Why do Americans get so triggered over random searches?

Why do Americans get so triggered over random searches?

10-15 years ago, we had a problem with pakis and working class scum chimping out with illegal knives. Then the police started to have random knife controls and the problem disappeared

Look at pic related, he's subject to a random knife control and he's happy because he has nothing to hide and he knows that a knife free society is a safe society

Attached: friday 024.jpg (1024x768, 119K)

>Is the nuclear device in his asshole?
>call for backup

I’m allowed to carry my knife you unfree faggot

>why don't you wanna be treated like a criminal
>Knife free society

kill yourself

Good question, why do Democrats hate ballot searches?
Ballots are being shredded!
We need to block the trucks!
Today, at 10AM!
Parkland, Florida!
Any able bodied user would be a national hero!

The point of our country is not to be subjects to a ruling class. Our political establishments undermine this consistently which only reinforces the need for citizens to defend our Constitution.

because natives get inconvenienced when you could eliminate the root problem and just ban pakis.
and not everyone can trust their LE, they like to go around stealing people's shit using their authority, so a pit stop would be right up corrupt officials alley

>Why do Americans get so triggered over random searches?

Because its illegal. Its our right not to be randomly searched. We even have a constitutional amendment that states that.

Attached: Babylon 5 fuck you.jpg (1200x680, 153K)

Liberals get triggered over searches because it puts a lot of minorities in jail.

Libertarians get triggered because they don't want to, even for a moment, want to visually resemble a minority.