Chatting with a suicidal tranny right now, tell me what I should ask

chatting with a suicidal tranny right now, tell me what I should ask

Attached: mad.png (1171x604, 109K)

You are not even speaking to it yet u stupid dumb fuck!

Chainlink $1000 EOY

Attached: 1521091968250.gif (300x300, 2.89M)

for forgiveness

Down The Road
Not Across The Tracks

Keep repeating that

ok, got it

Attached: k.png (498x378, 15K)

>Ich bin kein Roboter

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Why you being mean though?

ask it how magnets work

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Tell her/him/it to become part of the 42%

do a flip

Ask your fellow human if there’s anything you can do to help ease their discomfort, then just listen to them

What are you waiting for?

Tell her death is like falling asleep

Them to do a flip.

are you part of the 49%?
>whats that?
the 49% of trannies that kill themselves

ask if it knows how to tie a noose

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Tell them to get help and try pimozide.

Send it pic related, or a least copy the dialogue then post results

Attached: 45percent.png (716x724, 255K)

Tell them to go to church starts every half hour
Maybe it can actually help them

Attached: 6f6f28680c59040c51448703fe7185fe--revelation--i-love-jesus.jpg (736x880, 92K)

open bobs and vagene

Tell her/him to not forget to record the suicide and send to us. Please.

Tell xer to consider being normal.

Why hasn't it killed itself yet?

Fuckin checked. But should have gotten feminine benis first.

Fuck that. Ask him if he knows how to tie a half-Windsor.

t. Hitting a funeral tonight.

We'll have each others backs in a short while, they will know true brotherhood as we all will.

ask for feet pics (SOLES ONLY)

This too.

Are we making a concerted effort to do this (pic related)? I would seriously like to see this happening every day. Just grab unindexed pics from your facebook friends' sister and spam tranny boards claiming that you're not confident that you pass.


post feminine benis

Bully them until they commit an hero, I'm tired of the nigger tier moral fags in this thread and the christkikes do your duty and be remembered as the OP who wasnt a faggot and got a tranny to bite the dust

When is he pulling the trigger?

Bitch please.

>saying bitch please to somebody asking a question
What could the child-fucker have meant by this

How does xer cxck taste

How much cock can your front hole take?

Feet pics

Edgy. I just don't give a fuck about pronouns. And the other fag knows this is just another weepy BPD, rapid-cycling tranny. Fuckin trannies are all drama 24fucking7.

>faggot memeflaggot is a leaf
imagine moy SHOCK