Why start a family and reproduce goy when you could be having so much fun!

Why start a family and reproduce goy when you could be having so much fun!


Attached: file.png (712x673, 299K)

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One bitching women is enough, no thanks.

I'd down with the Mormmon kind of polygamy. still.

David Karesh.


Attached: david-koresh-full.jpg (1920x1080, 331K)

How the hell does a dweeb like that get two hot slags to share him

Was just about to ask the same. He looks like a complete and utter soiboi. The chick to the left isn't bad at all.

Attached: 1494114885597.jpg (384x384, 12K)

> couples

I think they've learned their lesson.
Most of the time this type of bullshit "polyamory" propaganda features some fat ugly cunt and two obvious betas sharing her.

Attached: 2HViqs0.jpg (360x450, 37K)

Also, never forget.

Attached: Monogamy.png (1469x1323, 2.51M)

Women are a pain in the ass, why have 3 pains in the ass?

He doesn't. This is manufactured fakery.

The majority of people in relationships like these are fat, fugly and fucked up.