Turn on Netflix

>turn on Netflix
>see Outlaw King
>1306AD Scotland
>at least I they can't shoehorn niggers into this
>they shoehorn some niggerest of the nig niggers into it
>1306AD Scotland
They can't help themselves can they

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>not realizing Pine is a kike

They always whine about diversity, what a perfect opportunity to teach american blacks some african history using a big budget period piece, instead of yet another slavery movie. But instead

Well you can't blame them, Britain is like 21% white now. They're short on whore actors.

>turn on Netflix
stop doing this. there will never be anything edifying from hollywood movies, tv, pop music, any sort of mainstream media or entertainment. It's all 100% psych warfare against white people. By subscribing to netflix you are subsidizing the production of it.

> Pays and watches Netflix
> mad about diversity

Get off that sheeeeit

oh god its true

>They can't help themselves can they

What, you thought they could?

I am unironically heavily agreeing with you. I'm extremely close to cutting it, there's nothing on there but multuculti hell

>extremely close
Obviously addicted. Be a man and do it, Bruce

It's like their Lost In Space remake
>one daughter is now literally My-Wifes-Daughter
>black father ran out on them
I keked inside

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Ashkenazi jews genetically cluster with Southern Italians they aren't even close to niggers

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Robert the Bruce was black why do you think we had to stop him

They're literally in the film for two seconds as entertainment performers. The racism is unreal lol

Fucks sake the programming is atrocious, I wouldn't support it for aesthetic concerns even if it was 100% politically neutral

>The racism is unreal lol
do you know where you are

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The also speak modern english instead of old english, immersion ruined

I turned off at this point - 22 mins in

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Is this movie decent, should I get this off of torrent?

The only reason they're shoehorned in is because of racism. Racism against whites.

what is even the fucking point of this? is it to try to make niggers feel better about themselves? or just to make whites feel better? it's so fucking historically inaccurate that it serves absolutely no point.

hmm looks like an American jew was in charge of casting


Also done the casting for 12 years a slave

Any niggers in Scotland in the middle ages is too much

Maybe you could have niggers during the Roman Era in the biggest city like Londinium as servants, but that's it.

How in the fuck would they even get to Scotland?

It's to make people think that "hurr Europe was always diverse"

Yeah, I was watching this movie with my parents the other day and they said to me "see user, blacks were always in Scotland, I don't get why you bigots and nationalists are so angry about". Propaganda is one hell of a ride and Netflix is at the forefront of brainwashing the masses.

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Don't bother. Shit acting, shit character development. They obviously spent a shitload of cash on costumes and social justice consultants. You do get to see some qt14 tits of his wife about 3/4 way through, but they focused too much on her being a stronk independent womyn and fucked her character regardless.

The final battle scene is just a piss take. Read the Wikipedia article on Robert the Bruce if you're truly curious about the story and want to save yourself a couple of hours.

Synopsis - England Bad Scotland Good. Niggers and feminists.

just torrent anything you want to watch

I recently gave up on J00flix. Killed my subscription after probably 5 years. Sold my stock and left them a shitpost about trying to indoctrinate people. People have to break off from this stuff. It literally was making me crazy to watch (((them))) alter history and then lecture you about how this isn't a big deal. Maybe we should start making movies about j00s and diversifying them.

I just watch early 90s Mercedes Benz corporate training videos on YouTube for entertainment now

>lighten up goyim, we are just writing you out of your own history and slowly normalizing the presence of other races in your place.
Motherfucker we are not playing around with this. Fucking with someone's history is serious shit. It is 1984 tier

Funny how all these blacks were present throughout Scottish history, but then mysteriously disappeared during the lifetimes of those older people alive today who can clearly remember a Scotland without them

First time I saw them doing this was in "Rob Roy" back in the 90s, where they gave the Duke of Argyll a pickaninny servant

It's almost like there's an agenda:


>watching anything british in 2018
I dont watch any of their trash shows because they are always inaccurate.
Whether it be historic shows full of people that shouldnt be there or modern shows about crusader terrorists,
Its all garbage farleft agiprop.

Bruce spoke Norman French, Scottish Gaelic, and Scots English, not Old English.

That's just the Black Watch.

kek jokes on you it's Netflix led most the crew are Americans, in-fact Dunkirk got bad press from Hollywood because of how white it was.

>watching netflex
thats another thing i dont watch.

i can't tell if white cucks make it to pat themselves on the backs or niggers actually watch this shit, i can't picture niggers tuning in but i'm sure they get some smug satisfaction on some level seeing their race shoehorned into european history

British government pays subsidies for every diversity hire, makes it sense or not. They do it for money.

The last battle was sick though
Little faggot Edward II pissing his pants screaming and puking was great
10/10 for historical haircuts alone, and the niggers are whatever. Literally 5 seconds after that is a Scottish man playing with a little monkey and pointing to the black people.

Jesus fucking Christ, I'm so sick of this shit.

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Good thing Labour didn't win then

but...there were blacks in scotland in small amounts...even back then...

If there were no niggers in the british isles then how do you explain the irish?

>Blue eyed white dude
Does he honestly look like his ancestors came from Israel

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I didn’t see any

Irish are niggers that skinned a white man and wear their skin as a disguise.

well I know the urban market likes to watch tv. And I know this because one time the urban market stole my tv

it's painful how stupid Jow Forums is


Not even once

to change history

watching netflix is the equivalent of having gay sex with a nigger because you hate your father for liking hitler.

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but do they watch "historical" shows or do they just watch reality shows and general dumb nigger trash?

especially when niggers had no ships

Your own source says there's no evidence of niggers in Britain during the Middle Ages when the film takes place

His mother's paternal grandparents were Russian jews. His mother's mother is of British extraction. So depends on if you want to go with the matrilineal definition, or the one drop rule. Not sure if any of them practice.

I did not spot the nigger

No one's denying that we used black servants, it was mainly denoted to royality though.

found the Jew

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It would make sense to see some black traders and merchant types around ports. IDK how many you would realistically see though.


the one time there's anyone black is in a screenshot in this thread.
the rest of the film is cast reasonably. And far better than most hollywood crap.


Fuck off KIKE.

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What a conveniently limited scope that obscures the fact that they cluster closer to Iranians than southern Italians cluster to northern Italians. Kike.

People would have been dumbstruck and stopped and stared if they saw a golliwog in Scotland in the 13th century. Not just casually riding past with a glance thinking "wassup nigga?"

I went as far as editing out the niggers in the Laketown scenes of the Hobbit trilogy.

Realistically you would see none. In the Mediterranean,sure; but in fucking Scotland?

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She needs to be a mediocre nongender like the rest of us.

No, not really

heh, nothing personal, goyim

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What were our fathers and grandfathers ever thinking letting them stay in our lands?

Most blacks anyone came across were turned into servants for the wealthy, trader or not. It was a wealth statement to have ethnic servants.

Ignoring that vikings encountered sand niggers while raiding far south as the iberian peninsula and Mediterranean. Carmel skin scicilians are godlike.

read books, work out, teach yourself to draw, play piano, cook, use tools. get better hobbies.

Read the Accursed Kings series by Maurice Druon
It is beyond refreshing to not see the word "dark skin" once in a piece of media our hear anything but beautiful western names

I don't see what's wrong with this. Scotland is black and has always been black. The original scottish were black and the white red-headed invaders moved in much later.

History is a fucking whitewash, man. Most of the famous dead scottish people you know were black.

they have 'ww2 in colour' and some show about Hitler but I've never bothered to watch them because I know it's going to be one sided propaganda

the anachronism here is that they are depicted as everyday people in crowds, whereas up through the 18th Century they were novelty specimens and circus acts
>In the northern quarter of the Bois de Boulogne in February 1891, not far from the bridle paths where the fashionable women rode à l’amazone, an Englishman called John H. Hood positioned thirty-eight men and women from the Kingdom of Dahomey in West Africa in an animal enclosure in the zoological gardens. “Ethnographic exhibitions” were guaranteed money in the pot—crowds were always up a third, more francs clattering through the cash registers. Since one showman brought fourteen “Nubians” as foils to his wild animals in 1877, there had been Samis, Kalmuks, Araucanians, Somalis, Ashantis, and Senegalese. Their appearance was organized by the French government to pique the public’s interest in colonial expansion. The Society for Anthropology came to measure skulls and complain, in 1881, that they were not permitted to examine the genitals of the Tierra del Fuegians.

>Scotland is black and has always been black

don't think so Jamal


Watching it now. No niggers

user... the jews were, and still are black



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Literally 3-4 seconds in a market scene
Pissed me off but didn't ruin it, the scot playing with the little monkey a few seconds later brought me back.

it's historically accurate

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Has anyone watched the movie 'the creepy line'? Its about how Facebook and Google influence society and Peterson's in it. I'm hesitant to waste my time if it's pointless.

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>he didn't cancel Netflix years ago and can't muster up the willpower to do so now and read books instead
You are basically already a nigger

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this hook was over baited

>Kenneth Dubh, a surname which means ‘the black man’

Nah Dubh just means black or dark. But niggers are retarded so they interpret it as meaning black man

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His nickname was Kenneth the Nigger kek