My parents were basically struggling to try to convince me that the blackpill was not the answer...

My parents were basically struggling to try to convince me that the blackpill was not the answer. I've never seen them try quite so hard.

I wasn't arguing with them much, just denying that it was an option to resist it. I feel the lines drawn much more strongly between myself and happy strangers when I am dealing with an episode of pain (not going into it).

But, It's not like I'm going to go kill random people. I just told them seeing happy people at work makes me feel incredible envy, and contempt and I sympathize (not empathize) with mass shooters because I imagine this is some microcosm of their mindset before they go out and do it.

Still, I'm not about to kill random people I do not know, that would be crazy, right pol? The world is just very harsh. Can I get some feels?

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grow up kid. the world is what you make of it.

hot desu

it's ok, they're coping and rationalizing their own choices

kys edgelord. People are happy in spite of the world not because of it. Sounds more like you're a faggot and can't accept it.

whats the black pill again? i never kept up with the pill faggotry

OP likes BBC

Can someone explain the definitions of the various pills? I want to keep up with you fags.

>telling other people you empathize with spreebois
bad move user, they'll lock you up for that wrongthink

Life isnt about happiness. Drop the edgelord shit and find some meaning.

Try to imagine Sisyphus as a happy man.

>Try to imagine Sisyphus as a happy man.
Has he made it up the hill yet? Or is he still climbing it.

Who doesn’t

Jews really have turned women into nothing but materialistic attention seeking cum dumpsters...

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Are these based on real porn scenes?


At first, I thought I'd like to have back the few seconds of life I wasted reading this pointless faggotry, but then I realized I would have most likely just spent that time reading some other pointless faggotry.

>random people
yes Never RANDOM people
only those responsible
preferably the ring leaders

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>This desu

>Life isnt about happiness
Yes it is faggot. We've known this since Epicurus's time.

If you're asking if a blowjob was ever in porn I'd say probably.

Stop masterbating to porn and get a hobby. You're being an unhappy faggot because your dopamine receptors are fried from excessive masterbating.

This says a lot about our society.

Good goy, good cope

Obvuiosly op is a worthless faggot with a this whiny bullshit
But not much I’m going to do that’ll change his mindset when he picks up an AR but if you’re going to do it at least take out someone impactful, go big rothchilds, Soros, Clinton’s, Hollywood execs.... ect

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>t. npc