Those glasses, that haircut, why do these failed women always look, and act the same? They don’t think about their actions using their brains, but instead with their feelings, they genuinely have no idea how to run, or keep a nation strong, and functioning, and the worst part is we allow this blatant treasonous behaviour to continue. These truly are the end times, I pray for the ravings of madness to be silenced by the choir of bullets.
She wants the people who claim to be Irish around the world to be able to vote in our elections. 40-50 million voters in foreign lands being given half truths about the situation on the ground here. Now that bitch will work at the U.N. or the EU no doubt in my mind. Dublin bay South is where these people have their fancy apartments with their lovely balcony and jacuzzi. Same spot that the mad bitch from love/hat pushed Terence big balls nephew from a balcony, same spot as bonos new building. Walk through the odd time, it's a nice place down there, has Facebook headquarters and Google too. Few other spots in the same constituency are not as "progressive". Be interesting to see how this goes in the next election with her
I couldn’t think of a worse fate for Ireland, hopefully the collapse of the western world might wake Ireland up before it’s to late, but knowing how most of the population are little more than sheep, I am not terribly optimistic.
Kayden Baker
Dublin is truly our own version of California. Most people in the country think this shit is retarded but Dublin celebrates this insanity.
Dylan Mitchell
The North should be allowed vote though. If they were voting then gay marriage and abortion might well have been defeated.
Jayden Rodriguez
They'll always be tarnished by the FG connection tho
Jose James
don't worry mate my corner of the country is fine a literal paradise but we have always been vigilant around here
Jack Foster
dublin is a cesspit we should build a big wall around it and leave them to their ways
Ethan Diaz
well i don't give a fuck, some party will do we could get the np registered, some one tweet the boss
Benjamin Parker
I say we just burn it to the ground. Dublin has been a problem for the Irish throughout history.
Lucas Watson
>Dublin has been a problem for the Irish throughout history.
Asher Howard
Digits confirm Dublin must be purged.
Landon Reyes
it's actually a pretty effective containment zone can you imagine if they were spread out around the country god help us
Carson Brooks
Renua are just a reactionary party, they may fix the problems if they come to power, but they will soon develop again someday, if you want a lasting glory, and Ireland, and the Irish to become something truly strong then what you need is national socialism, it will mold the people from materialistic, individual units into a proud force that thinks with their minds, yet moves as one, only then can the Irish truly transcend from merely animals into men.
Jacob Scott
The only way to save Ireland is to reunite and use the North as a counterbalance to Dublin's bullshit.
Christian Clark
No, kick down their doors, and feed them lead, then take back the city, before moving the capital to the true Irish city of cork.
Henry Hall
What goes on in Ireland nowadays? You guys elected that commie or a nationalist?
Dylan Cox
Not all of Dublin. In fact the vast majority of dub's either don't know what's going on, think it's not as bad as it is, are afraid to speak out or oppose it openly and to the faces of politicians in the street. But it should be said that the ones who target people in the street with verbal abuse usually have little to no clue what's going on. Did see pics of kalergi with a star of remphan from Rathmines recently but it should also be noted that the area has many of those who say they are Jews but are not so might be one of them just so they can call into Joe Duffy as was documented on orlared's YouTube not to long ago.
Most people on the north side are completely demoralised to the point where they fall into addiction. I have friends whom were athletes and are now addicted to all sorts, probably end up on heroine or going an hero. Most people know something's wrong and when you drop major red pills they are very receptive and usually looking like a light bulb just went off. If there was proper media they would be average Irish but the demoralisation hits the most heavily populated areas first like a plague, but it always spreads.
Ireland didn’t get a choice on who it elected, strange that Brazil actually is more democratic than Ireland.
Samuel Ramirez
i don't believe in politics at all mate but it's interesting in the mean time ye seem to be keep your place up their orderly, we don't hear the horror stories like from engl and
Easton Johnson
unionists and republicans should unite to save the island, then sort our differences once the country is 1488'd
Anthony Butler
alright mcgyver
Cameron Sanchez
Elijah Walker
foreign spy in the bread
Benjamin Clark
tldr that mate
Michael Bennett
Ye lads see this? Thankfully normies aren't buying it but (((they))) won't let us vote on these things. >OPINION: 'I had to start transitioning… living with people who weren't going to agree with me or who didn't want to share a bathroom with me'.
Tyler Lee
TLDR >Political apathy is more responsibile for Dublin's problems than we believe.
While I agree political apathy is the biggest problem for the country, Dublin has always been cucked.
Out of interest, where? I'm near a major town and it's all going to shit.
Luke Wood
ye same lol from my trips around the place nowhere of any decent size has been spared.
Even the back arse towns like fuckin Roosky are being targeted now..
Ian Peterson
>Jamie O’Herlihy, ambassador for the campaign, talks about her experiences dealing with her mental health when she was first coming out.
>She (he) says that she (he) had to come out three times: first as bisexual, then gay, and then finally as trans, which she said was hard on her mental health as each experience was isolating and lonely, even in spite of support from friends and family. This shit is insane. How could anyone read that and think the fella is not a delusional degenerate? (((They))) aren't sending (((their))) best.
Nolan Edwards
The average man has never had an interest in politics, but national socialism is not merely an ideology it is a worldview, it encompasses every part of life, politics is just one part of many, it does not seek to place a new doctrine on mankind, it seeks to create man anew, strong in mind, and body, incorruptible, and dedicated to the tradition, and glory of his people, with an outlook based on strength, and logic a fire will be lit in the heart of every man who was once dormant he will now be motivated, and proud.
Jordan Morgan
if they had not let in africans or muslims they would have been fine but for fuck sake look at what the asians did in england look at the murder rate in london god have mercy on them
Brandon Johnson
west cork, looking out on the atlantic
Jaxon Walker
ah of course the countryside will be more often than not untouched...but any town down in west cork will still be bad for the aul "modernisation' of Ireland.
Dominic Torres
I thought Cork was a shit hole. Maybe it's like Limerick. Limerick city is horrible, the rural part is beautiful.
Parker Green
they tried this in a village where a mate lives the word got out friday evening, the hotel owner was told the hotel would accidentaly burn to the ground that night, government backed off and went elsewhere,
Jack Cooper
Should have said nothing, then burned the place down.
Jaxon Torres
don't worry we dont even trust people from the next village or parish never mind some refugess from god knows where keep them up in dublin
My da said he wouldn't mind if I married a nigger and had little nigglets. Idk lads, I am disgusted. I think he doesn't even know what they are generally like because he only met one nig who was a second gen who didn't grow up around other nigs and he is apparently sound.
Atleast he doesn't like faggots. He said if I turnt out gay he'd tie me up and dump me in the erne to drown
Nathan Walker
Lmao that's funny.
Elijah Hernandez
hotel owner was a good neighbour of my mate but the government were offering him big money to take in 80 refugees
Bentley Reed
We really need to bring back paramilitary units because the country is occupied. What are the Ra doing? We are in the middle of another plantation and there are people in Dublin openly stating they want mass immigration.
Carson Wilson
this makes me sad :(
Jace Reyes
"Ireland is and always has been a globalized country"
See this? this is them hearing the "Nation of immigrants" argument the left uses in America and then using it themselves for Ireland,
Tyler Myers
Get angry. This will only continue if we remain silent. A very small minority of the population are attempting to take control.
Wyatt Jenkins
I'd love to know how many actual Irish nationalists we have on here, not the drug taking race mixing kind but the actual real kind
Michael Jones
Doesn't work here. We are a completely different country. Only a complete retard would take it seriously. Which is why that cunt is running in South Dublin.
Cooper Ward
The Ra are a bunch of lefty faggots
Andrew Ward
"I'll have you know there are records of a handful of africans in ireland from the 1600s and thats proof irelands always been multicultural and you should accept roaming gangs from balbriggan..."
thats literally their thinking...
Easton Bell
So this is the only thing these fuckers and the government understand. They just walk over the public until they get a stern FUCK OFF. Like a bully who pushes everyone who he perceives as weak about on the playground
Christian Reyes
Yeah sadly this country is full of complete retards, these art college types with their nose rings, dyed hair and boots and denim jackets would love nothing more than to import millions of these fuckers.
Aside from Sweden and Germany no other nation in Europe is as black pilling as Ireland for me rn. every ones is a lefty faggot it seems. Even the types who support the RA have no problem with these invaders, like wtf is going on there?
Most of the country aren't like that. It's only a small minority that is unchallenged because of political apathy.
Brayden Reed
A man would always put his people above any amount of money, a traitor would not.
Carter Rodriguez
Wise words.
Cameron Cox
>small minority that is unchallenged
And this is fuckin key lad. They go unchallenged.
My own experience in trinity college....the open communists in pbp and the su tend to hold protests etc and "represent" the student body yet fuck all people actually agree with them. But they go unchallenged so people then take that as the opinion of the majority of the student body.
The SU were the other week handing out flyers telling people to stop deportations like that swedish girl on planes....
Michael Roberts
If someone spends any significant amount of time on here they eventually become truly nationalist if they weren’t before, I know fags from reddit have flooded this place recently, but give it a few months, and eventually they will be assimilated into the boards culture.
Lucas Young
I love how leftists constantly try and argue "whats good for the economy" etc when they're dealing with Nationalists, it's like, you call me a racist but still think my pro-white argument will evaporate if you tell me that importing niggers will make us richer?
>small minority I hope you are right mo chara. Where I am it's all around me, it's easy for me to believe it's more widespread than that. I think lowering your guard and presuming the best is not wise. We must act like this is our final chance before things become irreparably damaged.
Leo Sanchez
They care about personal gain, free shit, and material wealth, a nationalist cares about the nation, and the people, and he would happily sacrifice everything even his life in order to see them succeed, every time someone says nationalists vote against their self interests they would be right, because a nationalist is not an animal he does not feel happy, and content for simply fulfilling his physical needs, he needs something more, he needs purpose.
Liam Jones
The left tends to be more active in general, most people don't agree with them and normal people don't have time to spend on bs protests. That's one of the reasons they go unchallenged. Also the politically correct bs.
I think far worse than what SUs do is what the university supports. Like organizing feminist events and things like that.
Adrian Gonzalez
btw I don't think the country has an inmigration problem outside of Dublin yet. But if things continue like this you know the result. Look at germany or france.
Andrew Diaz
Why you thought Cork was a shithole user. It may very well be the best city in the country.
Carson Carter
That might be the biggest difference between the left, and the right. The right is to busy working or taking care of their families were as the left are a bunch on unemployed scumbags on benefits with plenty of free time, this might be why right wing movements seem to become far more active during economic recession, and collapse, this might be why so many were able to rise during the Great Depression, but now that life is pretty stable everyone is to busy working to give a shit about the running of a nation. What we need is an economic recession, and considering how retarded the Irish government is, it seems likely.
Hudson Parker
Robert Edwards
Pretty much yeah. Although I don't hold a positive opinion either on the far right or whatever you wanna call it, so prevalent here on /pol. It's the same dog with a different collar actually.
Cameron Sanchez
I am in the northern 6 counties now, check my flag :-(
Sebastian Robinson
Does Spain have an immigration problem apart from the obvious influx of British expats?
Ian Scott
Welcome to the club.
Jordan James
I’m well aware, I simply use the term right wing for convenience rather than naming individual political movements, it’s just as controlled as the left often by the same group, national socialism transcends the left, and right, and instead takes the best, and most logical policies of every ideology, and combines them into a strong yet flexible system that can change quickly if needs be, but will never abandon its core tenant of protecting, preserving, and advancing the people.
Bentley Turner
Abortion legal gay marriage legal, it's time for weed to be legal. It's my turn god damnit!
Oliver Long
The government will just sell it at inflated prices, trust me lad buying from the local hoodie is far cheaper, it’s like choosing between the supermarket or the local shop, always buy local.
Luke Green
I thought Cork had fallen to multiculturalism. I've only been there a few times before, and not recently. Poorfag, so I'm chained to my county really.
Benjamin Nguyen
Hahaha I wish I could met more brits or other europeans, unfortunately I live in the northwest and only portugueses appreciate this part of the country.
And yeah, some areas have immigration problems. Catalonia for example is bad, my brother lives there and I know the whole state pretty well. The south is bad as well. And since the country joined the EU a lot of eastern europeans came here: gypsies stealing stuff, criminal organizations or just random ukranian, romanian or other workers destroying industries like transport.
Parker Evans
Well, it has its fair share of multiculturalism but nothing bad imho most of them are students. There are quite a lot of indiands and polish working, but they are not problematic. Muslim not too many but again, if this trends continues...