Pamela Anderson and Wikileaks are frauds

Check it out @ 1:00 Fake Pamela Anderson can't even walk or train a dog and she is supposed to be into animals?

If she is fake, so is Julian Assange...he said they are legion. Not to mention these suspicious facts:

- Rothschild bailed him out
- He was under house arrest in a goddamn mansion
- His mom was in theater
- He gets endless media attention. That only happens when the media wants people to know about someone.
- He was let go, with a slap on the wrist, after hacking military secrets as a teen (c'mon...really?)
- All his associates, especially lawyers, have dodgy connections.
- Wikileaks was first operating out of Washington DC (# there)
- Lady gaga visits him
- Check out Courage foundations board.

Attached: index.jpg (129x180, 10K)

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He's dead, and the leaks are pointless since (((they)))'re not even hiding anymore.

I've never seen substantial evidence for this. His mom has been public and said she had talked to him (after the rumors of him disappearing happened).

Also, there are so many movies made about him. Suspicious af!

She looks like that?

Watch the video...that's what she looks like now.

seek help

Seek help for what specifically? Seeking the fucking REAL truth?

Go self-suck as usual and then kys please

>Pamela Anderson
Apparently Pamela Anderson is a Serial Baby Killer
March 18th, 2015 By Krysta Fitzpatrick

why else is she famous and rich? throwing
babies to moloch.

Attached: Foster_Bible_Pictures_0074-1_Offering_to_Molech.jpg (1494x1672, 625K)


That doesn't shock me. She was Hugh Hefner's playboy bunny after all. It's all about beasts....satanic pleasures and yes, likely sacrifices to Moloch.