. Santa will always be a fat jolly white man.
>north pole
just stop
Say "Happy Holidays" Goyim!
he has black helpers, damn nothing is ever good enough for those people
>Santa Claus has come in many different shapes, forms, and skin colors throughout the history of film and media
>I know, he just can't be white anymore, bigot
makes me think of this for some reason
is haji firooz still ok?
>Draw santa
>I swear this was the shaman guys
>We wuz Christmas!
Santa was inspired by Saint Nicholas, and his modern look was adapted in the 20th century.
Saint nicholas was turkish you geographically handicapped burgerclap
Jow Forums is not an unified mind. Plus there is an argument to be made that Greeks are distinct enough to be considered their own separate group.
>HOHOHO, merry Christmas and install Linux!
b-but I thought we were winning! did Jow Forums lied to me?
This is cultural appropriation.
The Turks were in their central asian steppes at that time, and the whole area was greek. You have no business shittalking the burger, bong. You are just as retarded.
Aayyy, the rest of the world is importing our cultural bs for once
Saint Nicholas in real life was a white man though......
>north pole
I know he's history's most prolific in breaking and entering, but if he was black then he wouldn't be leaving presents; he'd be leaving with your TV.
>1 post by this id
>2013 article
>getting triggered on Jow Forums in 2018
Guys.. .really?
Why dont you just marry him if you want to fuck him so much?
Dashing through the snow
in a stolen Chevrolet...
Santa Claus is european folklore, Non-Europeans are free to borrow him all they want but to turn around and say he can't be european anymore is just dumb. Have fun with your penguin Santa who inexplicably lives at the north pole
...with a coal burning ho
slapping her all the way.
huurrrr duuuurrr white bad
But yeah guys it's LITERALLY JOURNO BAIT.
It's designed to piss people off and generate clicks via hysteria.
>Not a polar bear
Their hatred of whites knows no bounds
There's a difference between Turkey and Turkic you loicense needing old chap. Have you ever heard of a fucking turk named Nicholas? He was a Greek who lived in Anatolia a Millenia before any Turkic presence in the area. That's besides the point that modern Turks are a genetic and cultural amalgamation of Armenians, Greeks, Arabs, and the steppic tribes which conquered them.
Can we have a white Baron Samedi? He has always been black so dats raycist
Uncle Ted predicted this
>the article is five years old
You deserve to be b& for this thread.
Yeah, because nobody white ever came from the north. Fuck you, Santa is white.
Well, st niklaus was white. What comes next? Mlk, jr should be white! Come on guis, do we want to defile his message of inclusion and racial harmony with the racial bigotry of black only representations?
Heathens need to stop appropriating christian culture.
When do we get to shout about them appropriating German pagan culture.