GO TO 38:10
Zizek discusses the conspiracy which presents the fact that jews control and want to destroy western europe using postmodern deconstructionism and historisist relativism. Jow Forums BTFO'D!

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Brave man, not looking forward to his "suicide" after his "troubled time" and/or "mental health crisis"

This man is a worthless drunkard.

He never had problems with drugs, alcohol or anything like that
Why would he be worthless when he's one of the many 'dark web intelectuals' who has something to say about the whole western problem?
Care to explain please? I don't get your point.

>Care to explain please?
He's saying that people who expose the public to this kind of truth have a tendency to get assassinated.

Didn't he have a stroke? Last time I saw him he had a speech impairment because of it, but looks like he's fine now.

Get this clown out of here pls and open leftypol

He is indeed a rambling idiot.
What he does is more entertainment than anything else.
Plus, he literally stated that a man is wrong to complain about his wife screwing around.
And has said Europe needs to accept that Islamic men will rape.
A literal cuckold.

Žižek has been talking the truth for years

>Islam already welcome in western Europe
>"Islam will rape"
Can you not get it any harder?

Well he’s still alive so obviously not.

Philosophy ended with Nietzsche. Everything after it is Jewish bullshit arguing about irrelevant nonsense where they use big words to try and sound deep. Real philosophical problems like metaphysics and ethics have gone out the window. Now their philosophy is basically just like "Dude capitalism lmao."

Holy shit, the sniffing and nose rubbing definitely adds to validity of what he's saying. Other than being a coke fiend, I can't see what else would cause this in a person. "Jews have been a a bit of a problem in our societies for a couple centuries now and so on and so on, sniff, drool, ugh". While what he says is obviously true, I can't listen to him more than a few minutes. This guy is a fucking mess.

Starting at 43:25 he literally admits the right wing is right but says it doesn’t matter and literally says if your wife is cheating on you why should you even care. What a retard.

This is exactly why he's right. He only said it and here you are buttblasted. If your wife cheats on you, you failed as a husband. She's not your wife, don't get asshurt and find a real wife.

>Wow user, you’re having a normal reaction to an illogical argument made by a Marxist. I guess it makes him right. Open the borders!
>user, if your wife fucks other men behind your back it just means she was never your wife to begin with.
Cuck poster

>jews and muslims working together
He keeps bringing this up. I've never heard of this promoted anywhere, unless he is talking about Israel funding and supporting ISIS. This doesn't fit however because ISIS was meant to undermine Syria and destabalise the Mid-East in general.
He is mixing everything up. He is like a child playing with concepts without any interest in the truth. I still like him, because at least he is able to discuss complex subjects without over-emotionalising it.

t. Zizek

>the thought of his wife cheating on him makes him feel like a victim
>will not carry on with his life but instead dwell over some slut
Western culture is so silly.

>He is like a child playing with concepts without any interest in the truth.
>without any interest in the truth

There’s arguments made at times that Jews or various elites are using muslims (as well as Africans) as imported voting blocks or diluting native populations for various reasons. They’re not all Borgs working together like this is a game of Risk.

Oh look another Marxist who sucks up to Jews.

Lmao, the guy sounds like unhinged lunatic. Why every leftist """"" philosopher""""" is like this.

Yeah, Asians, Muslims, and Africans don’t care so much about adultery. Silly Westerners...

Imagine being such a cuckold

You obviously don't read philosophy. What you say may be partially true, but not absolutely. As well, Nietzsche as the turning point is laughable.

Same reason everyone ahead of its time sounds crazy.
Ignore the sniffles and focus on the picture he's painting. The reason he sounds odd to you is because you percieve one topic at a time and can't connect it to a bigger picture.
There's no point arguing if you don't understand him. Close the video and move on.

Are you trolling? Let me ask you, your wife cheats on you, what do you do?
Do you instantly leave her, forget her and find a new wife
Do you commit and try to salvage your marriage and MAYBE she won't cheat anymore

>ahead of its time
The dude is bolstering the failed political ideals of the Bolshevics from last century. No matter what update or spin he puts on it, there is little that could be described as "modern" in his core views.

She gets stoned

Dear shitalian, muslims follow a kike fanfic religion, Saudi Arabia has close ties to Israel and USA, muslim immigration was weaponized by kikes in Europe, pointless wars in middle east are used as excuses for a lot of shit... If you are a retarded pizza eater, just keep yourself quiet to avoid embarassing yourself.

>"Oooooh fuck did he just pull out a few concepts from an idealism I was taught not to like?"
Close the video, this is too advanced for you.

>sensible chuckle

Le Sniff Man

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>taught not to like
Where did you get this from?

You ignored the first part of my comment

>Starting at 43:25 he literally admits the right wing is right but says it doesn’t matter

number one, obviously

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Western ideology

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Right wing paranoia personified

He healed

Brainlets, his work on ideology is genius and your opinions regarding him are worthless. Get your smug implication of intelect by dismissing Zizek out of here.

You're literally repeating a sentence you read somewhere, NPC.

Try listening instead of watching

Exactly, the right wing IS right and it does not matter because the future is already determined.
You can be a super righty but in 3 generations it won't mean anything.
If you want shit to change you need a worldwide revolution. Just being right wing and voting for the puppet won't change a thing.

Actual leftists who are about class theory and not social justice bullshit are usually somewhat woke on the JQ, at the very least they'll be anti-Israel or dislike Jews for being wealthy.

5 replies and nothing of value, nothing to learn. have some self awareness.

zizek is a sophist and a charlatan, he will be among the first to go on dotr

>If you want shit to change you need a worldwide revolution
not possible. if you disagree explain why

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Political orientation is largely heritable. White conservatives have an above replacement fertility rate. White genetic liberals have sub replacement fertility rates. With each generation Whites will become more and more genetically conservative. Genetics matter, not stupid political theories or your hopes of a “worldwide revolution”.

>If your wife cheats on you, you failed as a husband.
Typical Slovenian cuck.

You answered your previous question.
"right wing is right but it does not matter"
Now you know what he meant with this.

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Based Zizek.

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Oh man, I'm gonna reply seriously.
You chose a whore for a wife and this is somehow not your fault?

Saudi Arabia and Israel.

>Starting at 43:25 he literally admits the right wing is right but says it doesn’t matter
Did you even listen? He says that you can present data in a manner to lie. His conclusion is literally that you can use facts to obfuscate antagonisms.


>a tendency to get assassinated.

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I was replying to posts of nothing of value, look further than the length of your nose.

>Did you even listen? He says that you can present data in a manner to lie. His conclusion is literally that you can use facts to obfuscate antagonisms.

Yes, he says that but he never disproves anything. Saying: “this is obviously wrong” isn’t proof.

>the current political entities and borders will last for the rest of human existence.

I don't feel like listening to this guys suckle his own buggers for an hour. What was his point? There is no concerted effort to do this? Its all a big coincidence? Goys do it too?

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Zizek is pure ASMR

I'm just letting the thread know where your "philosophy" is coming from.

Slovenian men are basically so pussywhipped that their whore women (the colloquialism for a slut who will do anything in ex Yugoslavia was "Slovenka") make them roleplay "strong dominant men" which amounts to them "making" their wives participate in fetish sex clubs and parties, where they dress in leather and eat shit (they picked this up from the Germans/Austrians) and they have to pretend that they're "making" her do it or it's their own fault that they're not "dominant" enough so she has to go and do it on her own.

dark web? he's mainstream, even here, his books are on display in every book store for fuck sake. communist are so deluded

>Starting at 43:25 he literally admits the right wing is right but says it doesn’t matter

Why would it matter?

>rest of human existence
Because after shitskins completely invade, there is no human existence.

i'm looking for some justification and reasoning. at least nrx types try to justify their historical truisms. you sound like you're interpreting the bible or something. he's just some funny coked up commie, you know?

Still sore we didn't help you in the war I see.

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>Current birth rates for each political orientation will last for the rest of human existence.
You're a charlatan looking into a fake crystal ball.

I like that, let's get it trending, but the other way around.
>Cheating is someone else's fault.
Communism is so great, you can always find someone else to blame. I dig.

No, mass migration won’t be the end of the West or civilization. New governing entities are likely. The current governing entities or borders are not mandated from god.

What is this post trying to say?
>"Don't believe him, he likes the white stuff and something something communism."

Holy fuck reading comprehension.

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stop projecting so hard, Hrvoje.

based and redpilled

Pic related, the entirety of the Slovenian navy.

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>the colloquialism for a slut who will do anything in ex Yugoslavia was "Slovenka"


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You picked a slut for a wife...
I think I need to clarify something, you guys are getting too triggered.
It is her fault, but you chose her as a wife. Then you spend the rest of your days crying about it.
It was all your choice and then you blame your bad choices on someone else.

Nonsense. The balance between socialisation and genetic heritability in matters such as the one you're talking about is undetermined. By implying it is purely genetic you are either being ignorant or a desperate charlatan.

Holy fuck who cares. Is this some type of anology for collective punishment for the West or something?

literally just explain the mechanics of an even mildly possible worldwide revolution. I promise I won't greentext it and say it's obviously absurd and you're a larper.

>this assblasted
So if we're so weak why are you upset we didn't help you?

It isn’t. There’s plenty of data on fertility rates and political orientation. Just take time to look it up.

What does he have to prove, that antisemitism is wrong? There always is an implication in jewish conspiracy theories is that all the jews work together almost like a hivemind, the archetype of the jew is a subversive greedy mastermind. Sometimes you see this rationalized with genetics, spirituality, whatever. Why do you need the jews as this super villain for your ideology? This is the question zizek raises.
In Nazi germany the jew was guilty for who he is, they just had to find out what he has done exactly.
Most of the antisemetic conspiracies relly on confirmation bias, but internally they're full of contradictions.

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>nuke israel

i think you're understanding the situation too much as a single incident between individuals and not a destructive behaviour that hurts the collective that can be conditioned against to be punished, socially or however else you want when it happens.

not plausible, but certainly desirable

I don't know what you're talking about, I'm pretty sure no one ever even thought you guys had an army. What would you help with, would you call on Martin Rombach?


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