Arizona flipped blue and I no longer feel safe living here anymore...

Arizona flipped blue and I no longer feel safe living here anymore. I used to love it here and now I feel like a stranger in my own state and city. I’ll go to places that used to be all white, and now I’m often the only white person in the room.

Any other Arizona Bros here feeling the same way? Arizona thread.

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It's a fucking nightmare. I moved here from Minnesota to get away from this shit.

lol you let them in

The neocons running the state did. I’ve hated every second of it, all the Mexicans, the Californians, the Canadians. They can all fuck off.

The southwest will become a California superstate. From LA to El Paso.

Planning on moving there next year. Don’t worry I vote straight R.

California will be a superstate from LA to Portland!
Whites could fuck off to Russia.

Phoenix here. Kindly fuck off to Wyoming or some shit. We'll be holding it down McCain style here. I bet you aren't even from here, but some faggot ass Midwest shithole. You won't be missed. Take your fake ass Stetson with you.


Well maybe get a republican who has more b of a platform than I played Silent Thunder A10 Tank Killer for 600 hours.

Woopty fucking doo
So did I and I did it on a keyboard not a joystick, and you don't see me trying to get elected for senator for it.

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Everyone in the entire country feels like that because they have put niggers spic colonies in every state over the past twenty years

>muh feelie weelies

>I live in an urban city area of Arizona
>It used to be only white people
Lmao yeah ok

the worst thing is you cunts basically elected a blonde version of big red

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If you hate america so much JUST GET OUT.

>Fish mouth syndrome

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Don't overreact. McSally ran a shit campaign and got BTFO'd on her Health Care voting. Blame Arpaio (or whoever convinced him to run) in the primaries. He split the vote for Ward, which led to the milk toast candidate we were left with.

Give Arizona moderates a few years of the Lib experience, and they'll learn their mistake soon enough.

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So it finished counting and the Democrat won?

Moved here a few years ago, into a new housing division. It basically filled up with brown people. Had car broken into, neighbor had his work truck broken into and all his tools stolen. Black and brown kids running around and getting into fights. Mexican neighbors regularly throw parties with that shitty music playing late into the night. It's not the worst place I've lived, but I don't want to be here if things go south.

Just drink some kilt lifters

T. Known Boss

Sonora Mexico will be whiter than Arizona soon

lol ur grandkids are gonna be brown dumb neocon faggot

Colorado transplant here at ASU. Voted for Sinema because fuck you.

Yeah, kind of funny how Democrats can suddenly take the lead when you keep finding votes after election day.

why are you faggots here? you have Jow Forumspolitics.

Commit suicide lol

Fuck right off back to that shithole you came from

pol is a leftwing board. You have The_Donald you have to go back, you dumb nigger KIKE.

Happened in California too.

Phoenix was 72% white in 1990

Because it is necessary to know one's enemy.

Why would liberal Canadians move their? Retired folks?

KYS nigger.

Dude we are in legitimate danger now. You will be soon to trust me.

Fucking bullshit, the hell happened. No possible recount? I guess it wouldn't matter, why aren't the gop and Trump admin all up on this race either?

When was a kid in the 90s, Arizona was literally the "racist White state". What the FUCK happened to it?

Because it is legitimate. Early mail ballots are still not counted fully.

Like fuck they will faggot. Keep dreaming most children who are raised by conservatives go liberal in high school/ college, then go hard right once they get out into the real world.

Old ass conservatives started dying, their sons listen to rap and their grandsons play fortnite, all while non-whites multiplied

AZ deserves smack for its hubris


we're antiwar, fuckhead. Take your pilpul back to the bagel shoppe.

sadly, this

Californians are slowly cleansing Nevada, Arizona, and New Mexico from racists.

If you’re White we are not your enemy. Even if you’re not White the conservatives are definitely not your enemy’s but non Whites and liberals are the grasshopper to the conservative Ant. Even if you fuckers took over the USA would become such a shit hole it be almost worth it to see you faggots rot in your own filth.

Pro tip your not going to any of the good stuff on POL anymore faggot.

They're coming for Texas in 2020. Mark my words.

I bet if it was Republicans who lost and did a reeeecount you would be crying about Russia.

I grew up there (Phoenix) from 1976 - 1996. I remember driving my grandpa to the airport in the early 80s. As we passed by a black guy -- this was near 32nd Street and McDowell -- he said "You're lucky. This town has the niggers under control." I'm glad he didn't live to see the world we have now.

Excuse me? Did you seriously just call me a K***? Fucking disgusting nazi. Reported.

> Huuurrrrduuurrr hating White people makes me non-racist.
>Dddduuurrr ever person who is not a flaming liberal is a racist.

Do you know how fucking stupid you retards sound to normal people?

Reported??? Where do you think you are son?


No clue, even Jow Forums is more about what's going on in Florida than Arizona.

>Fucking bullshit, the hell happened.
Well you see, when more people vote for one candidate, that candidate wins the election.
>I guess it wouldn't matter, why aren't the gop and Trump admin all up on this race either?
Why would they be? Because it’s a result you don’t like?

Fight the vote fraud.

that's enough time to import new voters

Arizonan user here I did some research, all that matters is we have Doug Ducey as governor, He's has more power then that fucking bitch voter fraud sinema.

First, reporting reports is not allowed. Second, attempting to get someone in trouble for saying words is Judaism.
Third, Kike.

It's a real problem for the country though, there's too many RINOs now for Trump to do anything. If we had a strong senate majority (Scott and McSally) it would have all but assured Trump a STRONGER executive position - but now he has a weakened executive position and lost the house.



kys wetback

It hasn't flipped anything. Lawsuits are already filed and it will go to the supreme court and will be decided in favor of the repulicans.

die nigger

This your daily reminder that nothing short of a bloody race war/civil war is going to save this country from eternal niggrification and ZOG.

If white men don't start organizing and physically fighting back, they will go extinct and be killed in the streets when the demographics turn on them enough.

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you guys are really fucking stupid. did you even read what i was replying to? christ

I’m one of the few born and raised here. These California and Mexican faggots invaded this once great state. Funny how these nigger Democrats leave their shitty state and vote the same way, thus turning their new host into the same shithole they left. Ducey has a rough year due to the teacher bullshit and won easily. We had a shit candidate in McSally and no conservative here was happy voting for her. We honestly need the economy to tank so those parasite Californians are underwater on their mortgage so they can’t sell and move with the profits.

Libtards are going to get holocausted hardcore when whites finally snap.

No, cucked ass gop cares more about one state over the general idea of possible fraud going on with these so called safe R district and "finding" be ballots every damn hour in any of these uncalled elections.

They flooded you state on purpose just like every other western country my friend from across the pond!

The hatred of whites is routed is the ideology of communism.

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This right here man. Trump aint gonna get much done other than judicial nominees getting put in place and the general budget bring passed like every damn president have signed off on. It's over for Trump in 2020 and for the Republican party.

For the weather (low humidity), low cost of living and expanding infrastructure to care for the elderly. Basically they're becoming the Florida of the southwest.

Californian here. Ready to fucking bounce. Don’t worry I’m voting straight R and no on any taxes

Fascists and conservatives are the enemy of the civilizations. They are wasting precious resources and time on the shitty cultural conservation and religious or racial prejudices instead of using resources for societal, technological, transhumanic, and civilizational progress of inclusion of more and more different people.
But don't worry, you maybe an enemy, but liberals will still care about you and love you just as any other minority, when whites inevitably will become just another minority among many.

Whites are majority. That's the problem.
Liberals will care about them when whites actually becomes a minority among many.
Until that point hating whites is not racism.

And what is going to stop Chinks from just taking it all by force once the white people are gone?
> hint: nothing

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Nope. The US already has quite enough different minorities to at least defend themselves from a tyranny of the majority.
But it won't hurt to actually make whites a minority though to pacify them forever and ever so whites won't be able to do anything without a broader coalition.

what the fuck are you babbling about?

Pol: "Minorities should stop being so fucking sensitive."
Also Pol: "I am the only white person around! That makes me feel sad! BAWWWWW!"

OP is a fag.

If you are afraid of minorities, that just makes you a pussy with low testosterone.

To be fair, your ancestors barged in uninvited.

A coalition of minorities will happily defend a country from a totalitarian foreign aggressor.

Come home white man. Head the North West imperative. It doesn't matter of what political creed you are, if you're white, go north west. Period.

I hope you faggots get exactly what you ask for. Literally everything will fall apart over a few decades and the niggers and basedlords running shit won't be able to fix or rebuild at all. Eventually reality will set in and you'll beg for death but you won't be able to kill yourselves because guns will be illegal and the nanny state will prevent you from buying anything that could conceivably be used to cause harm. Enjoy.

Yikes. Fucking nigger

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>Why are you faggots here?

Sometimes, I like to visit the zoo and throw peanuts. LOL

Also, you guys still aren't as bad as feminists, despite your many gaping flaws.

i was the only California transplant who voted republican

fugg off KIKE

Pol is just a free speech free-for-all and I like it that way.

Whoever is the least sensitive and has the most stamina wins.

Sometimes I think that I should temporarily move to Arizona just to dig for dinosaur bones there.

What's the fuckin prolem, gringo?

The only thing that seriously threatens us is global warming.

If you are losing the Darwinian struggle for survival on a fair playing field then … well sucks to be you. Choose to become more attractive or shut up. The universe doesn't care about my feelings, your feelings, or anyone else's feelings.

>When was a kid in the 90s, Arizona was literally the "racist White state". What the FUCK happened to it?

The ultimate enemy of "racial purity" happened. Pic related.

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If we don't manage to unify the world really fucking soon then literally everyone will die in a nuclear war soon enough.
At least it makes sense to try and do an experiment in peaceful unification before.

Without that experiment everyone dies. If the experiment fails then everyone dies. If If it succeeds we get the global government and peaceful unified humanity.

The return is enormous, the risk of success is low, but without trying the possibility of survival of the species is literally zero.

that's cute, minorities are cowards & will just run back to Mexico if a foreign power invaded

hell they will probably go back to Mexico when Whites can't pay for their welfare anymore

The Governor is still Republican, AZ hasn't even flipped Blue

> Huuurrrrduuurrr hating White people makes me non-racist.

Given that you consider allowing race-mixing to be the same as hating white people, this statement doesn't carry much weight.

>Attempting to get someone in trouble for saying words is Judaism.

I guess Hitler was a kike then.

Arizona was always dumb. Now instead of hayseeds it's full of failed Californians who couldn't afford a house elsewhere

>I don’t understand absentee ballots


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>This your daily reminder that nothing short of a bloody race war/civil war is going to save this country from eternal niggrification and ZOG.

America had a Civil War before. Remember who won the last one?

>If white men don't start organizing and physically fighting back, they will go extinct

Wow. More word games.

The whole "white extinction" thing is a load of shit. Normal people know that interracial people belong to all of their ancestral races. You've changed the definition of "white" so that only "pure whites" can be considered white. In other words, you have used wordplay to make something harmless and consensual seem like a bloodbath.

>and be killed in the streets when the demographics turn on them enough.

You are projecting your own sociopathy onto minorities.

last civil war put liberals in charge for a century