What's wrong with recreational drug use?

>My body is my choice - as long as I don't endanger anyone else with my consumption (being violent, pregnant or have others pay for my recovery)
>If not dependend, drugs can improve your brain acitivity, creativity etc.
>Everyone uses drugs: Tee, spices etc. are all pharmacological active
>Drug schedules lack of any scientific backgorund
>How many of you drink coffe in the morning to get up? Cocaine regarding same effect - not dosage - would be much more healthy.
>I'm a "liberal"-conservative

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Mate ampehtamines wreck your heart, test your pulse after a cup of coffee then compare it to a couple of lines.

If you guys would bump my thread i'd be very much thankful

Not a valid argument. If you aren't harming other people, no reason you can't do drugs.

>couple of lines
Coke isn’t an amphetamine you dumb nigger and most amphetamines aren’t dangerous at all
>cup of tea
Brush your yellow teeth you fucking faggot

Are you growing and harvesting the drugs all by yourself? If not, then go tell the victims of drug cartel violence all about how you don't bother anyone else with your addiction. Maybe you'll end up in a video having your heart cut out and your limbs chopped off while your still alive and conscious. In fact, my nation is currently being invaded by people fleeing this violence.

I did, like 20-50 times.
I honestly can't stand caffeine but relatively pure amphetime (60-70%+) doesn't wreck my hear tat all. Pulse is (ofc) higher, but steady, caffeine gives me irregularities in pulse.
Also you can't compare "a couple of lines" to one cup of coffee. You have to take in regard the dosage needed for desirable effect.
20mg of amphetamine are much more effective, less side-effectivley and more productive, than a single cup of coffee FOR ME.
Every metabobilism reacts differently, which is why I would never encourage anyone to do these drugs, rather than comprehend the physical (side-) effects on their own bodies.

Caffeine gives me shakes, paranoia, muscle weakness, nausea etc. but amphetamine does not.
Neither recreational (high dose - I'm not a junky high dose for me is for others threshhold), nor functional doses of amphetamine had any side effects except for sweatingm and I'm incapable of stopping to talk after 100-200mg of amphetamine.
I'm not trying to glorify amphetamine. My body just can stand amphetamines a lot better than Xanthines, such as Caffeine, Theobromine or Theophyilline.

>if it’s not hurting anyone directly and immediately it can’t possibly affect society!

This is dumb

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Drug criminality is an issue I do support fighting against.
Drug laws are another topic.
If niggers, mexicans (or even europeans, it doesn't really matter to me) are selling bad grade drugs to young people or illegal drugs at all to minors, I condemn it in every way.
I'm just trying to say, that the gouvernment does more harm by illegalizing certain drugs (without scientific backup) is more harmfull than regulating the drug distribution itself.
When I was 14 it was easier for me to get weed than alcohol (alcohol is legal at 16 in Germany).

>tfw only one on this board whose had sex on meth + GHB


>Coke isn’t an amphetamine
Same fucking effect you anal faggot
It sounds like you're high now, or maybe you're just typing in that robotic German way.
Either way most people can handle caffeine fine but easily develop a stimulant addiction when exposed to harder things. The fact that caffiene fucks you up but not harder amphetamines is frankly, strange.
Are you getting your drugs from pharmacies or the street? Truth be told my experience with amps were usually multiple day long binges on MDMA or mephedrone.

Dude are you serious? Cocaine and amphetamine are two different pair of shoes.

>>Coke isn’t an amphetamine
>Same fucking effect you anal faggot
Not the same effect at all. Amphetamine is primarely adrenergic, cocaine dopaminergic, which is is huge difference.

>It sounds like you're high now
Acually I did drink like 2 glasses of rum this evening.
Regarding amphetamine, I only do consume it about 6-8 time per year, somtimes even less. Last consumption was about 8 weeks ago.

My drugs are primarely from dark net sources, and cleaned up afterwards, having a little chemistry-knowledge I can guarantee you my amphetamine has purity of over 70%. I will test it soon.
Most heart problems regarding amphetamine-consumption are caused do to the cut with other stimulants such as caffeine - one should never combine different stimulants!

My amphetamine experiences usually last between 8 and 36 hours.

Kike won't get his share if you smoke a joint from your garden. That's the sole reason why are 90% drugs illegal.

I forgot one thing:
Caffeine acts completly different compared to amphetamines, which could be the reason, why I personally, can stand amphetamines more than caffeine.

As stated earlier: Every metanolism is different.

I do not smoke weed.

Doesn't matter, lack of profits is the reason.

To clarifiy things: You're critizing corporations getting their share on drug distribution?

That's why I want gouvernmental control over the distribution of drugs.

If I misread you, please correct me. I'm getting tired, and have to stand up in 5h for work.

Nothing. Just like there's nothing wrong with guns.

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drugs shouldnt exist at all it wasnt until some
scientists just decided to test on the body

whats in the orange vials?

really fucked up arent you

jews are pussies and cannot handle hard booze or hard drugs so of course they'll tell you rec drug use is bad

this is true
weed makes me do stupid shit

The most sutpid comment I ever read.
Every single neurofunctional in our brain and neurosystem is related to psychoactive subtances, whether they are produced inside our body or outside.

Completely agree, guns are for self defense, guns don't kill people, people do.
Drugs are for self exploration, drugs don't kill people. People who misdose/misuse kill themselves.

People have to realize they are responsible for their own actions.
Might it be using a gun, a psychoactice substance or or the words coming out of your mouth.
Nobody but yourself is in control of that.
"You" are the only danger to society.
Neither drugs, nor guns, nor words.

I gotta get to sleep now, so please have a civilized debate in my abscence!

The problem is that the vast majority of people who get high further go on to never achieve anything with their life. This can not exist at the same time we have welfare and safety nets. We can not support people who refuse to ever support themselves and have no incentive to. Yes there are the rare individuals who have the self-control to use drugs in moderation and still hold a productive role in society but they are the exception - not the rule.

A good compromise would be to have some states be super drug friendly and the degenerates can go there and indulge all they want legally, and other states be super drug illegal and the mormons, amish, wholesome people etc. will go there. This need to force dramatically different lifestyles on people who are opposed to them causes a large amount of tension and is a terrible idea.

it's better to do meditation and yoga to activate the psychoactive subtances in our body

Drugs, for the most part, are simply imitations of molecules that exist endogenously within the human body, such that they stimulate the same receptors. For instance, the LSD and psilocybin molecules have structures similar to serotonin. In fact, the core structure is almost entirely the same. Serotonin, because it is a molecule that affects your state of consciousness, can be considered an endogenous drug.

>fucked up
say what? look at the bottom of the pic theres like 5 different orange colored ones

I cant read the whole compound name either so I cant look it up either

microdosing LSD is based

I don't know what they are. Those chems are from a bygone era, sadly.

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Your body is not your choice, you are born with the one you've got whether you like it or not. Your body is your temple. You displease God when you desecrate and defile it, heathen.

Oh, what's in the blue one with the skull on it? Is that Zyklon B? Send that good shit here, brother.

Vial says "5-methoxy" so I'd wager it's 5-MeO-MiPT. Great stuff, but rare these days.

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many substances within the body would meet the definition of a "drug". There is no clear black and white line indicating what is a drug, and what is not. For instance, in some sense, sugar can be considered a drug. The definition of a drug is rather loose, and quite arbitrary.

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Legit one of the wisest posts I have seen on this website.

where is the DMT

Drugs, even weed, all come from somewhere. When you purchase it, you support the drug cartels who produce it and the gangs who distribute it. You directly fund these animals who cut people's kids faces off because they didn't get their money. Who go out and rape white women as a pastime. You can bitch all you want about "well if it was legal then hurr" and that the government is indirectly responsible, but you are directly responsible. You have given money to these people and fueled their violence, you selfish fuck.

The state and society absolutely have a right to regulate dangerous shit. Unless it's guns because there's a clear purpose for that. Drugs don't prevent tyranny, they just turn you into a selfish thieving retard.

Yeah I did have similar belives once, but having just spend a week in reading pharmacological literature, you 'd know you're wrong.
"Mimicing" doesn't really exist, even though the substances share structural similarities. A simple, Methyl-, Ethyl- or Hydroxyl-group changes effects significantly, even if the base of thath substance is a tryptamine.

Or are you gonna tell me DMT and 5-HT are basically the same? It's completely stupid and and ignorant regarding the reality of pharmacology.

Last one for today.
Hitler had a pet.


>buying weed supports the cartels
yeah because my buddy down the road growing a few pounds every month works for the cartels. get the fuck out of here with your DARE bullshit

Very true, guns can be used for a noble purpose, such as defending home and the State, while drugs are nothing more than vices for timewasting vagrants.

nothing. i recommend recreational drug use and experimentation but suggest waiting until your mid- twenties to start. i highly recommend experimentation with LSD and magic mushrooms. i do not recommend repeated use of amphetamines or cocaine. i have never used opiates and have no informed opinion on them.

i have been enjoying legal and illegal drugs for more than a decade. i am also gainfully employed, reasonably healthy, and debt-free with significant savings.

and if you don't want to use drugs, that's cool too.

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Would agree, but I don’t think “drugs” and productivity are as averse to each other as you think. Druggies definitely have a way higher likelihood of being lazy pieces of shit, but about half of the people I work with are high on something a few times a week at work. It just doesn’t happen as much in office buildings.

how... how much do I have to spend to get such a glorious case?

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>pharmacological literature
Ancient societies always saw disease as something wrong. But modern societies are treating disease as normal, because there is a whole industry that thrives on it.>Hitler had a pet.
Not only did Adolf Hitler do drugs, he was more hopped up than your neighborhood dealer. Seriously, according to reports made during and after the war, the Fuhrer was taking 74 DIFFERENT DRUGS (give or take up to a dozen because reports can be biased). He was high as a kite, or should I say Junkers Ju 87. And he was, according to the reports, an avid user of Crystal Meth.

Imagine writing all of this on a phone or computer made by Chinese child slaves.

Very different. When it's Mexican banditos coming across the border and attacking our people, that's our problem. Labor disputes in China, however, are the Chinaman's problem.

So we can turn druggies away from expensive tax funded hospitals now? Neat

this guy gets it

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I disagree. It is simply the issue of determining what is the cause. Correlation IS NOT causation. Causation is NOT correlation. We use systems of correlation in order to determine the probability of causal factors in a system. As to this correlation, which is significant, it may be that several factors have been left out or undiscovered:

What are the number of idgets that get into drugs
What are the number of geniuses who abstain
What number of geniuses use drugs, in what way, and with what results?
What are the number of idgets who abstain, in what way, and with what results?
A more complete analysis is here necdessary
Further, "in what way" includes type of substance, dose, frequency.
Further, the substrate matters: Who is using and with what effects?

National institutes which "research" this usually have very unscrupulous and deficient process optics on this.

Yeah all drugs should be decriminalized


>What's wrong with recreational drug use?
It's very simple actually, recreational drug use hurts the collective. The collective must be healthy to have a productive functioning society.

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Most of that shit is gone now, because of bans in China and the Netherlands.
4-FA for example, gone. 5-MAPB(AWESOME stuff btw)? Gone. RIP.

But at the time of that photo, probably about $3.5K for the whole kit. There's some wholesale there.

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Wondered the same thing. Guess it's DPT for this user.

2C-E is a fuckin ride

>Your body is not your choice
actually it is, but God judges based on what we do with it

>2 CB

Use is often not banned as long as its not in public places. Possession and trade is. Besides there's alot of crimiality behind drugs.

Make sure friends carry and you just use theirs and pay them for it afterwards. It's not hard to get.

I prefer this channel-

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A lot of drugs are now being laced with Fentanyl by an unknown actor - either the Chinese, CIA or just some fucker who wants to watch the world burn. Many people are just dropping dead after doing cocaine or xanax. Don't do anything unless its tested or prescription, OP.

c02 cartridges?


nah drugs should be never fully legal. Decriminalization is the way to go

Why not? Because SOME people might die? Good. It's called population control and Darwinism.
One of the great problems in society is dumb people have been protected from consequences. Narcan should only be available in hospitals to treat accidental ODs.

Yup. Great while tripping/disso'd/rolling. Turns on the gas.

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Every living entity is a soul (including plants and animals) covered in a material body. The soul takes one body then quits it to take another and so on. Going through all the various species in the plant and animal kingdom (8 million) and then finally taking a human body. The human body is the highest and most elevated of all bodies.

Once we attain the human body, if we misuse or fail to utilize the higher consciousness then we again fall down in the plant and animal kingdom. Then again we have to go through the evolutionary process, moving from one body to the next in the plant and animal kingdom for 8 million births before we get another human birth.

this is according to the vedas

Darwinism is a sound scientific principle that every rational human being can identify with.

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>as long as I don't endanger anyone else with my consumption

the dopers around here tie up our ambulances and health services BIGTIME, the dopers around here are a breeding site for all sorts of disease; they're a health problem for all of us

I won't argue against souls. I've done enough drugs where I can't safely say I know God doesn't exist.
Funny thing is my drug use(stims, psychs, and rolls in my case) has only made me more certain of higher powers. Certain states of mind are only possible either with drugs or with extreme duress. Maybe one of the reason the modern world is becoming more atheistic is because people by and large aren't put under duress and aren't using the right drugs.
Depressants/antipsychotics tend to dull the mind and spirit, and these days most people wanna get low on opioids and benzos rather than getting high and fast on speed and acid.

At any rate, I don't have trouble with drugs. If drugs were the problem, I'd have trouble with them. Kinda like termites. Termites are always a problem for a house made of wood.
Since drugs aren't a problem for me, I can only conclude that it's some other factor that is the problem, and thus also conclude that problem likely aligns with other problems in society since the patterns match up.
That problem 100% seems to be a lack of intelligence and self control among the general population due to natural selection being thwarted with shit like Narcan.

Not all souls are good ones.

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>Not all souls are good ones.
good or bad, the soul is divine

1. The soul and the body are different.

2. The body is transient and perishable, but the soul is eternal and indestructible. Hence, one should not grieve for the death of anyone.

People don’t typically steal, kill, and suck dick for coffee.

OC, tell me what you think

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Coming from someone who has used almost every single drug in the book since the age of 13, I have found I no longer want any drugs in my life besides the occasional psychedelic.
I used to use tons of different drugs every single day and it gets really old after years and years of use/addiction.
Currently the only things I still use daily are kratom and coffee. I am planning to faze kratom and coffee out of my life soon as well honestly.

did you hang out with the wrong crowd or did you do the drugs alone?

Got a chuckle from me. It fits the face.

This seems completely reasonable and sensible to me. Listen to the same music all the time, you get tired of that shit. Ears and head start hurting.

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You really shouldn't use filthy Fiat bank notes to snort drugs *COUGHS*.

Seriously. That's more dangerous than the drugs.

finally, a like minded user. There is legitimately ZERO argument against liberty. I mainly use MDMA and LSD, but I've previously had success using Methamphetamine in a controlled manner. I haven't even thought about doing it when i stopped doing it, so republicucks can FUCK OFF with their drug regulation

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its also been 6+ months since I've used

Hey man, good clean meth is awesome, faces of meth are outliers.
I do occasionally pick at my head, but my teeth are fine and so is my face. Forty Six and 2

Also, avoid porn and sexually enticing content completely. Unless you LIKE jerking off for 5 days in a row.

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>an anarcho/commie who uses drugs.

You faggots almost make me want to join the communists and purge all you lumpenprols.

Except the friends commit crime to get the money to buy more. Though marijuana should be completely legal.

same logic applies to 'recreational' gun and magazine use, Shlomo. AR15, and other similar types of rifles, pistols, shotguns, and the magazines that hold more than 10 rounds are for 'recreational' use of the public citizens, NOT for politicians bodyguards and police state goons!!! We the people, OUR guns, OUR magazines, OUR ammunition, OUR freedom, OUR safety, OUR 'RECREATION'!!!! NOT just for the "special" people in politics and New York/Hollywood!!!

I've never committed a crime to get drug money. I've committed a crime laundering drug money, but that's totally okay.
Sounds like more reason for guns though. People stealing for drug money aren't dissuaded by drug laws, but they ARE dissuaded by armed citizens.

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