I am extremely certain that something is happening tomorrow, keep your wits about you everybody
Make sure to be on here tomorrow
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I don't doubt it, but it's going to be much larger. Really search and read between the lines of what happens tomorrow
If numerals ya boy's a clairvoyant
If not thread is a bust
I call upon Snacks, lend me your favor, reveal the truth
You mean the WW1 armistice? Did you notice how pissed shills were about Trump missing that ceremony today and making fun of him all day for it? Really makes you think.
republicans gonna get fucked again
>Really search and read between the lines of what happens tomorrow
In other words, don't complain when you are just too stupid to comprehend the Big Thing that happens.
digits confirm happening confirmed
lets seeee.... Dirty bomb in DC? Truck bomb at pentagon?
The beast is present
Take from it what you will