This kills the Jew

>this kills the Jew

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That's a white man and a black man

It's a BLACK man and a white trap

Retard alert

the ABSOLUTE degeneracy.

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whos the white girl she is hot

Yeah I'm okay with this. Kills two birds with one stone.

This is redpilled and based. We should promote this. Kill off the nigger and trap genes.

what? no it doesn't that's exactly what they want
all fields schlomo.

true love huh, ok, will they stay together
when there's no sex?


We need to push this harder than the Jews

why do you call him a tarp?

That picture made me extremely sad... i need a hug and a sandwich to restore my faith in humanity

>ywn feel a love this strong
Why even live lads

I agree with you.

Gross, man.

white seems cute. Nothing wrong if they are happy that way

That's nice and all but I'm not inviting it to my bbq, nah mean?

>weaponize white degenerates to kill off nigger seed

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fuck yeah i know what nah mean!


This fucks with the Black Mans Programming
As there is no baby niglet produced
He actually ends up sticking around

I can only take so much degeneracy at once.

Kills the whites too, faggot.


I’m shipping this. Hope they stay together forever.

That poor nigger could do a lot better.

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how cute ;^)