11/11/1918 - 11/11/2018

WW1 ended 100 years ago today

Press F to pay respects

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The West died in the 1910's.

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Good thing we aren't all speaking German now amirte goys?



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1913 to be exact

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Threw away a generation of men for nothing. The world has never recovered.

F. The world would never be the same

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May the greatest Empires the world has ever seen Rest in Peace

Including our own Nation
>I miss you America

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US should’ve never enter the war like all the war that preceded it
>pic related

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The beginning of the end


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Dont you dare you fucking rodent

This. WWI was largely motivated by Zionists

F for Verdun
F for Somme
F for Germans
F for French
F for British lads

R.I.P. men of the west who saw the hell of the abyss on earth

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you deny holocaust

I have a greatgrandfather that fought in that war, on the Italian front.

Kid has a smart mum.

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….Fuck maybe getting a proxy would make baiting on here even more fun. Ironically enough, even though there's no way you're actually in Israel, I can tell you're a kike anyway by the fact that you actually saw fit to do this


America joined the wrong side


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Only purpose of this was to throw away a generation of whites...only for it to happen again 20 years later



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God save the world

Subhuman all the way. Can’t even fight for their own rat country. Fucking disgusting.

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I won’t when the real on happens soon. Hitler clearly didn’t kill enough of your vermin. You’re lower than horseshit mixed with vomit. Spare none including your ugly kike children.


Israel wouldn't even exist if it weren't for the blood of british goyim

Respect for what ? The zogbots that went at war with a nation to pillage it and give it to jews, as their leader just got assassinated in a visit and many threats before ? A war in which no one of most nations were threatened by ? They call it war, yeah right. More like pillaging

Once you look past the nogs, you can appreciate battlefield 1 more. The operations mode on the french dlc levels shows what a tremendous waste of life it all was. Same with amiens. Argonne. Russia. All for fucking NOTHING! The paschendaele map captures the heart of ww1 and once again its...all for nothing

We will never forgive the kikes who pitted europeans against each other all for some jew coins

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God punish the world*

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Hopefully Hezbollah turn you into pic related, a good jew.

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Oh. Well He already sort of has. If you're familiar with Fatima, Russia has "spread her errors" worldwide causing tons problems. So in a way we did get punished for what we did to Germany in WWI

west front best front

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>alienate everyone with your autism
>declare war on half the world
>destroy europe and european hegemony
>chill in a mansion in the Netherlands for the rest of your life


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was fun while it lasted
rip to all who died

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rotchilds agreement proves the first ww1 was made the fact they wanted america in war due to the agreement to give palestine to jews.

balford something.

that said it explains why jews were responsible for making germany loosing and thus the dagger betraying thing was real.


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>get so triggered over being lightly insulted that you break your political association with their country, then claim he's the one with the autism
>muhhh war declarations, just ignore the treaties, we won't stab you in the back, promise!
Nation of merchants

Now that the dust has settled

Whats the point of Belgium again?

more like
>piss of UK and France because your nation is getting more powerful, challenging the world order of the time
>Notice most nations in the world is opting to start doing this retarded democracy shit, posing a threat to your rule as democracies are prone to try to expand, and they are quickly enraged
>Form alliances with Russia and Austria to try and stop this shit, but one of them stabs you in the back, the other is completely retarded and uses you as a sheild to act like a tard.
>War breaks out, Russia starts moving against you
>Send a telegram to your cousin "Nicky" almost begging to talk things out and not go to war
>France starts moving against you, reclaiming land and crossing your border before you even have time to mobilize
>You do a counter invasion finally when you realize there's no avoiding war
>The UK lies and says they won't get in the war, so you go through Belgium
>The UK then uses the terrible shit you do there as an excuse to dogpile on your ass
>Get totally colonized after the war
>Blamed for everything for all of history

I'm aware I started to talk about the nation of Germany in general rather than the kaiser like you did, but come on dude.

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woodrow wilson was a criminal son of a bitch and in the top 3 worst presidents of all time

Its needed so the valkyria chronicles series can exist. Good enough for me. Good chocolate to

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I recommend watching the movie Paths of Glory if any anons haven't already


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F. America fought on the wrong side. The lusitania and the Zimmerman telegraph were faked or lied about to get us in the war. We were controlled by the Jews in 1913 after the federal reserve anyway.



God bless all my europeans brothers who died in this senseless war.

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BPS made a really good video on this.

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My Great Uncle served with the US Forces in Europe and was hit with mustard gas. I never had a chance to meet him, but my Grandfather, his younger brother, said he was never the same when he came home to Indiana.

S spit.
Fuck ww1,
fuck the treaty of Versailles
fuck communism,
and fuck banker commie bitch Woodrow Wilson.

We should have been mowing down Canada and building a wall.

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Sudaca nazi


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Watch the film Aces High. Pretty good one about the aerial warfare side of it during 1917

all of that series is shit. bad gameplay, not much planning either for a TURN BASED GAME, voice actors, sound, music, GRAPHICs especially, but also the story and characters, holy shit that was bad. im glad it sold so badly and that its likely its finaly dead

Valk chronicles 1 and 2 are shit yes. But 3 and 4 are great



I'm gonna watch "Paths of Glory" tomorrow night in honor.

WWI ace

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Fields of feels.


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P.S. Serbia started it, but only because the Masons wanted it.


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Can someone post that badass black and white photo of Richtofen in his plane with his goggles on? It says it on the fuselage. It is mostly likely from a movie but I dont know the source.

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Battlefield 1 is a great game despite the shoehorning of nigs and obviously unrealistic pace.

Operations mode in maps with tons of mud can induce heavy feels imho, like when when youre attacking Ft Vaux or the first part of St Quentins Scar. Air combat is also tons of fun, especially during a lightning storm, holy shit. The voice acting in the intros is bretty gud.

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*stays in hotel*

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>Battlefield 1 is a great game
>dumbed down shit for consolebabby normies that can't handle bolt-action ROF
choose one

Its still fun god damn it

No it isn’t, you fucking queer.

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>Not basking in the glory of maps in "Verdun".

>Not playing PTSD simulators in Red Orchestra and Rising Storm.

Here's hoping they actually improve gameplay and authenticity with BF5. (LMFAOOO)

I dont have a gaming computer

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You have to be 18 or older to post here.

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WW1 and 2 were the worst thing to happen to the white race



For anyone genuinely interested in ww1, this rareish book is extremely interesting. Pictures in here you won't see anywhere else. After one of its early prints it was banned in Germany because it was considered too horrific.

Every picture shows the complete devastation, nothing but featureless wasteland blasted with craters by millions of tons of ordinance. Dead men and horses by the score. One particular image in here always gets me, it's a picture from above by a scoutplane, in the middle of no man's land is a wrecked British tank with about 40 soldiers hiding behind it, huddled together. What drove them there? Did they ever get out? A true hell of man's own creation.

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jews won their first major battle.

no respect here

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do people still play Verdun? I heard they released an expansion to it called Tannenburg but nobody plays that.
>Red Orchestra and Rising Storm.
not playing in the glory years of when darkest hour had a decent player base

haha no, all of them, 3 and 4 are shit too, and so is the rest.

story is still shit, graphics as bad. and turn based as bad for reasons stated.

and characters still bad, so is character design.

Thank you to all who served the banker.

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>The Balfour Declaration

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This guy gets it