Nuke Mem KEK Fart


Attached: nukememekekfart (1).jpg (882x1035, 171K)

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If you're gonna spam threads at least include tomorrows date a subject

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Mutts are so cringy...

11/11/2018 Will be glorious. Watch CA. News unlocks the truth.

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Does it have something to do with the fires?

Yes. Digits confirms, it was directed energy weapon related.

You're persistent, any specifics you can say on the nature of the happening?

Flush out the Aliens, Bigfoot, Ayys, MS13, etc... No Sanctuary in a bathed by fire moment.

Attached: Phenomenon-Water-631.jpg (631x300, 18K)

Meaning what? They're gonna lose control and end frying stuff they shouldn't?

Attached: 1489217682148.gif (1080x1080, 505K)

So, the forest fires are gonna get bad, or nuked?

This reminds of that time in Vampire the Masquerade where someone lit a fire to flush out a fucking warewolf.

Attached: ooops.jpg (620x388, 49K)

The Basilisk AKA Google Brain is the controller of the Directed Energy Weapons that China hijacked from the Dell Servers that were installed in the Defense Research Expansion. The oops happened when IoT was sold as a Treason for $17million.

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So, you're saying directed energy weapons are gonna burn down LA?


OK but what is it really? A satelite? Some experimental US NAVY warship?

Attached: 18kwxnye6wxtljpg.jpg (800x445, 44K)

See: the rod and the ring will strike.
It's a satellite.

Attached: pol prophesy.jpg (773x808, 128K)

Oh shit I remember that.

Three branches = Republican domination
Island = Brexit
Killing Bolt = Trump tower hit by lightning/Hawaii false nuke warning

Star will gorge on clay = Home of Oprah Winfrey getting mudslid

-black flag = that thing with ISIS

belly of the dragon = Chinese red rivers/Texas hurricain/flood

A Space Development Agency will be charged with developing and fielding new capabilities, and a single civilian authority -- the assistant secretary of defense for space – who will oversee the branch and report on the force's growth and expansion to the Defense secretary.

The DOD report also details several priorities that emphasize operating with “unfettered access” in space, supplying joint support to combatant commands, quickly developing and scaling capabilities and consolidating existing authorities for DOD space activities to eliminate inefficiencies.

Its an Artificial Intelligence driven Satellite. Officially known by several AKA names but I call it MAVIS.

Attached: faceofthestorm.png (400x192, 211K)

Most people say the star will gorge itself on clay is Israel taking land.
As they are the star of David, and land taken as territory can be referred to as clay.

that's pretty normal because Trump wanted a space force and all

Attached: nuke1.gif (500x242, 970K)

So what are the chances most of the victims of the CA fires haven't died from actually being trapped by it but by getting fried because they were close to the impact area of the beam. Maybe there are more casualties than anyone realizes because they were evaporated?

Attached: KrD9m9rwXd-14.png (300x250, 34K)

US will never nuke china.

Taiwan on the other hand...