Dubai vs Berlin

>be UAE
>be Dubai
>city is a desert in 1990
>in less than 30 years, city is one of the most advanced and luxurious in the world
>be germany
>be berlin
>super old city with rich history
>looks bland
>capital city of the "master race"

What's Germany's endgame you guys? Has the apex of human civilization on Earth shifted out of Europe and into the Middle East and America?

pic related

inb4 "user is a jew"

Attached: DubaiVsBerlin.jpg (1200x571, 211K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Germany BTFO by Based White Americans

>dubai pic is an artist rendering
Really makes you think

Oil money
Compare the amount of people dying in the streets of Dubai and Germany. Plus Dubai doesn't produce much in terms of produce, mostly it's offices and oil companies funded by rich princes that are that way because oil > human rights

yes and it was built by western architects, designers, engineers and indian construction workers. Everything OP claims is thanks to white people, and unnatural, government subsidized growth

it will look like that in the 2020s. Berlin has no such future renderings

Attached: dubai-future-accelerators-skyline.jpg (963x400, 85K)

if berlin is the result of "natural growth" then by nature's standards it needs to go extinct like 99% of life does

the "germany" of today is not the one of olde brother

Just took a look at avg GDP per capita Dubai (25k) vs Berlin (24k) and Dubai actually wins. Good on them. G*rmans BTFO.


man everything in dubai is unnatural, especially their water canals and irigations, and the creation of parks in a literal dessert.
I've lived there for 5 years, and anyone i know has left after at most the 8 year mark - its a boring, unnatural and fake city to live in.

Berlin on the other hand expands naturally - ie non government supported businesses and projects, whereas in Dubai almost everything is government funded or supported.