"I'll never forgive what he did to the United States military"

>"I'll never forgive what he did to the United States military"

What exactly did Obama do again? Decide that the military industrial complex might not be a great idea?

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kike shills incoming

Obama tried to starve the military deep state and Trump rescued them

Basically this is the Military Industrial Complex (in the form of an overweight fatass with a combover) complaining that we still haven't given them enough money to destabilize the world.

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Cucked it every chance he got. There’s no excuse for it.

Obama isn't even his name

He took apart our airplane missile defense system
We had developed a 737 with a giant laser beam nose to shoot down missiles
Obama parked it took the nose off and sold it at a loss
You can find picture of stripped plane in graveyard
I was so fucking pissed when that happened there was no good reason for it
coincidentally North Korea went crazy right after that
Fucking nigger retard thinks we can’t tell what he was doing


It’s a series of clicks and pops, isn’t it?

It's just the same old Trump rhetoric that he's using to deflect instead of addressing a criticism of himself.

Obama tried to close the last remaining tank factory in the US. Let that sink in. US only had ONE SINGLE tank factory left making some meme number 1 tank a month and he tried to shut that down. Under Teumo the factory is back up and pumping 1990s tier numbers and employees shooting for 1980s soon.

You really think that's the first failed military project? There have been failed military projects in every single administration. Look at the cost of the Zumawalt destroyers for example, they were worked on for decades, countless billions of dollars spent on them and the technology still isn't there.

Go back to your Discord.

he let women and trannies serve in the military, is that not enough?

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if if if

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Pumping out tanks for what? We have literally THOUSANDS of abrams, we don't need more of them. One of the reasons that was done is because we had all of these fucking tanks just sitting around doing fucking nothing because they're useless.

But great job on Trump opening some stupid factory again that we don't need just so we can throw away billions of taxpayer dollars again.

No, Obama intentionally kept the war machine going by stripping our military and placing ridiculous rules of engagement on our soldiers so the wars we were in weren't winnable.

Aren't tanks just target practice for airplanes now?

>The army is not and has no plans to permanently close the Joint Systems Manufacturing Center, JSMC. Army officials are planning to end U.S. Army tank production in the JSMC from 2015 to 2016 because the U.S. Army has built all of the tanks that the troops need, given the current army force structure, which dictates how many vehicles it needs in active and reserve units as well as contingency storage in case the vehicles are needed for a war. The army did not convince Congress that it did not need more tanks in 2011, so in 2013, Congress funded an additional tanks to be built at a cost of ~$270M. The army plans on building those tanks and parking them in storage. At the end of the day there will be ~200 "brand new" tanks in storage because the Army reduced the quantity of tanks it needed in its force structure - how many of each vehicle and number of troops, etc. Additionally, there are ~4000 tanks in storage in the desert.

So basically they're producing tanks just so they can go sit in storage somewhere doing nothing. Great expenditure of taxpayer money, right goy?

It wasn’t just the plane he crippled our missile defense system in nearly every way not just new toys
Then he took nasa apart too
Fucking nigger screwed us all
For what????

>The plant will continue to produce other products including the Israeli Namer APC chasis and Abrams Foreign Military tanks during that timeframe. The army is considering layaway of the plant if there is a gap with no additional production between 2013 and 2017. The army will layaway unused equipment. General Dynamics Land Systems, which currently operates in the government owned factory, opposed the closure, arguing that suspension of operations would increase long-term costs and reduce flexibility.[8][9] Recapitalization efforts during the war have resulted in the youngest fleet age in the history of the Abrams program. The average age of the Abrams tank in U.S. Army service is less than two years. Plant closure would cost $380 million to shut down and mothball the plant, with an additional $1.3 billion needed to restart production. If passed, a bill currently in the U.S. Senate would allocate $272 million in funds toward the plant to allow it to continue regular operations through July 2014. This bill did pass and GDLS is lobbying for an additional $180M.

>In December 2016 new funding of $1.2 billion was allocated for the production of the Abrams tank and Stryker armored vehicle to be built at the Joint Systems Manufacturing Center in Lima. As of July 2018, the factory was producing 11 Abrams tanks a month.[2]

>unironically cocklusting for tanks when even one-man tandem-charge rockets can scrap them and vehicles like the BMPT can do the same job at a lesser cost and greater survivability

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He made them murderers. He used them not to defend the innocent and the weak, but to prop up the corrupt and the evil.

I never said it was the first
Just stated what he did and coincidental (not coincidental) timing of our enemies emboldened behavior immediately after

Obama gutted the military, replaced top officials with placebo yes men, and most importantly, allowed trannies and mentally ill to soak military bucks through voluntary and unnecessary medical cosmetic surgery

go back to your tumbler discord please, pic related faggot
also, obungo tried to shut down the only tank factory in US
jesus christ you tumbler disc shills are sad

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>overly socialized liberals honestly believe weapons are toys

>throwing away tax dollars by paying citizens to develop military equipment that they will in turn spend in their local economy
>we want gibs instead!

You’re a fucking idiot and have no idea how building and maintaining capacities work. Once you close a plant you lose the ability to make products in the future you dumbfuck. So even though you might not need the tanks right now where everything is rosy and dandy you might need them 10 years from now. With China pumping out a shitton of tanks every day do you think it’s wise to close you last remaining factory? Are you that dumb?

You’re in the same retarded crowd of people who believes we don’t need manufacturing in this country because it’s cheaper to buy it from abroad and ship it here. Well guess what happens during a war dumbfuck? You think China will send US the metal/electronics/goods in needs to fight them?

You brainlets just need to die.

Wait is this real? Two years ago or three years ago even, Obama ruined most of the arm forces. People were working 12 hour shifts for months at a time, and the snake nog didn’t allow anybody to have time off. There was nobody able to replace sick or tired or weak servixemen. So many people were so fed up with it they either defected or had to go and report to commanding officers, whick hurt their chances of rejoining military. Then they lost their jobs. Then Obama blamed the military for some inane shit. Fuck that stupid fucking ape

That's driven by state senators with Abrams factories in their state. Muh constituents...

He fired a massive number of senior generals and admirals and promoted a massive number of junior generals and admirals who are pozzed and have no business leading a military, they don't know how to fight wars, let alone win.

He also subjected our brave enlisted to massive amounts of social justice mandatory training, and tried to get trannies forced into our barracks and berthings.

>Pumping out tanks for what?
For the ability to make tanks you dumb faggot. Tanks are a consumable good, how do you replace them when they've been destroyed if you no longer have a factory to build them?

Wings literally falling off overused planes
Ships retiring with fleet below replacement level
Millions lost in successful canceled projects
PC culture so stifling and ridiculous top brass retiring out early
Classic historical morale patches suddenly problematic and banned
This is common knowledge, what do you do all day

Also it wasn’t failed
It was tested and worked but we never even got to deploy it
He took it apart and sold it at a loss
Why would you do that give me a reason that isn’t treason

People die in wars user.
The fact that artillery kills soldiers didn't magically make soldiers obsolete back during the Napoleonic era. Why would it be any different for tanks?

he fired all the generals that didnt agree with him politically and implemented tons of "diversity training" in the military.
It was pretty controversial, but most of the media avoided covering it.

:^) women are our battle buddies now. If you’re lucky, they won’t betray you and will just be used as a toy by enemies.

fucked over our healhcare system... the "affordable care act" has raised the price of insurance premiums and deductibles to insane levels

fucked up race relation by siding with dumb niggers killed by police, like michael brown, and by normal citizens in self-defense like trayvon

pulled out of iraq early and not allowing the military to fight = ISIS took over most of syria and north iraq

pulled land forces out of europe and in general being a beta fuck = russia took over crimea

weaponized the intelligence agencies to be used against political opponents

horrible tax polcies and overregulation

weaponized the IRS to be used against conservative groups

stagnated the american economy and just about wiped out other sectors of the economy, such a coal

sequestriation which left most of our naval ships in port and being a beta fuck in general = china building islands and militarizing all over the south china sea

became convinced by hillary that ghadaffi needed to be taken out, which turned libya into a massive shithole covered in terrorist factions

being a beta fuck = north korean missile crisis

traveled around the world apologizing for america which made us weaker

i could go on and on. trump has had a lot of shit to fix his first two years and hes done most of it... if not for mccain the healthcare situation would be improving as well.

>Decide that the military industrial complex might not be a great idea?

what the fuck are you talking about you absolute piece of shit. Obama capitalized on the military-industrial complex and EXPANDED IT.

hahaha fuck you. glad you were pissed when you saw that

ITT retards pretend that Obama and Trump were different in any meaningful way

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Can you explain why?

oh and numerous scandals such as benghazi, fast and furious etc

hide the flag if you're going to make stupid fucking posts you fucking downs syndrome faggot retard.

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nice dude, narrative completely changed. i hate trump now!
10 shillpoints have been added to your account

Obama spent more arming ISIS than on his own troops, many americans died from bullets bought by obama

>Once you close a plant you lose the ability to make products in the future you dumbfuck.
Once you close a factory you can never ever make that product ever again. Uh huh.

They can close the production line and simply switch to making parts. But gasp! They don't actually make the parts they buy then and put them together. So as long as the military needs parts the supply line is there and ready to turn over into new production if needed.

You are by definition a cultist.

I thought repub's wanted to reduce gov't spending and defecit?

user was in the military. So was I. We couldn't shoot back without requesting permission.

>pulled out of iraq early and not allowing the military to fight = ISIS took over most of syria and north iraq
Meanwhile it was Americans ,especially military families, that were yelling "bring them home". every time a US service member so much as stubbed their toe.

>russia took over crimea
Like republitards could even point out Crimea on a map or give a shit about it.

>stagnated the american economy and just about wiped out other sectors of the economy, such a coal
And the DJIA rose to 3 times its 2008 value while he was president.

> trump has had a lot of shit to fix his first two years and hes done most of it
Like what?
Hey how is that wall construction going?
Is Hillary in jail?
Etc etc etc.

>Once you close a factory you can never ever make that product ever again. Uh huh.
The Navy Supply System is FULL of parts that are unavailable now because the manufacturer went bankrupt 10 years ago and now there's no supplier who can make them, there's no drawings or schematics to hire a new company to make them, and basically reduces our readiness across the fleet. This wouldn't be a problem if we would upgrade our equipment, but funding for equipment upgrades never come through (cough cough thanks a lot F-35 cough).

>telling the truth is now considered shilling
>a post attacking all recent politicians and you dive out of nowhere to defend Trump
I hate nu/pol/

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He acts straight up like someone from Goodfellas here

Perhaps you can find some money in that big audit we were promised.

HR 5181. Authorizing the use of propaganda against the American people again. That’s the one that really bottomed out in our ass. Nice exit present from Obama. Really, what a thing to do to the people that elected you twice.

Few years later, MSM’s stranglehold on the country has it torn in half. Nothing is done. It could be corrected with the least amount of effort compared to most of the other glaring problems, but it hasn’t even been mention in as long as I can remember. Baby’s first black pill right there.

If anyone was really fighting for us, you would think they might start by destroying the strongest enemy weapon with the least amount of defenses.

They don’t though, None one ever does anything. This is all WWE on a grander scale and memes a just a more advanced iteration of crowd signs.

>using tax payer money to pay people to build things that are actually useful
>or lets just build tanks that are immediately mothballed into some warehouse

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How does a closed factory switch over to "making parts"?

>using tax payer money to pay people to build things that are actually useful
Such as?

>Obama doesn't like the military industrial complex
>lifts rules to allow fags and women to go die for Israel too



He weakened it, retard. Obama was a tactic to weaken the country. Everyone knows this you dumb faggot

Halt f35, relaunch f22 w/new tech. New Abrams. New spg. New ifv/apc.

>we don't need more of them.

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Like, right on, man! They should have to, like, bake sale to afford, like, bombs man.

>Identifying current and emerging trends in foreign propaganda and disinformation, including the use of print, broadcast, online and social media, support for third-party outlets such as think tanks, political parties, and nongovernmental organizations, and the use of covert or clandestine special operators and agents to influence targeted populations and governments in order to coordinate and shape the development of tactics, techniques, and procedures to expose and refute foreign misinformation and disinformation and proactively promote fact-based narratives and policies to audiences outside the United States.

Lol, third party support is now foreign propaganda

The government already spends money on roads, what's wrong with having tanks too?


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It's almost like these foriegn wars/strikes are an unavoidable necessities to maintain life as we know it. Would I be willing to give up some of lifes comforts to spare the sand people from being vaporized? Probably not. Does that make me a peice of shit? Probably... but obviously it's not as simple as we'd like to think.

fugg dolan drumpf an fugg whypipo

>We had developed a 737 with a giant laser beam nose to shoot down missiles
You realize that was never going to work? It was a boondoggle designed to funnel money into the military-industrial complex and from there, into the pockets of the drinking buddies of the Good Ol' Boys in D.C.

Can you pave a highway with tanks, retard?

Once again, the government already spends money to pave highways, why can it not also spend money to build tanks?

Now go sit in the corner and be a retard quietly.

What the fuck is this about? Obama and Hillary loved the MIC

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Except when it comes to the military. Bootlickers gonna boot.

>fighting for Israel is unavoidable goy! You've been doing it for years!

>implying you receive any "of life's comforts" to bomb arabs
Dipshit, we PAY for this. We pay the $ and in return we get the animosity and hatred for being kike attack dogs. Bin Laden directly credited our involvement in the middle east/support of Israel for 9/11.

>it's not as simple as we'd like to think
Yes, it actually is. Pic related.

>Ex-CIA Michael Scheuer tell congress "I'd Dump the Israelis Tomorrow":

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Why stop at tanks faggot? We need a fleet full of aircraft carriers to deploy around the world. So 13 billion an aircraft carrier, then we need to build a full compliment of fighters and choppers. Each Ford Class Carrier holds 75 aircraft, so 330 million per F22, so another 25 billion. Wait, who are we at war with again? We will just mothball, the fleet until we need it for world War 3!

You stupid fucking cunt. Do you understand why it is stupid now?

>le bootlickers XD
*proceeds to lick commissars boots"

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Obama would not force the newly created Iraqi government to sign a Status of Forces Agreement--a SOFA. Iraq wanted to try US DoD personnel for war crimes in Iraqi court--a no go for any military. So Obama pulled out and "let" ISIS in. That's the betrayal. All our guys died for nothing, all the cities we stabilized and helped rebuild were destroyed, all the good was turned to bad. Fuck Obama.

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> We will just mothball, the fleet until we need it
that's not stupid, it's just forward thinking

Nice facebook meme friend.

he turned it into a clown fiesta

obama dindu nuffin

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>muh BMPT is the future
"I have no idea what I'm talking about" t. you

>Obama would not force the newly created Iraqi government to sign a Status of Forces Agreement--a SOFA.
And how would you have proposed he go about strong-arming them into doing what you wanted, in a way that you wouldn't later tear him down for? Obama could do literally nothing right by you people, and it wasn't for a lack of trying.

This. I’ve seen them refer to guns as toys several times now; they’re fucking insane.

>Judicial Watch, who have vowed to monitor Trump’s travel expenses as closely as they did Obama’s (FOIA requests are already on file), reported in July 2017 that two months into Trump’s presidency taxpayers were already on the hook for $3.58 million in charges for air travel alone (i.e., excluding auxiliary costs such as Secret Service housing, local transporation, police protection, etc.) by the president, first lady, and vice president during February and March. That’s roughly $1.8 million per month, $700,000 more than the Obamas’ monthly average, which included the auxiliary costs we don’t yet have for Trump.

>Focusing just on Trump’s Mar-a-Lago trips, of which there were seven between Inauguration Day and mid-August 2017, an attempt at a more comprehensive estimate by the progressive watchdog group Center for American Progress Action Fund settled on a cost of roughly $3 million per trip — a total of $21 million for all of Trump’s Mar-a-Lago stays through August, amounting to $2.6 million per month). The reliability of that estimate has been rightly called into question, given that it was generalized from a Government Accountability Office report written well before Trump took office, but it is indicative of how high the Trump family’s travel costs — when they are updated to include actual Secret Service expenses and incidentals might well go.

>For that matter, obligatory Secret Service protection extends to all of Trump’s children, including his two adult sons, whose security costs while traveling are borne by American taxpayers even though they don’t work for the administration, instead running their father’s international business holdings. According to CBS News, lodging and transportation costs for federal agents protecting Eric and Donald Trump Jr. on their travels had already surpassed $190,000 by the end of President Trump’s third month in office.

>Also indicative is a USA Today report that in addition to his Mar-a-Lago residencies, as of 21 August Trump had racked up five visits to his private golf club in New Jersey. At these two locations, the Secret Service spent $60,000 on rent for the golf carts needed to protect the president. If that pattern continues, American taxpayers can expect to be dinged for as much as $103,000 per year in golf cart rentals alone.

>Although there isn’t yet enough information to work up a detailed comparison of the Trump family’s travel expenses versus the Obama family’s, it seems a near certainty, barring a dramatic change in lifestyle, that the Trumps’ expenses will continue to outpace the Obamas’ by a healthy margin, although nowhere approaching the $15 million-a-month disparity alleged by Internet sources.

He gave a lot of people a voice that typically was shunned from mainstream politics so there is less political blackpill now.

>it seems a near certainty, barring a dramatic change in lifestyle, that the Trumps’ expenses will continue to outpace the Obamas’ by a healthy margin
>it seems a near certainty, barring a dramatic change in lifestyle, that the Trumps’ expenses will continue to outpace the Obamas’ by a healthy margin
>it seems a near certainty, barring a dramatic change in lifestyle, that the Trumps’ expenses will continue to outpace the Obamas’ by a healthy margin

But do keep telling us all about how awful Obama supposedly was. You fucking retards.

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user, trumpers don't care about facts. He can do no wrong.

The only good thing about tanks is that conservatives will be in them when an atgm pops them wide open.

>muh overweight obsolete money/fuel sinkholes still have a future
t. GD shareholder

glad you liked it

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No one cares Barack

Great, now you've got generations old military equipment incapable of fighting because it's rusted junk by the time you need it. Then you have to sink billions retrofitting it with modern armor and optics and weapons.

What's forward thinking about that you dumb fuck?

yeah, vehicles like the BMPT are so effective that Kazakhstan is the only country actively using it

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