Nationalism is a solipsistic concept

Give me one reason why nationalism is a good founadtion for a successful society. Protip: You can't.

t. leftypol

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>Give me one reason why nationalism is a good founadtion for a successful society.
Understand what happened to the west....

One must understand the big picture

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Solipsism to a certain degree is a good thing actually.




>"lol why would you love your country, it was just chance that you were born there"
>"So why do you love your family more than other people since it was just chance you were born to them?"

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Nigger not loving your family is the whole point o the rootless

Muslims and Jews, that's why.

All Jewish societies self-annihilate because they can't do labor, they only enslave.

All Muslim societies become as dumb as cattle.

Small enough scale for people to be invested in the common destiny, large enough scale to develop power on a significant scale.

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Worked for millenia, why wouldn't it still.

Every European nation is based on nationalism. It was the big new thing that united a lot of people and formed countries as we know them today back in the post-Napoleonic 19th century. I thought Sweden had a good education system, you really should learn your history.

>Give me one reason why nationalism is a good foundation for a successful society
Because it has historically created the most successful nations. All successful nations have been nationalistic. Your Marxist newspeak faggotry doesn't change that, sorry.

that definition of nationalism is bullshit

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>hurr durr nationalism means hating other countries
And loving your family means hating everyone else, right?
I think the BBC you sucked yesterday made it's way to your brain Sven.


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Forever, 88

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>Replace nationalist with far left progressives.
>It's actually more accurate.

Nationalism is the opposite of solipsism it means having a collective racial, ethnic, and political identity. The strongest and most capable nations in history have been have been nationalistic.

you need to go back

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The end of the nation state means that wars will happen within states rather than between states.

This is significantly more accurate

Reminder to toss Jewish children off bridges and tall buildings.

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Let that sink in

Teaches you to have no pride and surrender to those who do. Cuck.

Typical cuck, jewish slave. Get back to Birkenau you dirty subhuman pretending to be Swede.

88 for life!

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