Hey Jow Forums i am an American according to the government...

Hey Jow Forums i am an American according to the government. The leaders and globally acknowledged regulators of my country.
If you deny my American status you are by extension against the government and hence the sovereign itself.

I suggest you let that sink in.

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Get the fuck out of my board mexican "andy".

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I'm a citizen and you literally cannot make me leave "your" board


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Jeez it was just an idea

>you are by extension against the government

What's your point.

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We don't have an SS uniform that will fit your disgusting fat body. You will have to go.

Unironic autist alert.

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goddamn what a fat fuck

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fuck incel andy

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I'd like to let you sink in...........a concrete foundation.

Look here, Diabeto, how about you go play a rousing good game of hide and go fuck yourself?

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i dont think this is a larp fellas

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>If you deny my American status you are by extension against the government
But I am against the government. Fuck ZOG.

Wanna get som hotel or sum shit?

If you're an american you're an american. It doesn't mean I can't be against you filthy stupid island spics as I too am an american.

That beaner is Guatemalan


Then there's only one solution: upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/5b/Ricardo_Alfonso_Cerna_committing_suicide_in_California,_December_2003.ogv

The nonwhite men of America are rising up in a fit of beta male anger. They championed for Democrats, Multiculturalism, Feminism, etc. not realizing they were going to end up with the short end of the stick.

The Latina, Asian, etc. women are now allowed to be hypergamous whores in the land of the free. And because of that they all flock to the superior white man.

White men get the white women. And the Asian women. And the Latina women. And all the other top quality women of the undesirable races. They all belong to the white man now.

Even if white men don't want them. The nonwhite women will still flock towards him and never go back to their goblin and insectoid male counterparts of their own race. The Asian and Mexican women would rather die alone after getting rejected by white men then ever go back to their own men.

OP is another example of these beta nonwhite men who came to America for gibs and a better life. And all it has left them is sexually frustrated. This wouldn't have happened if he had stayed in his own country. He wouldn't have to compete with the superior white man there.

Threads like this, the blacked threads, and AMWF threads, are ultimately just copes from angry little subhuman nonwhite men lashing out against the fact that their women now have access to a superior stock of men.

Sorry about your luck Pablo Arturo Angelo Martinez Sr Jr. Maybe your squat goblin parents shouldn't have come to the white man's country. While your mother is now fucking a superior white seed after leaving your dad, you only wish everyday that she had been impregnated by one. Then you might be partially bleached and wouldn't be quite as disgusting a mongrel as you are. Too bad.

Okay, die

Fuck it dood, eheehehehehe

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Paul Denino is a jew.