Mid-terms are over now you can post
Google Captcha throttled Jow Forums
checking if im still ip banned
>Mid-terms are over now you can post
Faggot. Posting should be limited to pass holders. Nothing good comes from non-paying users.
>Posting should be limited to pass holders. Nothing good comes from non-paying users.
Hi mod.
Is that ape wearing a shirt?
>Newfag attempts insults
Cry more. The new captcha is cancer. You don't remember the old captcha unless you look it up and find out what I am talking about. I wish I hadn't deleted my fun captchas folder. Enjoy programming google AI services. You may call me a "mod" and that is not remotely true, but you are doing work for a mega corporation for free just to post here. This is how they cover their costs. Any fucking idiot with a lukewarm IQ has an ad blocker, so Jow Forums is limited to generating revenue somehow.
All the time you waste on pictures of bridges and cars generates a few cents for Jow Forums, and compounded over a year will give them income. You will be paying to post here one way or another, but its a good metric to see who is a poor loser. You bitching about captcha shows that you are an sjw style bitch.
State of Jow Forums: controlled by Gooooooogle
Check the traffic lights now, boy, check 'em
New captcha is absolute cancer. And yes, it allows google absolute control over Jow Forums. Waiting 5 seconds for some pictures to fade out/in will eventually kill Jow Forumss user base.
>And yes, it allows google absolute control over Jow Forums
Users with 2 brain cells have options. I certainly shill for Jow Forums pass IF you post more than a few times a day. it is not only a time saver, but at least I know its going to a site that I use. I don't use any other form of social networking, and Jow Forums is not my main board, but there certainly are some delusional people here. These people bitching about simple shit like captcha also will tell you how much an influence Jow Forums had in electing the president? I think not. They make velcro sneakers for window lickers like this.