Why start a family and reproduce goy when you could be having so much fun!
Why start a family and reproduce goy when you could be having so much fun!
One bitching women is enough, no thanks.
I'd down with the Mormmon kind of polygamy. still.
David Karesh.
How the hell does a dweeb like that get two hot slags to share him
Was just about to ask the same. He looks like a complete and utter soiboi. The chick to the left isn't bad at all.
> couples
I think they've learned their lesson.
Most of the time this type of bullshit "polyamory" propaganda features some fat ugly cunt and two obvious betas sharing her.
Also, never forget.
Women are a pain in the ass, why have 3 pains in the ass?
He doesn't. This is manufactured fakery.
The majority of people in relationships like these are fat, fugly and fucked up.