When you realize that you, too, are an NPC
When you realize that you, too, are an NPC
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Small Mind Follow People
Great Minds Follows Ideas.
NPC's follow the Jews
Not me, I'm autistic and am incapable of herd mentality
>no you
Sorry you done appropriated our memes faggot !!
Sagebait saged, as well.
I'm just very misanthropic
Very IJ
It all comes down to perspective, doesn't it?
no semicolons after first 2 statements
Superficially, at least
If you're such free thinkers how about you make your own fucking memes
while (online == true) {
print "the left can't meme";
also whose "you're"
When I voted Republican for the first time.
>If you're such free thinkers
>If you are such free thinkers
Brainlet. Germans are supposed to be smart, so you must either be disabled or are one of the brown shitstain hordes invading.
Copy paste. Figure out what I meant ya fucking retard. But muh grammar -- kill ys
no you
No. I'm totally capable of dissing Trump. He's a huge cuck. However, Better'n Obama JS.
Whoa wtf I love box memes
I like this more each time I engage with it
Wow youre a gay trans-black who can code or whatever. Congratulations!
And since you're sooo smart, could you please tell me whether "Automated mysef out of job" looks better than "Pajeet performed my same job for half price" on your future resume?
b..but I listen to Zappa......
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
int main(){
>W-we can meme too guys!
>basically just a "no u"
sure showed us you guys
>he's already forgot what the meme was about
This is why leftists are retarded NPCs.
The whole point is that NPCs don't have an internal voice.
the difference here is that lefties keep spouting the same shit all the time even after their arguments are destroyed, meanwhile people on the other side keep spouting the same shit because the said lefties discard what they say without trying to disprove it, knowing they'd be proven wrong and humiliated
Clearly everyone except me is an NPC
Truman show fan?
I know the movie, but more solipsism in general
Shhhh, don't break character in front of him
Sorry my little textbox, but I've been a programmer since gradeschool. Some day I'll find a way to make you a real boy.
I'm a liberal but even I understand how to spell argument. Spelling is important in your "code" because the program won't run unless you are correct.
Because that worked so well for the telecom industry niggers out there...
>what is SDN/NFV
>what is nation's leading telecom co going thru massive layoffs due to this very subject as we speak
Enjoy getting your job cucked by Pajeet and/or getting fired for your boss finding out you dont actually do anything lol. Sustainability is key.
Autistic possible excel at heard mentality and prey behavior
A la temple grandin
ADHD master race predator mindset
It's amazing how easy it is to troll you retards, jesus christ. Watch this post go to 200+ replies.
No u
I save this special screeshot for Leafs such as yourself. Please relax, lay back, open a Molson Ice, and enjoy.
You know the diferance between my job and your job is?
Most niggers can't do my job.
OK? But Pajeets can, so you're still fucked. To the denigrating point I believe you're trying to make, though...
>hurr my jobs better than yours durrrrr
I'm an IT engineer and make good money soooo please try again
>makes fun of programmer for getting his job taken by Pajeets
>works IT
Ain't that the pot calling the coke addictive.
npc was last weeks meme
Its so funny wow left wing can't create memes, they just copy and project. Its actually sad they think it works.
Lol a Somali got me started in the industry, a Nordic was my mentor, and two Muslims taught me most of my OTJ experience - in addition to all ages of the other white people who also helped me learn. I don't fear being undercut by code monkey Pajeets or risk automating myself out of the job. You on the other hand... And I think you might be narrow minded enough to think IT = End User/Tech Support or something mundane.
>just a poorly shooped version of the [JIDF APPROVED] pepe/wojak are shit comic
you tried, rabbi.
Whatever gets you to sleep at night nigga.