Got 600mg of propanalol next to me, ready to suicide

Got 600mg of propanalol next to me, ready to suicide.

Pureblooded western European female here.

give me one reason not to or I'll livestream me doing it.

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because i love you

Fake as fuck but link to stream plz if not

Post tits.

Timestamp op

/unzips pants

if you are going to do it send us nudes first.

Stop aborting babies

Things I want to see:
1. tits
2. timestamp
3. drugs

nice flag western eurpoean female
tits or gtfo

Don't give up. We need each and every one.

well, if you are a legit female then clearly you have a lot to live for. Is this some kind of weird bait?

Send nude first and some video 4 us if you do it. Thank

It's gonna sound cliche and gay, but it's gonna get better once we kill (((them)))

We're all tired, but believe me, if you stay you will see the greatest period of humanity, march among us.


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Fucking /b/ and Jow Forums.

I respect your choice. We need mentally strong people going forward, thank you for lessening the burden on us.

Because drugs are the least sexy way to snuff, at least hang yourself or slit your wrists, I want to see the life leave your eyes, not some immediate conk out from drugs

Your sad excuse for a psyop isn't working here, kike.

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>dying on propranolol
You’re an idiot, overdosing on a beta blocker won’t do shit

if you are real please don't do it but if you are going to do it please link stream
if you are fake please do it and link stream

One less thot

You’d be doing the world a favor

>overdoses on beta blockers
>becomes alpha chad

share with me


You have only this moment of consciousness.

>or I'll livestream me doing it

Watch Vargs newest video, nufriend

reminder to all anons anti-depressants are basically mandatory these days. take your meds.

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because at least post tits first you cunt

Cause ur cute ;)

dont listen to these faggots
you have a purpose and mission here in this life, fulfill it.

600mg of prop is nothing

dose too low to anhero, at least need 1 gm to have a chance of mortality

Photo with timestamp, OP.

did I miss the sucide

at least post some nudes before you go

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Do it


In Two days is the 9th year anniversary of my youngest sisters death. At 19.

The pain it will give other people, thats why.I still cry when I think of my baby sister.

quit being retarded and take a nap,

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i took 100mg/day

Tbh telling people to live is the epitome of selfishness in this world

This isn't /b/. I honestly don't care about you, since you're probably a dumb leftist bitch. I still have to tell you that killing (yourself) is a Sin, and you most likely regret it later.

Link of the stream?

thats subjective

can i have your nudes?

Can I put a baby in you?

>give me one reason not to
Because all you have to do to not be ugly any more is remove that stupid thing from your nose.

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do me a favor.

pull that nose ring out, let your hair down,

i think your cute and need a good man in your life.

you are going to die one day anyway why hasten it along?

Honestly not really, if someone's suffering so bad that death is an escape, who is anyone to stop them

It all depends on the capacity of the individual. Most people aren't valuable enough that killing themselves would be considered a selfish act.

Lose the yeti coat
Take out the nose ring
Wash your hair
Put on some makeup

Stop feeling sorry for yourself and get a life. You have more than you realize.

it isn't, cause its possible to get out of the mess they're in.
nofap, GAPS diet, nature, natural supplementation, you can't tell me their aren't ways

people who have survived jumps and talk about it, most of them. the first thought that comes through their head is "why did i do that" they're immedietly filled full of regret. i also used to talk to a girl alot, helped her with her issues. we were very very good friends, don't talk much anymore but. She's much happier as we speak, and she for sure doesn't want to kill herself.

y tho

Where are the mods to delete this fake&gay thread?

>(((Western European)))
Do it pussy

Lol... Propanalol will cause a terribly painful and slow death... that is if it will even kill you...
You're a retard.


>things that never happened.
If you where going to do it you wouldn't be posting here for attention

she's very pretty w/o fakeup

>1 post by this id
Slide thread
Sage goes everywhere

Get out fuckng kike shill

>1 post by this ID
You guys are retarded.

coming soon

poor baby but youve only made one post. we need to know whats exactly wrong

put me in the screencap

3 posts now retard

dont do it :(

ill be your bf

All you niggers are retarded, this is clearly Jow Forums targeted bait and you dumbasses took it. Saged

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>Give me attention or I'll kill myself
Either you'll need more attention later and you'll kill yourself then, or you don't really need it now and this is just a rough patch.
The internet isn't going to fix your problems honey, it just wants bobs.
If you're pretty enough, and I mean a four or higher, you can find a guy, and serving him will give you enough purpose in life until you have children and can care for them.
>Wah wah I'd rather be a wage slave
This is your lot in life and its actually a sweet deal. Stop being reckless and make the right decision.

you're the tard for not noticing that we are obviously playing along

>ill be your bf
she already has a nigger Muslim Bf you idiots

no one took the bait, tard

Still just 1.

Damn it woman stop holding out on us, I want a god damn snuff film

I know it's painful right now, OP, but it will only get better.

Investing in your future now is like investing in the stock market at the very, very bottom. Everything you are can only grow from here. You have a lot to look forward to.


We love you

based gay

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LD50 for that drug is 364 to 533 mg/kg
so unless you weight half a kilo then nobody should care if you downed every single pill


That's one shiny hook.
Also, do it faggot.

Neat, nobody gives a fuck anyway. Fuck off with this attention seeking garbage and just kill yourself, or go to
Gas yourself for 'playing along' with a forum sliding kike's non-political slide thread when elections are in the process being stolen in multiple states.

Behold the power of Jow Forums
Never change guys
Never change

Don't go to the light. It's a trap.

I don't like your attention whoring methods but pretty much this You'll get some IRL appreciation one day DW.

Good riddance, roastie. Come on, don't be a pussy, you should do it for the sake of common good

If you kill yourself you'll forever tarnish the lives of any family you have. You're almost ensuring your siblings drug addiction and your parents will never be truly happy again.

Stop doing drugs. You'd be amazed at the results.

>1 post by this ID
the state of nu/pol/


Tell me why you should first. I don't give shit for free.

You have guys willing to love you, yet you’re willing to kill yourself.
I feel bad for you.

Try finding some men. Use better channels, or even get with the trs pool party crowds.

Half this thread is people trying to orbit, y'all need to value yourselves

If you don't do it tonight do it before you get impregnated by a muzz coon.

because I want to kiss every freckle you have, and stare into those eyes everyday. It's almost winter up North here with 5 months of darkness and sub zero temps.
I wish I had a woman to share fun with, and heres one that wants to die and leave a void on Earth.

checks out

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>1 post by this ID

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we want you to help us repopulate our race and we love u