Why can't the left


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Because they're actually crazy and hateful while we're just edgy

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because everything is offensive so they have to stay within a narrow guideline which is predictable and boring. 90% of their memes are just NO U

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Fuck you for bringing your ilk here

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First time on Jow Forums eh? Listen bro you got a long lonely road ahead of you. Remember this is a satirical website but the advice is usually genuine. Good luck and fuck you again for posting such filth

NIgger I've been here all summer

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>why can't the left meme
Too much words, that is all
Pic related is attempt of left to meme

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>stop clogging up the air with fake news
>call me caitlyn
rip christopher lee

Too srs and stubborn. The best memes to counter us come from ourselves.

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NO reason to meme to hide the agenda.
Left tells the truth.

Comedy is oppression

Explains why women can't be funny

hildawgs were peak leftist memes

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what in the unholy fuck is this shit?


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They were all made by us though.


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Why cant joos joo
>Fake joos.

They want a platform for a message, they can't just do one but have to do both.

Memes can be one or the other for a niche culture but never both.

Because they are so emotional their heads are shoved up their ass talking directly to their heart

More please

Hillary hates me and you can see why...

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What's your guys' favorite Hildawg? I like Whizz-Kid™ personally.


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Beaner is pretty cool I guess.

You're hero hates Pepe

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my SSD died and i lost my ctr collection

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That's not nice

Sprotz Gurl because feminine benis. Whizz-Kid is the Michelangelo of the Hill Dawgs

Why can't the right?

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they made an account just to send them death threats lul

>the active boards have more posts


Memes are exaxctly what RIchard Dawkins outlined in the selfish gene, they are ideas that mutate and propagate within the minds of people. In times of old memes were transmitted by word of mouth, then by the printing press, then by radio, then television, now by internet. And the newest method is systemetic simplification of ideas into humourous pictures and jokes, IE, what we hacve been calling memes. Now that ideas are spreading mutating and changing at a million fold rate due to the internet the best ideas are those that can be simplified into true, solid core messages. Ideas that are unnecessarily complex and built on lies cannot be successful memes, as simplification rips their ideas apart instead of making them more skeletal. Memes are the genes, ideologies are the organisms, and in this online ecosystem certain organisms are doing very well and certain organisms are failing heavily. This is fundamentally why the left cannot meme.

As for the normie attitude depicted in that meme, its like how the normies react in the movie They Live when the tv broadcast gets interrupted. They get irritated at the interruption of the lulling propaganda that lets them sleep when people simply speak the truth. Offense is a term normies use when you're making them think. Leftists are just a little more asleep than the rest.

This one almost had potential

It’s an interesting question. Here’s my answer:

The left can’t meme because they are the less intelligent of our society. Every leftist I’ve met are sometimes book smart and are capable of doing their job but lack the emotional capacity to see the big picture and relate microcosms to the macro world. In other words, they can’t connect the dots (i.e. more welfare = less drive to works = a drain on the economy = the standard of living decreases).

Memes are about connecting the dots, finding a conclusion or making an relevant observation. Due to their natural lacking ability, they have a tough time meming.

Conservatives function properly on an intellectual level thus can create memes that make sense and resonate

whats wrong with those?

I don't think it's a matter of intelligent, but having a big ego, which produces cognitive dissonance

Nice downvotes faggot

>Barneyfags is the 2nd most reposted image across all boards

Because they use tumblr

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Someone should call the cyber police.


Because "the left" is too busy having superior policies? I dunno just a thought. Majority of Americans are in favor of left leaning policies. Enjoy your memes though, NPC

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lefties don't be able to think straight. they confuse categories, can't draw inferences. particularize when they should generalize and vice versa. and believe rage, dismissal and denial are legitimate debating tactics.
the right has it's fair share of untermenschen dimbos who indulge the above too, however, on the left even otherwise sharp people are prone to these errors
and i say that as a corbyn voting lefty

>Conservatives function properly on an intellectual level
Most don't

>best leftist memes were created by right wing Jow Forumsacks overdosed on high energy
Man that's embarrassing for the left.

This meme kind of captures the problem. THe left's meme are unneccessarily complex and wordy because they usually have a lot of lies and mistruths that need to be camouflaged in paragraghs, whereas we just state our ideas and provide statistics.

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You're probably the most autistic person on this board, unless CWC browses here, which I doubt it.

>le smart woman next to some science shit

>science shit
aX^2 + bx + c
No just basic algebra

Excellent poast & astronomical IQ.

>Cartoonish, visibly fake "bombs"
>Sent by a registered Democrat
>To people who all happen to be in on the media conspiracy against Trump, but most of whom Trump never mentioned by name
>And suddenly, when this registered Democrat decides to commit his "terrorist act", he starts going to Trump rallies and covering his van in obnoxious fake-looking stickers
>Just in time for the midterms
>All this is "no evidence"

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Too soon.

creative sterility

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i like how the text is the wikipedia article about bread

you forgot the best one

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lol, yeah
it just goes to show that all lefty memes are tldr

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The development of high culture comes from a level of restriction. Restriction forces refinement, which leads to depth.

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>4-6 years of memes
>1 year of memes
>surprised when the memes of 1 year are shit

shit, forgot this gem
my memefolder is so full of stuff I can't even

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Memes dish out simple truths quickly.

The left deals in untruths which need constant brainwashing propaganda to be believed. There is no way
for them to convey what they believe because what they believe requires so much information to be convincing.

To put it another way, when people lie they will always embellish too much and overcompensate to try and convince
the other person. Surely you have been caught in a lie before and you start rambling and giving every excuse you
can possibly think of. Have you ever noticed that you will say "Honestly I'm not lying!" when you are lying? That's overcompensation.

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Close, give me some time to type something out

Probably nobody's ever read all that crap.

90% of their memes are "subverting" the memes that the right wing comes up with. They just change the words around, but use the same format. Even down to MAGA. They literally cannot come up with their own shit

based and redpilled

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> Why can't the left meme?
Jewish creativity is seriously limited, probably that's the reason bible prohibited fine arts: kikes immediately look inferior in comparison with greeks of those times.

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Wikipedia propaganda pieces are their main means of "educating" themselves.

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wtf is a chel?
the only one I know of is Portal but that isn't a cartoon

Because they have no internal monologue so their “memes” are just walls of text

>more posts means can't meme
Do you know what the fuck a meme is?

>the left can't meme
the left can't meme

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No they aren’t capable of understanding what a meme is. To them it’s a wall of text with a image. When they see a Pepe they just see a meaningless frog man.

Only because of the low IQ shitskins leftists have strived so hard to import. Niggers opinions literally don't matter.

this. fuck reddit. if i wanted reddit trash in my life i'd go there. leave that garbage in the bin next to the british teaspoon.

Leftists are NPC:s. They repeat false information that the Jews stuffed them with.

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Epic! Poop!

Because brain damage makes you leftist. Scientific fact.

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I read it all once. Not political or leftie-related at all. Sci-fi/horror short story. Not bad, but the format is terrible which makes it unlikely anyone will ever read it. Intentional? Some kinda meta-humor? idk

The left typically have an agenda they subscribe to when they try to meme. When you take into account that most of them are just them regurgitating preprogramed scripts, they seem stale and over used. Everyone else that isn't the left just mindlessly create memes to try to cause a reaction, or just to be edgy, and everyone tries to out meme each other.

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Can't into metadata. Look at the pic, which is all it is. I's not a meme at all.

It's just a rant with some bitch's face. There is no 'go with' to it at all.