Will you buy a beer for a veteran this weekend?

Will you buy a beer for a veteran this weekend?

Attached: tacticalbeardman.jpg (1920x1200, 451K)

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no, I will mourn the decline of the west and lament the fact that people in the military today fight to spread gay sex and niggers across the planet

I'm a vet and I'd rather you save the money and put it towards your ammo stockpile.

both of these men are based. Fellow vet who hides his service

No. Why should I? They are a bunch of lousy sons of bitches anyway.

Nah, probably not.

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This. Most vets don't care about recognition. It's about the missions and going home at the end of the day. In fact for many, like myself, I'm rather uncomfortable when I'm hit with the "thank you for your service" meme. When I was in, I wasn't doing it for the lame ass iPhone addicted, fat assed, Kardashian watching, NPCs who have zero respect, or for that matter, any ounce of understanding of what this country is or could potentially be.... it was for my friends I served with.

Holy shit... Black Beard is real.

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That guy looks like a modern Viking.

I'm currently in the army and I dont drink, so no.

>"thank you for your service"
That shit is cancer.

Nope. Let Israel handle their tabs.

I'll buy a beer for any veteran that kicks down all the god damned cones and sets fire to all the statan stars theys till have next to the fucking tree of life synagogue.



For the most part it is... it's just NPCs verbalizing what they've been programmed what they're supposed to say. However, when it's an older vet (Korea, Vietnam, etc)… I think they're actually sincere.

You mean for the Jew. You were a mercenary for Jewish interests.

99% of the time when I hear someone say that, they really don't mean it.

If they're nice and friendly with some interesting stories to tell, or alternatively feeling down and need someone to talk to, sure I'd be happy to.

Nope. I buy them beer every time I pay taxes.

I want to punch my own face sometimes because I catch myself about to say it to younger guys now that I've been out a few years.

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If they're cool. sure. Some veterans are faggots. Others are cool.

I dont talk about my service much, and for the most part dont really know how to react to the "thanks for your service"shpeel. I know vets that didnt do shit but sit in an air conditioned building and do paperwork and they are the ones talking about their sacrifices and how they deserve free shit. Most of the guys I know who actually sacrificed dont talk about it because the free shit will never make up for what they gave up. I have watched grown ass men break down and scream about watching their friend choke to death on their own blood or being the only one alive after their vehicle got hit by an IED and being wracked with survivors guilt. The whole fucking "free shit day" is almost a slap in the face to those of us who saw some shit. Sorry your entire psyche is fucked and you lived through some of the most awful shit in history, HAVE A FREE DESSERT ON US!

What are you 12? Shut the fuck up about the Jew bullshit. I get it, we've been anti-Jew here since the start, but some times the larp gets old.

So, let's just get rid of the "pro-Jew" military and take our chances with a Russian, Chinese, South American invasion.

They grow beards for tour so the terrorists (and that could be some of the dingdongs they have to work around) can't ID them by face.

All my faggot veterans friends on Facebook get all gay and put their profile pics when they were in uniform to show hurrrrrr durrrrr look I'm a veteran , praise me !!!!
Most veterans on Facebook are entitled snowflakes and faggots.

Glad to see JIDF is making its rounds again.

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The taxes you pay on McDonald's salary doesn't add up to much... add to the fact you don't pay sales taxes your meth purchases and well.... you see where I'm going right, Tyrone?

I forgot... fucking Friday... kids infest the board after school and get to stay up late. How's are you and your mom's new husband getting along, Jordan?

No, the taxes we pay only go down the pockets of the Jewish Federal Reserve Bank.

Now go fight more wars for Israel, goyim.

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Only time I pull out my vet-card is during interviews and other applications of that nature. I'm a fucking white male so being a disabled vet is literally my only leg up on the other diversity boxes. Otherwise I keep it to myself

I found a very patriotic American video for you

What you think I'm some AA fagit that can only handle shots of water and piss water beer???

Vets are welfare queens I paid for his housing and food while he was deployed

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sad reality isn't it?

Me as well, that campaign badge, protected vet stuff is application gold.

also muzzies think a man without a beard is a fag

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>However, when it's an older vet (Korea, Vietnam, etc)
This is the reason I left the VA.
>went for a check up
>tons of old dudes waiting for lipids
Fuck that. They need it more.

Haven't we already handed them enough gibs?

>should I buy a beer for some faggot who couldn't do anything else with his life so he went overseas to complete schlomos missions for him and spread american degeneracy far and wide and now lives off literal gibs
gee should i?

Not until you shave your stupid beard.

Beard makes you easy to gas,.

I can't afford to buy them beer I am to busy paying for them to live.

I'm not going to argue with an obvious underaged poster... or at the very least an incredibly immature and stupid adult. Yeah, all our tax go to
>muh joos
They don't go to infrastructure... never mind. See above.

I can't afford to buy them beer I am to busy paying taxes..

>I paid
Sure you did.
Thanks for your .01 working at Subway.

There hasn't been a single war fought by the military that wasn't for the interests of the (((international bankers))) since maybe the American Revolution.

Stuff it up your ass. My grandparents all suffered for your Jewish bullshit wars.

The VA is fucked.


Death to the terror sponsor state Israel. Justice for zionist treason.

fuck veterans, and fuck you. I don't give a fuck about stupid goys that sacrificed their limbs for israel overseas. They haven't protected this country at all, just fueled thousands of radical islamic extremists into killing white people in europe and america.

>wheezes to gamestop to buy badass warfighter 3.8

Neets don't pay taxes. Your mothers do. Now shut the fuck up and beg your mom for beer money so you can buy a vet a beer so people don't see you as a scummy neet that you fucking are!

I can't believe perfectly good men are brainwashed into going into conflicts that have nothing to do with us. They should be at home in the USA training the youth. Imagine getting a bullet right in your hand, and losing it, because that's how retarded combat is.

Being that my beard is bigger than both, I would tend to agree.

>wheezes to justify violating his oath to protect and defend the consitution

>imagine getting a bullet right in your hand
I did.
Wasn't that big of a deal.

My entire family is military and we don’t care about any of that shit. We know literally nothing but military, every generation. We drink for each other and like most military hate the people were sworn to defend almost as much as the government we swore to defend. I don’t even know why I do what I do, other than for money. Any sense of honor we have is purely for each other, fuck everyone else.

i could just hand them a fiver

i respect military guys i'd hate to fight for all the npcs and shitskins here


every veteran lost wars since WWII, losers don't get free beer, fuck off.

>this projection

You do realize Stormfront is back up and running (I think), so you don't have to larp here anymore.

Of course the Jews are responsible for many of our problems. They run the porn industry, hollywood, the music industry, etc and etc.

I'm betting your a fat piece of shit who got turned down by the Coast Guard because you couldn't walk ten feet without clutching your chest and gasping for air. So, here you are, on an anonymous Mongolain welfare board being super edgy and projecting your internet inner bad ass self. Only here can you be tough, in real life you're too scared to talk to a girl, pussy.

What projection? What does protecting the constitution have anything to do with you maintaining a standing army outside of war?

Don't even try me about fagfront.

Hey man don’t knock the coast guard.

>the jewslave cries out in pain as he strikes you

My bad..,

We also give employers tax breaks for hiring vets. They get more if we're disabled, as well as more if we've been unemployed for 6 months. I gave my last company a $10,000 tax break; I MADE them money when hiring me, show me another minority that can claim that.

Great. Thanks for stealing free fake Jew money from the Federal Reserve so I can pay more taxes and you can have a bullshit job.

>Don't even try me
Why? You gonna drop your cheese fries?

>getting this triggered
>doesn't know the difference between "your" and "you're"
Let me guess: you served in the military?

I don't work for the federal government, so my job is far from bullshit. The tax breaks apply to all companies.

Vets and America are literally the ones responsible for Europe being BLACKED by muslims right now

The difference is you can actually (likely) perform your job and actually show up, show me another minority that can claim that.

You put it perfectly.

No, I just think you're probably lucky for not getting crippled out of using the internet if you're going to assume that much about me and my relationship to stormfront.

The least the government could do would be to pay for the military to do something advanced and intelligent.



>tax breaks
>not from the government
You must work for "military intelligence"

That's because you still have a hand. War is insane dude; it's a lie.

Yeah, that wouldn't be Merkel at all.

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>my relationship to stormfront
What? Injecting saline into your ballsack in the hopes some Nazi faggot wants your boi pussy?

I think it is primarily that they simply wont be taken seriously without facial hair. It's a different culture.

Your reading comprehension is horrendous. Did you fail the ASVAB or get cucked by a troop? You're pretty salty. I'll put it in simpleton terms for you:
- Not all jobs are bullshit jobs
- All jobs get tax breaks for hiring vets
Is that clear enough for you?

Is that what they did to you?

Does grandma know you have the laptop?

No, I'm just pointing out that you're fucking stupid for a military guy. Most of them that I've worked with are actually a bit smart.


>When I was in, I wasn't doing it for the lame ass iPhone addicted, fat assed, Kardashian watching
you shouldn't talk about your mom and wife life that

This is shopped, right? This wasn't what was really going on at the recent shooting, was it?

Or you know, completely destabilizing the middle-east. Do you know how much better the world would be if America just let the middle east throw poo eat eachother without interfering?

My dead one might have. I don't know if she knew it was a "laptop"

I'm not posting from it at present, especially because it's so broken it's in pieces under my desk in a box.

Fuck, you got me. Here's another (you)

You didn't even try to counter my argument. Feel free to keep giving everybody (you)s as you've proven you're incapable at having a civilized discussion. You have 13 posts ITT and none of them are intelligent, but if you're able to reply to me with a comment containing some form of intelligence then I will respond.

Anyone else ever cuck a military fag by fucking his dependapotamus while he was deployed?

Because you didn't have an argument. You merely failed to counter mine.

Would you like to try it over?

See You made the (inaccurate) assumption that I have a bullshit job, which is false. Are you claiming that all jobs are bullshit jobs?

Apparently yours is if this the extent of your ability.

Sure you did Jordan... jacking off to an Xvideo clip doesn't count. Now get to bed before Jamal.. I'm sorry... your mom's "special fiend" beats your 14 year old ass again like he did last time.

>goes overseas to defend israel
>gets blown up by some sandnigger in a failing war
>loses his legs
>comes home early and Barbara is in bed fucking some nigger from next door
>lose your mind and shoot up something from """ptsd"""

>killing brown people is wrong

Some of us did things besides fight in public wars for oil, and there are a SHIT ton of things going on below the waves that some of us participated in that were/are for the security of this nation.

T. Subsea fag

no nigger fuck off i dont owe you shit

bad enough i gotta pay for your shit college degree, benefits for your family and your cuck queen of a wife who fucked 6 other guys while you were out braining sandnigger children in the name of israel.

Bro, it's Friday... the chances are good you're arguing with a 16 year old. They don't have school tomorrow.

This thread is depressing yet hilarious
Protip to any veterans: Join the boyscouts with your kids- it's worth it