Blackanon here...

Blackanon here, throughout my time here on Jow Forums I have been heavily redpilled on almost everything identity politics, from racial IQ distribution to ethnic replacement of whites. But there is one specific subject I will be focusing on in this thread, which is if non-whites, like me, are even human. Now, I don't mind walking around knowing I am not fully human, as I can still live my day-to-day life just fine. Well, what do you know on this subject, Jow Forums? Are non-whites not human?

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>has a computer

You are humans, just not the same kind as whites. It was a mistake for us to meet, although it was inevitable. I don't want your kind in my society, but I don't hate your kind, as it's not you're fault that you're not white. It would simply be better if it would be possible to go out separate ways, and that goes for every single race.

as far as I know, I'm the only non-NPC alive

Ofcourse you are! However God made every race unique.

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As far as i know, this world is a simulation of my thoughts and soul. Everything happening is not real, it's all a big game.

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The different races are different subspecies of the same species, we're all human to an extent, just different kinds of human. Stop being a self-hating cuck and start making a difference in your community.

Based and redpilled response.

Sub-human myth debunked

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yes youre a human you fucking moron

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It'll probably turn out to be one of those
>burglar identified and arrested after posting from his victim's computer.
Type of stories. The one where the dipshits update their facebook from the computer they're about to nick.

I believe you mean PC

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Actually, I'm on my phone.

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Lemme me ask you something. Are you an animal?

>West Africans actually had empires and complex culture that produced a lot of art
>pic related is from 12th-14th century

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Keep in mind, nigger-san, that the IQ redpill is for averages. You as an individual could have triple digit IQ. It'll never happen, but I'd support eugenics for all non-white/non-eastasians.

>Are non-whites not human?

Being a character and not a god.. tf is with you people. Last Thursdayism if you wanna believe that shit

I have a confirmed IQ of 118, and I would gladly support eugenics for blacks.

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I just corrected the guy, didn't say I believe that. I'm just another person waiting for the next happening so that I can get out of my mundane routine.

But only in the context of their contact with Arab traders.

You are human, but you're being held down quite a bit by the culture you're in, and possibly your genetics too.

Fair do's. He was always gonna follow the replies. He can't help it. He's a non-npc

You are human. Just get the fuck out of my country when we're done killing the jews. Deal?
Everyone race should get their own country.

I don't hate you or anyone based on their race. I think it's detrimental to both of us to live under the same system. Just look at voting patterns and the things blacks typically want from a government compared to whites. We can't live together and both groups ever be fully satisfied. To be frank, your people are also the easiest to manipulate and use as pawns for other groups also. They will never control their own destiny if they are under someone else's thumb. Funnily enough, your best chance for an actual ally would be modern whites if both of us would agree to fight the tribe together before going our separate ways with a mutual respect. So long as we never mixed and stayed red pilled on the reasons we separated in the first place I would even be willing to cooperate and be tentative allies.

I've even considered approaching some black nationalists or separatists and proposing a mutual political movement with myself and one of theirs as the leaders where we both advocate for a peaceful separation. I've got to get my personal life in order first but I think this is the only way it can ever happen.

We're all animals bruh, even whites, we're all just one step above the ape.
The only reason we can do the things we do is because we've figured out, over thousands of years, advanced and specialized learning systems.

unironically based black man

I honestly wish you all the best. It's not your fault that 90% of your people are irredeemable. Be the best person you can be and make a difference for yourself and as best of an impact on your community as you can. Find yourself the hottest, smartest black girl in the world and raise your kids to be even better. Teach them that in life you have to work hard and that the world doesn't owe you anything. Teach them that if they speak ebonics they're going to be seen as knuckle dragging retards. Show them good black role models like Thomas Sowell or Otis Redding instead of Al Sharpton and Chief Keef. The change starts with you.

Only Jews are human fool.

LOL what a fucking bro.

If you're actually serious then watch this video by AltHype
There is a vast chasm between postbellum blacks and antibellum blacks. If you watch the video you'll understand, but the jist of it is that 90% of blacks in America are absolutely trash and really can't be considered human. However, there are 10% of blacks that are effectively Europeans with European brains who just happen to have black skin. These 10% of antibellum blacks are the same 10% of blacks who voted for Trump, and the same 10% of blacks who left with whites to go to the suburbs when the friendly jewish people ended segregation.

This lets me know that on DOTR, we will have at least a few non-whites fighting with us.

What if you're a Jew but you're 10 percent goy?

Yes, you're just an offshoot species; so are Europeans. That doesn't mean all Humans are the same, it just means you're different and that's okay.

"Red birds fly with the red bird and the blue birds fly with the blue birds, that's just nature" - Muhammad Ali

I think you guys need to stay away from whites and you'd do better, putting highly tribalised groups with resounding differences in close quarters will only cause violence.

All this coming from a mutt with no homeland or ethnic movement. It really gets the feels going every time I see race mixing propaganda.

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>Ya'll got some of that cope.jpg

Basednito Noggolini

Eyo mein black brother user fo real doe. Start listening to David Carroll. He's a legit based black man.

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I wish the best for African Americans, hypothetically I would like to give them an ethnostate in Africa but sadly that’s very hard, solving issues between us are impossible at this rate and our two people were never meant to coexist like they do, I hope we can come to a peaceful resolution and split apart.

You are a human but a different type of human, just as there is polar bears, grizzly bears and black bears.

Go back to Africa nigger

Yes, obviously. BUT, as an African you're meant to live in Africa. All men are meant to live where their people come from and in the Natural and Dharmic way they once did.

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Nah you’re human, if you
are aware of the facts then be an example for your community and your people.

>Implying Africans haven't died protecting this country from invaders and never took part in the American War of Independence

As much as I hate to admit it they have a right to be here, though segregation is a reasonable compromise.


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Only white people have a soul. Everyone else is NPC. Niggers are below NPC and are dangerous animals that should be kept at a low population level.

You're getting chipped goy.

Do balck people really get offended by white people dressing in blackface? Like when a white girl dresses as Beyonce for Halloween for example, is that offensive to blacks or just offensive to white people who are virtue signaling?

You might be....

Yes you're human, you're just more genetically corrupted than whites

Meh blacks have their strengths as do every race, so it would be very jewish to call you an animal.

Are the real racists the ones being offended on behalf of the blacks? They seem pretty condescending to me, implying blacks need the white savior.

great response

Assuming this isn't a larp, no, I dont consider you not human. You are just a different type of human than me and dont belong anywhere near me.

Not really black lol

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Of course you're human.

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Who taught you how to read and how did you get past the captcha Negro

>Are non-whites not human?
Ching Chong reporting in!

That really is A Matte of Perspective is it? Species wise, I think whites, asians, and arabs, are all humans...but then you can argue whether non-whites are "persons", with souls, considering what happened to Wang Yue Yue.

Africa was really separated from the rest of the world, so more than White vs Non-White, there is a big divide between Sub-sahara Africans and the rest of the world.

...but then again, black user, HOW black are you? You probably have white ancestors right?

...and then there is evolutions...humans weren't always born of human parents. Sub-sahara Africans are really behind, but outliers exist, and evolution too.

Sub-saharan africans have been found to be a mix of cromagnon man with one so far unknown human-type as well as dna of homo erectus.
Derive from that what you will.

>Insulting an African on the basis of language
>forgetting punctuation in your post insulting an African on the basis of language

Why is it that every time I think about non-Western thing or in non-Western ways (being politically correct), I stumble over a language I've gotten A+ in literature in and start thinking in Chingish?

>(being politically correct
Being politically INcorrect. Liking pumpkin spice latte is the western part of my brain, being blunt about SJW dysfunction is the ching chong part of my brain.

based and redpilled

The real redpill is knowing that all races are fallen. All races are, at the end of the day, animals, and thinking a group of people is above their animal nature is false hubris.

But, we are also God-Made, and within us is the potential to supercede our animal nature. We have to reject the side of our nature related to passions and appetites. Seek Jesus, and move beyond the toxicity of identity politics.

Seek Him, learn the Eternal Truths, and strive daily towards Him, Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.

Popeyes is better than KFC

COSTCO's fried chicken is better than KFC, has better fries too.

I love KFC's chicken gravey poutine though.

No you are human. You are an individual before your race . The issue is the culture of your people which was in fact artificially implanted into your people. Blacks can be respectable and wholesome people. Love your sisters and rise above the culture they want you to have.

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Why do so many Chinese come across as emotionless, soulless insectoids? I live in a Chinese neighborhood so as a white guy, I was wondering this today. Some of the Chinese are kind to me and seem like real people which confuses me all the more.

My advice to OP is to not care whether OP is human or not. If OP is not a human, so what?

*used to angst over whether I have a soul*

I don't know really, I just know that there is something different. It's not that I don't feel empathy, its just that when it's empathy for someone not my family member, the older I get, the better my ability to switch it off. Especially empathy towards animals. It'll be nice if factory farming is humane, but I won't feel guilty for eating cheap meat.

I don't dream of electric sheep.

And my point is everyone has a soul, but unless you accept Jesus Christ your Lord and Savior into your heart and receive Sanctification through Baptism and other means you will not have Eternal Life serving Him.

Ok, thanks.

...and you might be weirded out because of this thing called Uncanny Valley.

With robots, there is this valley between robots of completely non-human appearance, and those that can fool humans into thinking their human, within that valley, those robots unsettles normal human - I heard it's because it reminds people of humans that are dead or diseased, or crazy, therefore dangerous. TV monsters like zombies also fall within uncanny valley as well.

Because the cultural norms of whites and asians are different, we express things different, feel things at different levels, etc, it sets off your uncanny valley senses when you see someone humanoid like you, but the expression are just alien.

It's like that the other way around too, but less so, since a lot of asians consume so much western media. But as pretty as blue eyes are, I can't connect with someone with blue eyes the same as Chinese with brown eyes, I don't think we feel the same kind of emotions, blue eyes won't get me.

>I have a confirmed IQ of 118, and I would gladly support eugenics for blacks.

Sometimes I wonder what Africa would have looked like if it weren't for all those white peole giving foreign aid to breed the dumb ones...

I was from Hong Kong, where there were Indians, but no rapes. India's rape problem seem to be getting worse, did the Green Revolution meant that too many of the stupid and dumb ones that should have died off have instead multipled like a zombie horde?

>Today one finds rampant alcohol and drug addiction everywhere
Unlike the good old days when Hitler would literally chew on the carpet because the orders he came up with on yesterday's meth binge weren't being followed to the letter (specifically, the Reich was incapable of managing the part of Hitler's orders that involved 'and don't lose this time'.)

Technically a different sub-species of homo sapien.

>I have a confirmed IQ of 118, and I would gladly support eugenics for blacks.

Hey, have you considered donating or selling your sperm then?

Ideally, you should find and good black woman and MARRY her, kids are best raised in a home with married parents...but if some black women are going to be single mothers anyways, they might as well be giving birth to smarter babies.

Check the laws to make sure you won't be on the hook for child support of babies you don't want to raise though.

So what specific thing about us (whites) puts Chinese in the Uncanny Valley? The way we say hi, or what makes us laugh, etc.

Well I am no doctor or biologist but yes user I’m as sure as I can be that you are 100% human. I guess I’m pretty much a Nazi people call me that all the time. They joke about me being hitler at work. But I don’t think Nazis were what most people think they were. Be proud to be a black user. You are fully human. Perhaps blacks (on a general level) aren’t as smart as whites (on a general level) BUT blacks are indisputably very athletic. I am really hoping black Americans get a sort of renascence coming up fairly soon. I think blacks are ready to be red pilled. I don’t think whites are better than blacks or blacks are better than whites. We’re different is all. I like the differences. I want to keep them around. Doesn’t mean I hate blacks or even mildly dislike them. I just want blacks to have an ethno state of their own and a white ethnostate or our own. I hate that Jow Forums has a reputation for hate. Except for the edgelords and legit schizophrenics I think Jow Forums is a good place.

You seem cool OP, best of luck to you

I don't plan on donating my sperm anytime soon, I am currently looking for a suitable wife to raise specifically 3 children with, so that they can excell in education and physical health tremendously. It's mostly me trying to enhance my bloodline via natural selection.

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>So what specific thing about us (whites) puts Chinese in the Uncanny Valley? The way we say hi, or what makes us laugh, etc.

Part of it is just looks, eyes are supposed to be brown, hair is supposed to be black and straight, and well, I spent the first half of my childhood in Hong Kong...our skin tone is called 'skin tone' while white people is white colour, black people is black colour, etc. We are the norm to us. Therefore the ones that don't look like us are 'off model'

There was this white guy, I don't know if I was actually dating him or if we were just friends that flirted a lot until I dropped him for being a douche bag (not because he's white), but we held hands and I was instantly repulsed. Before I got crushes on Chinese guys, and I held hands with some of those Chinese guys, it was nice. The white guy's hands was so HAIRY!

The uncanny valley I feel from white people is less extreme, when it comes to expression, if that white person is British and posh, like the Queen, she doesn't bounce all over the place. Also helps that they have dark hair, pale skin that isn't too peachy, and are of lean built.

Don't forget to invest in stocks, I heard the mistakes blacks make with money even when they save is not investing in stocks so their savings don't keep up with inflation. Obviously stick with blue chips and stay away from tech!

I heard that 1 in 6 black man is in jail, you really have your pick of black women, if you have a good job.

Like here's the thing, with Chinese people, I can read their emotions, when they are upset, or angry even when they are smiling (my mother...), I know how to watch out for Chinese people that are dangerous. With white people, I don't know, I can't read them as well.

All men of all colors and all creeds need to come together against our common enemy...the Jew.
-Adolf Hitler

Thanks for sharing all that, it really helps. I also have an easier time with my group, especially if there’s a conflict, I can tell what exact type of dirtbag someone is without worrying about “cultural differences.”


oh please your idea of a red-pill is ooh mommy there's 47 levels of something

fuck off. u cant handle the actual truth ur too weak.

Obviously they are human, according to the biological species definition of a species, because nonwhites and whites and all races can interbreed and make fertile offspring, they are one species. Human is a species name.

The differences between the races are all ones of scale, not of hard qualitative boundaries. Blacks have intelligence and morality, they are just display statistical averages that are inferior.

we should unironically install this man as the leader of a nation state in africa

overwhelm it, and then make him il duce

Lol, of course youre human; we all are. Lets not forget the real enemies of humanity: international bankers.

Jesus was a fuckin hippie charlatan.

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>are niggers human?
yeah you're just less evolved than whites or east asians for that matter but yeah your human OP
that said kikes are not nor have ever been human in any way

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Your kind could be. But most blacks refuse to act like civilized humans, and they get treated accordingly. Those few that I should conduct themselves like the rest of the Civilized world are really killed for it. Blacks don't want to be human because to be human needs taking charge of their own destiny. Like every other human being blacks fail to understand this. No one owes you shit and no one owes you a life. We all have to make our way in this world by black people think white people other than anything is beyond me. You want to be treated like a human? Act like one. Finish school. Get a job. Take care of your family. Going to church. Don't do drugs. Turn off the TV and pick up a book. And encourage others to do the same. That's what the rest of us do.

Take some responsibility for your own destiny blacks in the fifties and sixties still these things the Civil Rights Movement took away pride and dignity and fathers from the homes your slave ancestors weren't lazy niggars what's your fucking excuse

Phone posting, my bad for the shitty grammar, but you get my point.