Jow Forums

Something is happening

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Watching the live feed of the Broward election office and I saw this guy bringing in more ballots.

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So...anyone else notice Martha McSally’s vote count LITERALLY drop yesterday?

Is anyone seeing this?

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I see it user

Nothing to see here


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repeal civil rights
I can't hear you

Oh my god. Brazen. This is basically a declaration of war, right?

live feed sauce?


This is the most important thing going on right now!

ELI5 pls

Its like Buffy the Vampire Slayer but instead of Sunny Dale is Broward County.



hopefully some floridaman makes a firm statement by razing that place

he's just delivering office supplies

ruminate on my wonderment


Where is Floridaman when you need him

nothing happening

>Something is happening
how many elections were stole before the rise of social media and camera phones.

any evidence of that besides a text post with no pictures?

close senate races in a few states. dems are trying to steal them from republicans by saying "we found more votes" or "these are all late provisional ballots!" when the polls were already closed and the deadlines already there.

Anti-American Democrats are rigging elections all over the country, most notably in Broward County Florida. They are guilty of treason against the United States and it's in my opinion that if people aren't sentenced to long prison sentences, or people aren't executed over this, this is a modern Fort Sumter moment where this nation has no choice but to fight against one another until one ideology prevails.

i.e. It's about time to start slaughtering liberals indiscriminately.

This is the start of the end guys

you need to go back where you came from, boomer immigrant

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>black guy
>stealing an election
Well he's aiming higher than most

Can anyone give a quick rundown pls?
There's nothing on the french web about this

Dont forget I can get off for murder due to a break in "chain of custody" but your votes can sit in a closet for 2 day, and still count

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Am I stupid or are the dems ASKING for the military to take over and hang them all for treason?

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Election rigging, and it’s blatant


what is the picture on the right?

Everything happening looks to be best explained as two political sides upping the game to try and get the other side to shoot first. They both have elements who want conflict, and both believe they can win (or have a game theoretic advantage to trying to win)

I'm not sure who will shoot first in the end, but pretty sure that spark is inevitable.

Nobody's gonna do shit about it!!

Haha! All posts past this are superfluous.

You guys do know that there are overseas votes right. They have until the 18th to arrive to be counted.

After that then the recount happens.

But user you forget they stated these are not over seas votes, did ya

you post on Jow Forums
you are pretty stupid

Many such cases

>1 post by this id


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Pajeet here is right.

dem voter fraud is a Q-tier retard conspiracy theory

Think they're just going to do a do over for the election with a more competent official in charge.
Of course after everyone taking part in the fraud is criminally charged.

user here is a poo doctor, he knows his shit.

kys shill faggot

>when you exported all the democracy and you have none left

they’re doing what your little sister did when you were kids: push you to the edge just out of sight of mom & dad until you snap and finally react and then they’ll cry to mom & dad that you’re being mean and you get punished.

same thing women to do their husbands with domestic violence and calling the cops.

same thing they’re doing with funding the caravan.

they want trump and the right to go full tianamen square on them so they can say “see?? this is what fascism looks like”

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We should find more ballots too. In fact, we should find so many that the Democrats demand national voter ID requirements.

Are we looking at different pictures of different trucks hauling in different ballots or something? Kill yourself before someone else does

You’ll die

A private rental truck they were caught loading votes into the other day. One they were not supposed to use and after the other votes had been shipped. Or something like that.

What are we looking at here user? Im fone fagging today and I can't make it out.

>I'm not sure who will shoot first in the end
it will be the left because the left doesn’t understand consequences or real violence. that’s why they jump so fast to punching nazis and are so surprised when someone punches back. the right is at this point more than happy to go full civil war if they have to, but want to avoid it because they know it’s going to just be a slaughter of the left who are too dumb to realize’s like having to shoot children who just don’t know that what they’re asking for is going to be worse than anything they’ve ever imagined


what, you expected ballots to be delivered by hot air balloon or something, fucking numbskull. I don't have a problem saying the government does shady stuff, but to build an entire theory around a picture of a truck is pretty low IQ

we all die eventually

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>boxes of ballots "found" after the election
>broward county is way past the reporting deadline
>broward officials not cooperating with state
>instances of dead people on voter rolls
>instances of people voting more than once
Check out Rubio's twatter. That churrasconigger has been doing a good job reporting all the bullshit.

>they want trump and the right to go full tianamen square on them so they can say “see?? this is what fascism looks like”

If it comes to that, crying to the media isn't going to be a very effective response.

Yes and Checked

Welcome to the club, now answer the question .

Got that right

I live in Michigan and 60% of our districts had more voters than people over 18. Historically we are a democrat state by the last election we voted Trump and Republican governor...But suddenly for no apparent reason the Democrats mopped the floor with us. not fishy at all.

but we want them to go full antifa nuts because then when we get a reichstag fire we can shut them down

this is the right

> (OP)
>>Something is happening
>how many elections were stole before the rise of social media and camera phones
All of them since the invention of election
Election fraud is a time honored tradition everywhere

just made this.

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This is a declaration of we should be gassing jews! Broward is the most jewish county in fl. Debbie wasserman kike territory. Also sheriff Israel, stoneman school shooting happened here. Also the package bomber had his van parked in front of a kosher deli for a year in this same county. Also hanging chads election fiasco which almost got al gore elected happened in Broward county. Gas these fucking kikes already!

I love that all the twitter responses are calling him out

stop being a nazi plz


88 confirms, this user is right

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hold me

>Jow Forums isn't even pretending that it isn't the_donald anymore

Conspiracy theory is created by cia in 1960’s to silence and ridicule the truth seekers.

These Reddit cultists are cancer

He's just following orders user. The big dogs in this fight are jewish. They will use black people as scapegoats.

Daily reminder... (((Dems)))

>unironically linking reddit
>phoneposting to boot

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>1 post by this Id

It's over, this board is lost

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Did these faggots really think in the age of Trump they were going to be able to pull the same kikery as always?

>7 post by this id

but to be fair, having literally the entire media covering for you and having yourself been given a slap on the wrist for literally destroying ballots in the last election is probably pretty emboldening

>thinking far right twitter conspiratards are "truth seekers"

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Thanks guys. Couldnt tell who was doing it.

Oh look the retard of Jow Forums has decided to join us.

It can be reclaimed. Just ban phoneposting.

I think you’re right but they’re strategically retarded and it’ll backfire royally like everything they do does

bad orange man spanked by brown step daddy for being a doodoo head

>dem voter fraud is a Q-tier retard conspiracy theory
>Russian collusion is fact tho

Wisconsin seat flipped to dem after more votes were found. Same in Illinois and Arizona. On top of the Flordia and GA stuff.

>he says in a thread literally based on a reddit post

>Check out Rubio's twatter