How do we stop Texas from going blue?

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With big iron.

Remove chalupa

convince a bunch of 85 IQ hominids that they should stop voting for free stuff and start respecting the constitution.

We have to get people to remember the Alamo.

Physical removal of all Hispanics. This is the only way.
Stopping all of the C*lifornians from flooding in to the major cities would help too, but it's not the biggest problem.


You can't. 2nd generation Mexican here, me and all my foos are voting yall gringos out of office. Join my clique or get fucked homes!

You don't. Why impede progress?

Also inb4

>Hispanic Texans are redpill

Voter ID

Nuke it into a nice radioactive green

Setback the wetbacks.
Burrito Deleto.

encourage conservatives from shitty blue states like IL to move there and have numerous families

physical removal

Start with Jews, and it will go a LOT smoother

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voter ID laws

Kick out Starbucks. Ban electric cars. They'll leave fleeing back to Cali with horror stories to tell their same-sex parents.

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Forget the wall and import hispanics. Make sure to tell any white people moving here to fuck off.

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Vote for Texas Red 2020

Very correct. White liberals moving because shitholes like California and Washington are only polluting the sanctity of Texas.

Keep the Californians out and remind people that the fortune and luxury they have is a result of our capitalism

You mongrels are fighting a war you cant win.

I told you idiots before your boy trump even ran for office that Hispanics will be the ultimate swing.

And you idiot's alienated them, and now you're crying because they arent voting red. Hispanics have strong conservative views above all. Family is first and the wall and everything you've said just upset them.

The nation going red is literally all the manpower the Republicans have. It literally took just about every Republican to get all three offices but how long is that going to last? The Democrats know this and the Hispanic vote is very important especially in future elections. You got to realize not all Hispanics are voting yet, when they do this nation will be blue for a long time unless you find a way to meet halfeay with the Hispanic demands.

But you mongrels won't listen, you refuse to believe it.
Just wish it's not too late.

T. Hispanic American who voted for trump and red across the ballot that year, didnt vote this midterm and might vote blue next election.

Lol, do you understand how hispanics vote in texas? 60% blue retard, this is also true in gen z

They dumped a lot of money there for a close election. They won't have those resources again for a very long time.

retroactively revoke anchor baby citizenships for 10s of millions

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Pretty much.


Doesn't matter retard, we have the SC and were about to have it 6-3

Keep it Red at all costs even if means importing White European's and letting The Native Americans free to Reclaim blue state's only

Look at this image retards white people are the problem. This state isn't for you so just go up north or something.

Given how whiney Democrats are and all their demands etc, why do they even support the union?
Why not back the confederacy ?

>How do we stop Texas from going blue?
Stop the invasion and kill all those who support it. The problem is the point of no return without extreme action has already been past.

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>Family is first and the wall and everything you've said just upset them.
We really should have just bought Mexico and cleaned it out.

You dont. America is UK 2.0

Future is UK model. 99.9 percent live in cuckshed dystopia megacities locked down by caliphate teachings and monitoring everywhere everytime with housing looking like mumbai slums. The .01 percent richest live in some ultra top max security mansion with hundreds thousands square acres walled off property guarded by swarms of armed drone bots. See rothschilds and london to get idea. The wall will come but it wont be for the border.

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too late, Gerrymandering is the only thing that is stopping it from being blue already

We don't want to compromise to get votes. Hispanics are too much in favor of restrictions on free speech and gun laws. I'd rather not compromise and accelerate the decline then pretend it's OK that a major demographic shift just fundamentally altered our entire country.

revoke voting privileges to criminals
>yes illegal immigration is a crime

Kys Latino subhuman , vote democrat next time like the rest of you.

Kill Californians in defense of the state.

Deport bean niggers and regular niggers for that matter.

Go back to the original, Only land owners can vote. problem solved .

The big iron on his hip?


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The GOP needs to offer more then slavish devotion to the donor class/fearmongering and wedge pandering to distract from their mandate of existing only to help the rich.
So basically, you're screwed.

Ban immigration from California

Texas is a domicile state . Residency is as easy as presenting a receipt for a hotel room .
Many RVers from all over the US domicile out of Texas as their home state .
>simply establish Texas residency and vote red

Jokes on you. When whites leaves, so does our tax money and go straight back to dirt shithole. You lose either way Paco, unless you embrace less regulation and lower taxes. Don't be like California m8. There is a reason it sucks. Pic related

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If you guys really think Hispanics being the majority and voting mostly blue is a good thing, then why are Hispanics mass migrating to a mostly white right leaning country? Doesn't that seem counter-intuitive? If you think this won't bite you in the ass just look at where you are the majority and the policies they push out. No offense to you honestly but if it weren't true, nobody would be trying to mass migrate here. And those that are seem to want to replace with demographic and ideas that made it a devloped "promised land" to begin with. I honestly can't see how people make this mistake repeatedly.

>4 bathrooms

what the fuck

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don't bother. just wall it off completely and let mexico have it back. there's not much worth preserving anymore. maybe do some friendly weapons drops to let any whites fight their way out / attempt to retake it?

You have to go back

>muh voter suppression
I'm so tired of the left

>didn't vote this midterm
opinion discarded

>white people
pick one

Ikr? But still the point is for slightly less, you can get a much bigger home on a bigger plot of land, and not in fucking Compton or other shithole tier neighborhoods. So progressive right? Hell. California has the biggest separation of class than any other state. Very little middle class, shitload of rich and poor. Highest poverty rate too. I wonder why?

>And you idiot's alienated them,
They alienated us cocksucker.
Maybe if they weren't all Marxist Aztec LARPers that are more loyal to Mexico than America we could have gotten along, but they are and they never bothered to assimilate so why should we ever compromise with people that are loyal to a foreign state and only come her to make a quick buck at our expense?


Fuck off spic

Deport illegals and cease intake of legals


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Forgot image

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Serious - Stop voter fraud, educate
Dream - murder liberals and degenerates in the streets

You can’t stop the blue wave! Better learn to surf, cowboy!

All Republicans from Connecticut, Massachusetts, and upstate New York need to be RELOCATED to Texas at once.

Remember, the Northeast are RED STATES, they just have a few shithole cities ruining everything: (Albany, NYC, Hartford, Bridgeport, Providence, Springfield, Boston....)

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Not a bad plan. They can have Jew York, Commiefornia, and Massatwoshits for all I care. Liberal containment zones. They can be happy being over-regulated and over-taxed and stay the fuck in there.

Don't lump Fagachushits in with the rest of the country.

MA is one of the only states where Trump would have lost even if literally only white males voted. MA is a faggot shithole.

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Wait until Trump is gone. Might have a chance then.

I don't think you understand. Money or standard of living is not why i vote Democrat, It's to create a Hispanic super majority in Texas.

Remember, you leaving this state is what i want, Phillip.

We should push into Mexico until south of Monterrey. Commiefornia won’t control a border that way. Plus, we get the oil and one of their cities. Then we deport all libtards to Central America where they remain quarantined and closely monitored between US and Brazil until their lack of breeding causes them to go extinct.

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1. accept texas will eventually be as blue as california. as far right as practical
3. make as much pressure rightward as possible in public discourse
4. associate long term with likeminded folks, live near them, form actual (rather than virtual) communities with these shared values in mind
5. politics is obsolete, the culture must be revolutionized (which is to say we must actually have a culture, a community)

>Remember, you leaving this state is what i want, Phillip
And this is why I have ICE on speed dial. Well, at least you're honest about it. Is it just to spite white men or do you actually think this won't just turn Texas into Mexico 2.0 and then two decades down the road you just flee yet again?

Spics cant think that far ahead

He's just being honest with you. His life is basically his baby mama, voting democrat, and watching midgets on Estrella TV.

Deport all of the illegals. Same as Cali, MD, FL, VA and NY (state). Then, have federal oversite of ballad counters and the process from arrival ----> unloading -----> transport -----> count/analysis and checking for illegal votes. Do all of this on video covering all angles. Do it on a 3 scale process. Electronic, hand and digital. By digital, I mean a system where my vote is collected and stored and 'I the voter' can go to check to see if and how my votes were counted.

How does one match the ranger with the big iron on his hip?

kill whitey

*Offers monkey a bananna*

We can't. Hispanics, no matter how "based" civnats tell you they are, vote overwhelmingly for their own kind. And guess what the newcomers do once they vote? Yep- import even more fucking spics. It happened to California. It happened to New Mexico. The only reason Arizona and Texas are even slightly red right now is that retired White Boomers vote hard right. Once they die off, any sort of party that even dares to think about closed borders will never be elected again, with the 3 largest states in the nation majority Hispanic. We will unironically have open borders by 2050, and there is nothing we can do to stop it except maybe let New England, the Rust Belt, Great Plains States, and West Virginia secede and leave the rest of the Union to become yet another LatAm shithole

that is relevant because of ID. good call

But Mexico already exists and it sucks.

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Whichever way that causes austinites to change their marxist ways. Problem is that such big content creation groups as "Rooster Teeth" spew far left and anti-white narratives all the time, sneak in political propaganda & clothing while normalizing hatred of anyone not following their ways.

can't. republicans fucked upby listening lobbyists who wanted unmitigated migrant labor and painted themselves into a corner.

If you're not a libshit but live in a libshit state, move to Texas. Reverse Cali.

Spic here.
Sorry about what my people have done. I usually try to persuade them to vote red but they won't even listen. I might be the only 100+ IQ spic in California .

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die trying to match the big on his hip

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move there and vote, stupid faggot ancap memeflag

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Seems to be that way. Genuinely feel bad for the smart ones that realize Democrats only use them for political fodder. Sure, Repubs are riskier in a way but they payoff is tenfold once they posess/learn how to create their own prosperity, rather than have the government give it to them in a measly, set amount. Live in Houston. Almost all the Mexican business owners vote right. Only the retards that have zero understand of politics vote left. All they know how to do is chant "vote Beto!", "fuck Drumpf!" But when you ask them what their reasons are for supporting the left, they can't produce a coherent or even tangible answer. All they can usually muster is to just regurgitate catch phrases and slogans force fed to them by media, (((sociology))) professors, and ass kissing SJWs.

Deport the democrats (mexicans).

Deport all mexicans.

Top kek

Bushwack every non white

We can't at this point. Thanks Reagan.

At least you tried