>Imagine giving affection to a lump
>imagine loving your cum when you jerk of in the shower
Totally the same thing.lumps of cells, they dont matter lol
Gurl powah
>Imagine giving affection to a lump
>imagine loving your cum when you jerk of in the shower
Totally the same thing.lumps of cells, they dont matter lol
Gurl powah
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looks tasty
Females are chaos worshippers
Nothing is sacred to them and they seek to reach the lowest material plane of existence instead of rising to the highest spiritual plane
I take solace in the fact we are just being imagined by a bored eternal mind, but still I wish The All would stop being so sadistic and depressed already.
>Have miscarriage
>Immediately posts on Instagram to attention whore
Social media as a fucking mistake.
chink nigger
>has toes and fingers
So do niggers. Not an argument.
is there anything in the world you mutts won't eat
stop trying to save niggers you kike in disguise
says the cucks that eat frog legs, there's honestly not much of a difference
We eat corn syrup bread and hormone laced beef so yeah, bring it on europussies
It's literally just cuisses de grenouille
You can't /thread yourself nigger
Arent we all just lumps of cells if you rhink about it?
>just a lump of cells
all life on earth is a lump of cells
Didnt even realize it. Tf
Stop being so paranoid you retarded cunt, most babies in europe are aborted.
If i were a hormone laced beef sandwich with corn syrup bread, would you eat me out?
>hand model
i want to fucking butcher all types of fetuses and partial birth babies
fucking human filth ill eat and rape the corpses of aborted children
>that little pinky nail
>chaos worshippers
Appeal to authority fallacy
Lol upboat for you
Please I want a nuke, what do they put in food to lower the iq of people this much, we're going to be come fucking china tier
the chinese, because they'll eat anything, even the chinese.
Looks chewy
> woman attention whoring
never saw that one coming.
Heart beat at 16 days.
embryology is seriously one of the trippiest parts of reality
Is true though until the age of 4 we are essentially inert and growing physically. It isn't until this age that the brain develops things like self.
>Females are chaos worshippers
So they're literally /our gender/?
I remember the exact moment i developed a concept of self and other people, realized what being aware was, and yeah I was 4 at the time
>mah boday mah tchoiossssss
you wish you were that tasty
Does this mean all of Jow Forums is femanons?
Today while browsing a dating site, I came across a profile that contained the following:
>I'm like a microwave. If you put a baby inside me, I WILL kill it.
What the fuck is wrong with modern women?
Is that a stretch armstrong?
>playing with a corpse
3chan dot io
Tell em landon sent you
I'll slowly eat a bowl of that with a shit-eating grin while staring crazily into the camera just to piss off the Christian right
Not perfectly formed if the body rejected it. There's a good reason for miscarriage. Means the genetic forming process got fucked up. Try again.
>downie and nigger lives matter
>t. anti-abortion cucks
ching chong wing wong
You're the leaf who told me to accept Islam, right?
> Typical Leaf.
>isnt a muzzie
Aint buying it.
>3chan dot io
Tell em landon sent you
>Social media as a fucking mistake.
WOMEN were a mistake. I want my rib back.
Why are the bars different colors?
The ability to murder their own children is the ultimate power display by women. And it's also the ultimate display of the depravity and evil that we have turned into.
Differing severities of birth defects in the case that they occur within those systems?
What he said is still correct
Where is his other hand?
>HEART-RENDING photos of 14-year old fetus
>look at how all the body parts are already formed
>so sad so sad so sad so sad
>but also they're just clumps of cells so let us have our abortions
baby feet do not look like adult feet in the fucking womb that picture is so fucking fake it hurts my brain
that's fuckin fake
Your mother does not look like an adult foot in the womb
Imagine being a creature whose sole existence is to shit out kids to the extent you post the genetalia of a miscarried fetus on twitter for attention.
What a fucking faggot. Holy shit jusy kys
Hell’s real and real hot, leaf
uh yeah they do dumb ass are you fucking retarded. What do you think babies feet look like in the womb, hooves?
It's supposed to tug at the heart strings.. Life is so overrated
edgy... very radical my bro
God is going to hate me no matter what I say. So I finna speak my peace
Uma delicia
Tiny humans exist lmao.
They really need those sob stories
Most of the time, miscarriages occur because the fetus' body is not viable. When sperm meets egg and random assortment occurs, you have the possibility to end up with all sorts of fucked up genetic errors for the fetus. No organs, two heads, inside out, stuff way worse than down syndrome.
Filthy tiny dick male counterpart, arab fucking gypsy no-one cares about your opinion
>Implying that a fallacy actually falsifies something
That's not how it works. Lurk moar.
>no one cares
>Implying women even know within the first two weeks
Up her snatch.
meh. its not red meat
hide this from the footfags
>Islam/Christianity say it's okay to abort before 3 months
>brain develops after 12 weeks
really tingles my bingle
we're all girls here, even the boys, don't you know?
>born at 26 weeks
At least my dick is okay.
boner: activated
The lump of cells argument is one of the most ass clownish pro abortion arguments the left makes. Everyone is a lump of cells ffs.
So it's not too late to abort you rabbi? Am I understanding this correctly?? The ovens are on the right
>I want my rib back.
took me a second, kek
seriously though, what the fuck is your problem when it comes to aborting embryos and fetuses before 3 months
is it autism or do you just want to troll the feminazis and libetardz
Not human if you're black, therefore it's still a clump of cells. Down the toilet they go.
Fetus that small does not have hand and legs like that. It's not a fucking tiny full developed human that just magically grows in size like it was shot with a scifi growth laser.
hah because of adam and eve
>posts picture where the feet aren't visible
Google baby feet you fucking idiot, he's right, the picture is fake as shit and you all are niggers for believing it
Everyone is worthy of forgiveness and redemption.
life beging at conception doesnt mean you cant abort though
Yes its murder, so is death penalty and war
Its murder but it should still be legal
That is sad, but I think the 20 week cut off is good. The hard part is these crazy feminists won't look at anything you show them.
You could say to them, what about premies? Would it be okay to pull their arms and legs off and then crush their head after they are borne? Why is it okay when the baby is in the womb?
I didn’t say I had a problem with it, I said the lump of cells argument is dumb. Maybe you should be aborted for your shit tier reading comprehension, niggerfaggot.
>tfw vote Democrat
>tfw vote Republican
in spain the socialists wanted 16 year byear olds to abort without having to tell the parents
leftists (women) are insane
if only women voted we would have legal postbirth abortions tomorrow
>what a dumb ass