So we havent had these in awhile
Lets pass down wise knowledge we got from our Elders Seeing the boomers failed to do so-

I'll Start
My Finnish Grandpa told my stories of a great cavern system in Mongolia with treassures and strange people
He told me aswell that when fighting Pajeets, never run just take down the biggest one quickly,

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Other urls found in this thread:


My grandpappy told me "never stick it in crazy"

The most amount of damage you can ever do is to yourself

A good bit of danger every once in awhile is good for your bloodflow

>Be my kraut granma (RIP now)
>Have a pharmacy left to her by her kraut dad
>go on to university for pharma degree
>leave pharmacy for a jew to manage
>come back after few years
>kike has run the pharmacy to the ground, on the verge of bankruptcy
>fire kike
>pharmacy back in business and booming
>germans gather all the jews from that small town and march them off somewhere
>granma standing outside her pharmacy
>a jewess friend of hers is among those marched off
>break down crying for the she-kike
>she-kike says:
>don't cry, if you would not, we would have been marching you goyim like this
>many years later tell this to her grandson
>be me

A very old hungarian woman, who was famous for being badass at dream interpretations a century ago has said the following:

only marry girls who have thin, semi-long fingers. Beautiful hands. Stay away from meaty fingers, kinda mongrel hans with short fingers they are whores

Jow Forums, for the love of God, check hands before dating/marrying

for instance, pic related is a whore of babylon

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sauce blease!

My grandparents lived in East Belfast during the Troubles and are basically the main reason I haven't taken the bluepill of Loyalism.
>In his late 40s at the outbreak of the Troubles
>Granda works at Harland and Wolff (big dockyards in Belfast)
>Economy not the best
>Friends with a younger guy from west belfast (deep in mick territory)
>Mickanon gets sacked for being a Catholic
>Granda thinks this is a bit shit but sign of the times+knows better than to cause trouble at work at that point
>Tells me about how on his way home from work in the 70s he was stopped by a group of UVF men and "searched"
>They didn't check his trousers or even really his jacket, just told him to empty his pockets before moving forward
>One of them demands his wallet
>Hands it over
>Tells him he'll get it back but he has to deliver a letter to an address the following day
>Delivers letter to house in Cregagh (east belfast, loyalist territory)
>House is dark and smells of smoke
>Bunch of guys sitting at a kitchen table eating toast
>Take the letter off him
>Some drunk guy comes downstairs holding a gun and goes into the living room
>Granda leaves and goes to work
>Some guy delivers his wallet (money missing)
>Mickanon from earlier turns up dead, killed by UVF
>Granda eventually lost his job too and was robbed two more times by the Loyalist Paramilitaries

His sentiment was that every single paramilitary in Northern Ireland at the time-green or orange-was "no better than the moslems they're shipping over to us by the tonne." He's in the early stages of dementia now but has some more wholesome stories.



My great nanna was literally a nazi and would always tell me stories about der jude and how hitler was an ok guy and how they were told to get the fuck out of Germany but wouldn't... among other things.
Always funny when she would rant about typhus.

My grandfather was first gen over here from Germany.
As a little kid, he took me around to do meals on wheels (home food delivery for free to the poor) and stopped and explained how some nigger and nigger that as far as not working, but that why we need to help him being it's the right thing to do. As a kid it meant nothing to me other then I already knew nigger wasn't something you said, but hey grandpa was old.
Yet as an adult looking back it was this strange mix of clearly thinking nigger was less than but also honestly wanting to help the person being it wasn't their fault they were less than.

Kind of a life lesson in being a good person while still having a very sharp edge about how the other person is totally worthless, but you still help them. I think it's a feeling that isn't around much anymore. Replaced with fuck you I'm equal or even better, but help me anyways and fuck you, said you were equal so why is your hand still out?

>be my grandpa
>entered army and shipped overseas in '45 because of age
>was courier for intel officers in West Germany
>said he used to spend his off time at the bar and learning German to bag a frau
>was married at this time
>when he was in bars he would start fights then hide under the table to watch the fallout
Any of you guys' grandpa talk about a guy that did this

>I'd never have a fat daughter
>I just would not allow it
like damn mom, I know I'm your only son so this issue isn't in play but holy crap that's harsh.
Yet her point was that a fat daughter is costing herself everything a woman can get out of live by lowering her options, by being fat.

LOVE not (((love))) is the answer

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I only got to meet my grandma.She was literally fucking tarzan.Would get lost in the woods here and hunt because her uncle taught her how (Her dad was a dead beat cunt and her mom died 4 years after her birth.)She loved joking around.

As for stories she would often tell me ho she would steal sugar canes from the trucks that stopped nearby.
And about pulling pranks as a kid on older boy.

Grandpa, a guy of the real old school Swiss Italian " never trust anyone"

My grandma, when Obama got elected, said "This is literally the end of times"

When the circus/carnival is in town you have to hide your clothesline and garden hose to prevent the gypsies from stealing them. My grandfather was adamant about that.

>My grandma
>slow self-inflicted demolition of the Church under Paul VI, John Paul I & II and Benedict
>instead considered that a US election heralded the end of the world
just what

nobody wants that kind of faggot at a party

Oh, and apparently SS officer saved my grandpa's life.
>Grandpa was a farmer, as his father
>Tending his fields september-october
>Ongoing campaign on Russia
>While going east, some of the Germans went through his village
>Looking for whatever they needed at the time
>Grandpa on the field when hearing army approaching
>Dropping on the ground to hide
>Germans went through the field
>Officer nearby my grandpa
>Stepped on his head to make him not move
>Shouting something in German
>Germans left
>Grandpa pissed his pants

No joke

i havent had any connection with my grandparents except my fathers side and she died when I was 8 and witnessed it. when my mothers side grandmother died its shit to admit but i didnt feel sad because i didnt have no connection with her and grandfathers are dead

>be me 52yo oldfag
My grandfather died when I was like 3 or some shit but I remeber being in his car and him pointing out how the city highway was being built through old neighborhoods and how the blacks were moving into his neighborhood, chasing out all his white neighbors. He said none of this will look the same and jesus fuck was he right.
