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Other urls found in this thread:


I'm sick of this Jew ballot box stuffing shit.

Give us the fucking link, don't give us a picture and claim it's a real headline

To hell with these cheaters.


If this is true i will be joining the already HUNDREDS confirmed going to march on broward (armed).

Ask for discord links around here if youre a florida user.
Theyre not getting away with blatant rigging and election fraud.

That would destroy this entire country.

Buddy I'm pretty sure this is disinfo

so they're going to steal it and absolutely nothing will happen?


Sweet, omw down from Delaware with my guns bro, let's skin a gator

the russians did it


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what do these two counties have in common? oh, yeah, they're both heavily jewish.

>The Battle of Athens: Restoring the Rule of Law

he was up 80k votes and now the Dem is suddenly ahead so no

So when do we ride out?

I'm so sick of seeing this cuckery.
So fucking what? What do you have to live for that's more important?
>Much spooks
Get fucked coward, it's fucking happening

>it's fucking happening

Uh oh. Young, underemployed disenfranchised white bois are mad on the intertubes!

Do it already, I'm bored.

>If this is true i will be joining the already HUNDREDS confirmed going to march on broward (armed).

Chambered and safety off or you are a pussy.

Haha these faggots will sit on the company dime and punch up fake news for idiots to get angry on the internet about, but for sure if they actually believed 10% of any of this, they'd be showing force and they aren't. It's all bluster.

OK, looking into it further, it looks like a case of "Never attribute to malice what can be attributed to stupidity"

Just fucking arrest everyone involved and start again. How fucking hard is this? They've already broken several laws and ignored court orders.

glow harder my dude
pol is a board of peace

I heard the founders were confirmed fbi.
George Washington glowed in the dark so much.

Let the Republicans handle this first. If they cuck out, then we should seriously start considering civil war.
The Republicans somehow made a deal saying they can't challenge election results, but that deal has finally ended so now they can freely challenge as much as they want.

Again, just chill out and wait to see if our elected officials take our country as seriously as we do...



1 post by this ID
stop falling for this shit anons.

Attached: 22209566-AE0C-4789-B22D-A3B2714A5263.png (480x466, 139K)

That’s the demographic that wiped out half the planets population between 1500-1900

Based whites


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Something has changed...I can't quite put my finger on it....

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There's a small, but concerted effort on this board to instigate civil unrest. You are being manipulated. Don't fall for their tactics.

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They weren't done counting ballots. These things can take a considerable amount of time.

Election observers have spotted no fraud. Conspiracy theories are dumb.

Hello kike.

As funny as would be to see a handful of armed neckbeards rant about jews stuffing the ballots on CNN, I highly recommend that anyone who has a career and a family stay clear of any marches.

There is plenty of evidence, they were also found in violation by a judge, and yet you’ll still insist people cover their eyes and ears lol. You guys got 2 years of free rein to investigate Trump for Russia bullshit off of literally no smoking gun

I am a leftist politician and also black, therefore I am untouchable. Fuck yo laws, fuck yo elections, fuck yo court orders, and fuck yo judges. I am the key to the kingdom. Suck my sweaty, stinky, purple clam, whiteboi.

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Go die in a corner while real men fix this.

Does Florida even have open carry, because I know in VA it wouldn't even be a big deal.


Nah it's all good...for now

Any chance of recounts doing much?

Or can we finally rest easy and move to Arizona?

And you proved to me just now that we are gonna have to kill after all.

Broward was just caught. This shit has been going for decades all over the country.

And you are the actual enemy.
You think DOTR is a meme.

We should ban anyone who is a do nothing shill.

i can feel the glow from here. put on some sunscreen just to be safe

satan and lilith cast their hooks to get
all the fishies stuck in fantasy pond
to bite so they'll be drawn into their

america is about to be destroyed
and you all care about an election?
stop playing pretend. you didn't
make this country it is a captivity
thankh these niggers and kikes
for destroying this place so true
israel can be born and exodus
leaving these fucking niggers
and spics and gooks and fucking
kikes and sand niggers behind
where they belong.

it looks like 3 seats will be lost to Dems over suddenly surfaced boxes of votes and nobody's going to do shit

>Go to Broward County (armed)
>Do nothing except make right-wingers look violent and ridiculous
>Happy contribute to Schlomo's smear campaign of white males

Yeah, you're a real freedom fighter buddy. Come back when you understand the art of warfare.

use telegram and not discord; discord is controlled by kikes



watch this portion of a movie and decide whether or not the citizens were in the wrong:

they did the right thing. boom goes the dynamite

Quit larping, if you faggots stormed the fire department, you could get the ballots.
That's where a magical "Shred-a-thon" is taking place, RIGHT NOW.

Attached: PD.png (1646x798, 2.34M)

You might want to consider showing some goddamn respect. Once the white man chimps out, there's no going back. The genie doesn't go back in the lamp.

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>a fictional depiction of an actual event is evidence
weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeew lad

Thread it's being discussed in:
We have a man on the ground, right now at the department.

Optically this is better now that Republicans have won. Shows the march is based on principle.

Get fucked.

Did I miss a meeting? What the fuck’s “glow” mean?


That implies you're a federal agent for the US.
They're saying that because they're spineless cockweasels who won't do their duty to this country, now that they need to.

When it so obvious you are a government agency trying to rile up people so you can arrest them that you glow

Don’t they have rope and trees in neighboring counties?

If there's massive voter fraud, and nobody in the legal system does anything, while evidence is destroyed, what else do you do, but stop them by any means necessary?

>Election worker signs swore statement that they witnessed election supervisors filling out blank ballots.
>Judge declares EC violated constitution
Neck yourself

Makes you wonder how many other blue counties across the US do this

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This is long past optics.

Ah, got it.

go back to rreeddiitt with that FBI busslhit

>Jow Forums constantly screaming why whites don't wake up
>happening occurs
>user wants to go down and join the protestors already there
>all of Jow Forums calls him a shill

Jow Forums is a board of fat cowardly neckbeards whining their lives suck. Turns out the jews were right.

It's illegal in Florida unless you're doing a sporting activity like hunting.

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>Any chance of recounts doing much?

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We had a hero go to the shredding in florida today.

Attached: ballot.jpg (1080x738, 837K)

This, he didn't advocate violence, marching with guns doesn't mean hurting anyone



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>Lmao some cheeto fingered fat ass "marching" on his mobility scooter with his gun

Lol true

Lmao you sound like a virgin

Fuck you you stupid piece of shit come around to Brampton, ON so I can knock your fucking teeth down your throat and then knock your head right off you bitch made trick made slut ass bitch Ill fucking DESTROY YOU!!

>goy calm down
>you will miss (((porn))), (((video games))) or (((netflix))) outside

It would become a ghost town

No fucking source

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And with that I'm going to Broward.

See Terry Davis

That's fine. As long as the people remaining are willing to act.

Americans don't stand up for anything because they're too fat

So don't worry, you're fine

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Leafs get the rope too

Says the mooselimb riddled nation. Heu heu heu