Anyone know about Switzerland's history that has not been manipulated by Jewish historians?
How do they manage to elude Jewish subversion so well?
I know they practice direct democracy is that resistant to kike manipulations compared to democratic republic?
Does it have something to do with how they structure their military? I know they used to have a militia rather than a standing army (i don't know if that has changed).
You recognize that Switzerland is the only Nation in Europe that's not part of the EU right?
Anthony Torres
Small guberment. They can't corrupt your government if you barely have one.
Jaxson Brooks
I would fuck the brains out of that pajeeta to right of the EU flag if you know what I mean
Henry Taylor
Idiot. It's not about having a small government. It's about having an authoritarian government that caters to the unique needs of the collective group.
Such a thing is impossible with a big region because there are regional differences in preferences.
Also, a big regional government is always vulnerable to Jewish subversion because they use their money to subvert local elections. Why are Jews so successful in US? Because it's big and they manipulate local elections. Nobody pays attention or knows about it because the country is so big. There are no punishments for subversion because the laws are not dictated on the local level.
What the people in California prefer or want as their laws is not what the people of Kansas prefer or what as as their laws.
Thomas Roberts
back off, she's mine.
Leo Edwards
Fun to see the American education at work here...
Jack King
>You rapefugee-loving EU loving faggot >You recognize that Switzerland is the only Nation in Europe that's not part of the EU right?
Do you idiots think that there are no migrants in Switzerland just because we're not in the EU? We have the second highest immigrant population per capita in Europe. 2 million out the 8 million people in Switzerland are foreigners.
Liam Howard
The Swiss government will pay anyone 250,000 dollars usd and Swisz Citizenship to move to Switzerland so long as they buy a house and live there for 10 years and are under 45 years of age.
Jeremiah Torres
Seems natural to us that if you're outside of the EU, you would have no reason to follow their fucking Schengen Zone and Rapefugee quota shit. While we're on the topic, why do you do participate?
Jack Jones
The vast majority of them are whites, though
Jose Carter
the fuck you talking about, Switzerland is like 25% non Swiss >Additionally, the figures from 2012 show that 34.7% of the permanent resident population aged 15 or over in Switzerland (around 2.33 million), had an immigrant background.
Luis Watson
Sorry user to hit you hart with the truth, but we are in the Schengen zone and also in many other treaties. Almost 80% of our legislation changes/amendments are influenced or triggered by the EU. At this point it doesn't really matter if we would be a full member. And there are politicians that would like that or have even more treaties.
Gabriel Gomez
Are you saying that Switzerland has an authoritarian government?
Colton Clark
>While we're on the topic, why do you do participate? Because it's part of the bilateral treaties and it makes crossing the border much less of a hastle. And the refugee relocation quota for Switzerland was like 1500 people, and we didn't even take 1500 in the end.
>"The Alpine nation had participated in the first such relocation programme in 2015, pledging to take in 1,500 asylum seekers from Italy and Greece. So far, 902 asylum seekers from Italy and 579 from Greece have been admitted under the first relocation programme."
We only took part in the first relocaton program, not in the second.
Eli Thompson
These numbers don't even seem accurate. When you look at the cities it's full of Eritrea's and Arabs , Sub Saharan Africans. Especially Basel.
Nonswiss. Switzerland is just as cucked as the rest of Europe if not worse as we such a small country and everyone wants to to leech off our social system.
The socialist in Switzerland have a large influence in cities and most of the city women are brainwashed Marxists. It's a complete shithole like all other euro cities. Only difference is we might have more money
Easton Price
Slavs are not white! There are a lot of Turks and also plenty of Arabs. Since 2-3 years, they ship in niggurs by the truckload. The demographic is changing rapidly, the '2 out of 8' number is probably outdated already.
And even if the vast majority of the migrants are ''''white''''' in the broader sense of the word, they still have a different culture and speak a different language. Many just are on the skill level that they can go through their day, speak in front of a store clerk or some gov office. But they still speak their native language if they are among each other.
It's anecdotal, but most of the foreigner I know, do not consider Switzerland their home. Most of them go 'home' during the long summer break or for Christmas.
Does it have high taxes and laws and punishments for laws and fixed borders?
The laws are created through direct democracy, but referendums are not only proposed by public petition, there are also referendums proposed by the unelected Central Committee. People still have to vote on the referendums, but voting itself is not the distinction between an authoritarian state and a non-authoritarian state.
Julian Nguyen
We are part of the schengen. So that means every eastern euro shit and his low iq family can all come here and get jobs and free gibs
Landon Jones
But, are they citizens?
Ofcourse, because it's so hard to get citizenship.
Yes, but the changes/ammendments are voted on by the citizens and not by some central bureaucracy like other countries.
EU/non-EU is not only about immigrants, it's about independence from foreign government.
Do you pay fees to the EU?
Eli Thomas
That will change soon. We have a self voting inatative that the socialist are trying surpassing. If they have their way there will be no more direct democracy.
I mean, I guess it is to be expected. You're fairly isolated and your only neighbors are EU nations. At some point, no matter how vigilant, you're going to succumb to their will. I can appreciate convenience, but not at such an enormous cost. Though I'd be a hypocrite and a liar if I said my own people were not guilty of the very same with much farther reaching implications.
Landon Martin
Still, its in better shape than any other country in Western Europe. Your socialists get like 17% of the vote.
Iceland is better demographically, but with a super feminist progressive mentality.
Caleb Rivera
Switzerland is the headquarters of the globalists.
Josiah Collins
No. The socialists parites SP control the majority of big cities. It's very bad here, the unis are also filled with trans and commie propaganda.
Kevin Cox
I'll never look at Switzerland the same way.
Daniel Bennett
Switzerland is one of the least authoritarian countries in the world you retard. if you told a Swiss person that their government was authoritarian they would just laugh at you Americans just get mad because Swiss Liberty is the Liberty that Americans wished they had.
Ethan Wright
There are no socialist parties. Social Democracy =/= Socialism. Social Democracy=Welfare Capitalism.
Asher Thompson
"Socialism" - I don't know what you mean exactly by this because it's broad.
Socialism, in and of itself is not bad. It's only left-wing socialism i.e Trotskyist globalism/openborders/identitarianism/multiculturalism that's bad.
Right-wing Stalinism and National Socialism is good: nationalism/closed borders/maintaining local culture and practices/abolishing all identities but the common national identity/anti-degeneracy.
Jayden Rivera
The SP are a SOCIALIST party you dolt.
Logan Turner
Socialism is terrible. It has promoted this welfare state in the big cities and now we have thousands of illegals draining our taxes and abusing the system. And many more always trying to come in and take advantage.
The socialist party here SP in Swiss are are Neo Marxists and they have a clear agenda like rest of the euro.
Landon Ward
Ow thank you. You are awsome too
Carter Johnson
yall gay lol
Robert Smith
That sucks.
These Jews are getting out of control. Something needs to happen.
There are half a million Muslims in Switzerland alone. Really, in such a short time it's insane. think your thinking too much of our country. Such a small populace and we natives are being overrun in cities.