What's his next move now that he has lost control?

How does he protect the President? He is himself going to be under investigation. Russia investigation will be re-opened by the intelligence committee and witnesses will be called for public testimony.

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Because a 2+ year investigation by a special prosecutor isn't enough, they have to launch their own partisan investigation to keep russia in the news for 2 more years

It depends on what Mueller's report will say which will come out before the end of December. Whomever that report implicates, they will be called repeatedly to provide further testimony. It will be a public nightmare unless Nunes can do something about it.

As it was shown with his subpoenas, there's no penalty if they just ignore the democrat's subpoenas.

>lost control
Do you retards realize January is when the new congress gets sworn in?

With Sessions out, there's no way a full report ever sees the light of day. They'll release the full report to congress the same way the Kavanaugh report was released.


Sessions and Rosenstein were the ones blocking the full report. Thats why the deep state aka Israel chimped out when Sessions resigned. Their roadblocks are being removed.

>It will be a public nightmare
Unless the report doesn't implicate anyone because there's nothing in it

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If Democrats have to, they'll leak the full the report. It's what they do. Everything is a game to them.

wtf? the report being released is bad. it's mueller framing trump of (((russia conneggsions)))

wrong. nice proxy IDF. Netanyahu will die soon.

Good luck with that. Based on what we have been hearing from Jerome Corsi and Randy Credico, lots of people are going to be implicated. Corsi thinks he is going to jail.





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>he unironically thinks mueller is /ourguy/

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Not yours. You're an Israeli cunt thats gonna die soon.

Sounds like Q posting to me. Not 1 week ago you were telling me how Q is Trumps secret weapon and how we should just trust the plan. For 2 years you shilled for Sessions and now you throw him under the bus. Q boomers aren't even logically consistent at least user 5 Frank can keep his larp together. To me this proves Q isn't Frank he's even dumber.

>anyone who doesnt think mueller is playing interdimensional underwater aussie rules backgammon is an israeli
ok user


I love how shills like you only have 1 tactic. Associate all information you find damaging to Q in order to delegitimize it.

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He’s going to jail desu

Calling everyone an Israeli shill if they don't immediately accept whatever you tell them isn't a much better tactic, user

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(((Russia))) investigation was never going to go anywhere and everyone who matters has always known that, because the (((Russians))) everyone thinks may be involved are very powerful organized crime figures who, despite engaging in criminal activity, have done a lot of favors for a lot of people. Mueller was chosen because he is very familiar with investigating organized crime. Since he is still alive, he clearly knows how far to push it and when to stop.
Likewise Manafort, who laundered money for (((Ukrainian))) mafia, is desperate to be found guilty of enough that his former partners believe that he hasn't cooperated with the Feds to the extent of giving them up, because if (((they))) think he has sold them out, very bad things will happen to him.
Why the fuck do you people think Trump wants to build a big wall and do a bunch of other infrastructure projects? Who has always got kickbacks from large construction contracts? Construction union is Teamsters. Trump does construction, is from NYC. Are you NPCs getting it yet? Where the fuck do you think the Kushner (((Berkowitz))) family got their money? Why did Jared's dad go to prison?
Wake the fuck up people.

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Senate investigations into all democrats, plus Hillary for jail. They'll have to back off. Trump knows Sun Tzus art of war.. "the best form of defence is attack".

Paint the ceiling red, when the Feds come for him?