Did Trump dodge an assassination attempt today?

Did Trump dodge an assassination attempt today?

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It was just a handshake. He'll get him back.

No, he's just holed up in his hotel acting like a little bitch.

That would explain why they're all so butthurt he keeps skipping their gay little events.





Trump's just a little whiny bitch who deserves to be impeached & thrown in jail & raped to death


The other day, it was rainy and dreary as hell. I woke up and felt it and said "fuck this" and went back to bed.

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Yes. If they were going to take Macaroni boy, they would take him too.

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Was Macron warning him?

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>Was Macron warning him?
YES see here


Well, yeah. When the (((echoes))) about "Fucking drumph is afraid of the rain! Coward!" It was obvious. They throw a tantrum every time. There is likely not going to be any escape from these commies without rounding them all up.

your tears are delicious, madam...

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That's why they're letting the voter fraud fester right now. There's a reason social media is so polarized right now. They're hiding MILLIONS of normal americans who are pragmatic and can see through this bullshit.

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He was too busy storming the buffet at Normandy.

It's late Mr. Trudeau, time for bed. You can be butt hurt in the morning

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Isn't this old news?

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This explains the slide threads...

Yeah more like Israelis complaining that they got BTFO again.

Acosta was out there...

He stayed inside because his hair would never survive the rain.

Come on... he’s a rapist sure but not a murderer.

Shoo shoo baguette.

I'm sure. He sleeps 3 hours a day and campaigns non stop just to avoid a ceremony because it's raining. There's absolutely no coincidence in Macron foiling a plot to assassinate him at this very location.

The worst part is, there was an attempt at a sitting presidents life in Europe and it's not national news. At the same event where the United States President was set to speak. This will be memory holed by noon tomorrow when 20 years ago it would have made headlines for months.

There's been 10+ assassination attempts against Trump and none of them have been on national news. Congressmen playing baseball getting shot up got memoryholed in like 2 days.

No, he dodged a light rain.

Remember when they tried to use a dump truck to derail a train filled with GOP congresspeople on their way to a retreat at Greenbrier? That happened earlier this year

Or how a secret service member spontaneously dies in scotland?

Or how a car tried to tbone the presidential motorcade?

Or all the numerous incidents outside the white house gate involving intruders?

Or the missile that was photographed being launched while Trump was in Singapore with Kim Jong Un?

Is this how we are spinning his cowardice?


all CCTV went down so they weren't able to do COINTEL around the area, and grid communication went down as well

go away kike



RBG confirmed to be kill by the end of the year

I legit think this is the case. One thing that my intuition picked up on. Maybe they wanted to take him out on foreign soil because they know they could get away with it elsewhere?

wait what happened?

i shit you not when i heard npr report that trump wasnt to be attending slme ww1 event, i thought it was awfully fishy that they reported he wouldnt be attending, how they reported it, and especially considering how slight it kind of is. i had a vibe and thought assassination plot...

What happened today?

Go to bed Justin

Trump didn't attend a ceremony and the shills on Jow Forums have been losing their minds ALL DAY making fun of Trump spamming threads about how he "cucked out" because of rain.

Slit your own throat Shlomo.

go get fucked jew

By assassination you mean his lizard skin melting in the rain and his body deteriorating slowly in front of the public?

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The funniest thing is that WWI soldiers are the epitome of everything the left hates: cis-white men. You'd think they would be overjoyed that their sacrifice wasnt commemorated by the president. That's why no body gives a fuck about their fabricated hate. They've literally pissed on the U.S. flag in antifa videos.

It's really such a petty thing for them to attack him on, which makes it so suspicious. But the implications would mean that the higher ups in the news KNEW that there was an assassination attempt plot to play out there.... I mean, fucking of course they would know before hand.. They probably had the graphics ready and everything.

He could be sick from all the rallies. He is 72.


What's with all the rallies?
Genuinely curious. Did he start his 2020 campaign as soon as he got elected?

I mean, if you can think of one place in all of Europe without cameras everywhere and would be significant enough to be symbolic and meaningful, would it not be a cemetery/ww1 memorial?

Of course there’d be news cameras to take pictures and maybe film but there’d be no one snapping selfies and holding phones in the air at the memorial and there’d be no security cameras or building cameras or traffic cameras, etc. I mean, think about it, even if they had one camera on it would be zapruder 2.0. Evidence it happened but not enough to be clear.

Interesting theory...

The leftist world media is the greatest threat to freedom in the world today.

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It was for weather...


>mfw mom just said this same exact thing to me
mom why are u on Jow Forums

Quick rundown?

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Honestly the more I think about it...the more I think about the cameras...

There’d have been no cameras, dude. A memorial at a cemetery. It’s be totally taboo for people to hold up their cell phones and video...hell the news cameras could have even been turned away at the time it happened and then quickly zoomed back...

Dude...it’s kinda trippy. There would have been no cameras there.

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Wait...Didn’t Macron attend the event, though?

Obviously it was for Trump and not macron

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It was to try and generate more voter turnout for the midterms.

No but let’s say there was a credible threat. A legit threat. The assassination of merkel or macron would be nearly as big a catalyst to another major engagement as trump. Hell WW1 itself kicked off over way less than either of those.

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Those things will not happen, much like all of the other things you want

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Eat shit kike

>Or how a secret service member spontaneously dies in scotland?
>Or how a car tried to tbone the presidential motorcade?
>Or all the numerous incidents outside the white house gate involving intruders?
>Or the missile that was photographed being launched while Trump was in Singapore with Kim Jong Un?

>the blue caps on his n pence water

I get that, but he started campaigning right after his election.
I understand that your campaigns starts long before the vote, but it seems premature.

GFY faggot

A gay karate chop. But gay karate chops are the deadliest ones

well I was targeted with bullshit in another forum so maybe, yes.

Rallies are a very good way to keep your base engaged and attract new voters. He's running a completely different style of presidency than others.

You can always tell something fishy is going on when blacked threads suddenly start popping up en masse

Oy vey!

What are you talking about dipshit? I’m the guy who’s trying to figure out why you guys are right, dumb fuck. Just talking out the logic behind it all, faggot.

No but ww3 is set to commence December 16th 2018 and I’m guessing you’ll be hiding in your bunk bed.

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He did actually

Someones mad their plan didn't go off.

Considering this man was crying when our military parade walked by yeah, I don't think it was just weather at play.

Mmm this blue wave is delicious, keep em coming! I want two!

the libs are stealing multiple elections and they want to talk about dumb shit as usual
when you choose to be a lib you choose to be trash.

So let's say he's reelected, continues the rallies until the 2022 midterms, would he stop after that?

Time for helicopter rides

Trump enjoys the rallies, so he'll probably find an excuse to do them after 2024

Hopefully he does rallies until he's dead

He's the best thing that has ever happened to the Republican party so we want him out there at all times getting more voters

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That's the face of a man that just got told "Hey, you know those reports about a plot to shoot me at this WWI thing? Yeah, they're gonna try to get you there. Don't go."

What would patriots do to the media if trump was assassinated?
Wouldn’t be pretty

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I understand that it's good for party unity, but how much voters does it really bring? Do you have numbers about that?

Do they ever get tired of REEEEing?

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I don't give a FUCK about Q. An Israeli submarine parked its ass in Seattle and fired a nuke towards singapore to make it look like it came from the US.

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I don't know if there's any way to study that. But based on the crowds at his rallies, I'd say it's pretty huge.

Let's see, he did just say something or other about reigning in the Fed, so yes - he either dodged a bullet or he is already dead. Did you notice how much Macron and Merkel were smirking at the ceremony? Strange way to behave at such a sombre event...