Fuck off we’re full

>fuck off we’re full

No you’re not you fucking CUNTS open the MOTHERFUCKIN border!!!1

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Nah fuck off we’re full

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Yeah nah get fucked fuck off

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I predict that between 750,000,000 and 1B Africans will be emigrating to Australia in the next 25 years. Screencap this.

Wall off the cities and let them live in the hellscape

Australia belongs to nature and it shall stay that way.

Nah round them all up in the main cities and nuke the shit out of them.

Poo detected.

we are full, fuck off

lazy immigrants will not move to the outback or the woods in any country. they will move to the city and apply for benefits

I kind of want to move to Australia but I'm honestly nervous about how everything kills you. How much is a meme and how much of it is serious? I just like Australians every single one I've met has been a good guy or broad, they seem like the most similar anglosphere country

Just don’t be a dumb tourist cunt and you won’t get killed

Seems choccas to me faggot.

Its a meme. Yes everything "can" kill you, but they don't unless you're a silly tourist or just not careful.

Thats all the space we have left fuck off

They'll boot ya right out.

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Here are some rules
>don't stand on underwater rocks at the beach
>don't go in tall grass in nature without at least boots and jeans
>even so, try to avoid it
>always wear sunscreen and a hat if you're in the sun for more than 30 mins
>don't turn over or reach under logs
>don't put your hands in natural crevices or anywhere you can't see.

You AdelaideBro?

but only Melbourne.
Don't nuke Perth, Adelaide, Brisbaine or Hobart


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Has that guy who said he was going to drive through the outback been back yet?

No, Melbourne and Sydney must pay. Perth can be saved, but not for long.

Our borders are open, we have the highest immigration in the entire world.

It's not a meme. Literally most things you see here if you walk outside is dangerous. Dangerous animals, dangerous plants, dangerous terrain etc.

You cannot touch most plants you see because they are dangerous/poisonous and most animals will attack/poison you if you are near them.. be safe especially from drop bears

>Don't nuke Perth
By far the worst out of any of the cities you mentioned.

But they are white and based?

Have you been to Perth lmao? Get fucked, the only white thing about Perth is all the crack cunts smoke out of the city.

What are some tips on avoiding being caught and made into a human stew by abbos? Asking for a friend

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>have you been to Perth
no, but I was under the impression that it was a nice place.

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Most abbo's will be tamed when you give them some alcohol or petrol to drink. Just give them a cup of petrol to drink and they will be happy

The ones that are there already may be doing bad damage, but not all hope seems lost for you guys (yet).

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The cinemas play more punjabi movies than English movies. Let that give you an idea

>Perth is worse than Melbourne
Victoriafag detected, back to your Sodom and Gomorrah with you

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Wrong. Abo’s gain strength from sniffing not drinking.

Ah, that's Austria. Australia is supposedly rejecting it too, but wrong article.

Guys, aus/pol/ doesn't have a thread atm, so I'll ask this here.
Labor said that if they win, they'll hold a referendum on becoming a republic.
Would you guys vote for or against this?
I'd vote against it purely to piss of the Left, but I don't really care apart from that.


Just don't engage with them. Be careful around petrol stations.
Total multicultural shithole. I went there and found it one of the most despicable cities in this country
>dirty as shit
>run-down buildings in the middle of the city
>possibly more asians than whites
>antifa stickers everywhere
>smells like shit

It's only kind of a meme. Just be sure to check in your shitter for snakes and spiders. Fucking things are everywhere.

australia is a nation of cucks. you faggots just think they're "le based and redpilled" because you fell for the friendly shitposter meme

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I haven't been to melbourne in a while, but I found it much better than perth.

They are an island, there is no border. What there is is a thousand miles of shark and jellyfish infested water between you and a Nauru internment cell

>thinking your opinion is wanted or merited
Yeah nah fuck off ya silly cunt

Less cucked than your country, leaf faggot. Out of all the anglosphere only we really have a chance for democratic white nationalism. Suck a dick lol

then I am sincerely sorry for the paths of life that lead you to being both a degenerate and a retard, you have my condolences

shoo shoo Canada
Canadians labeling other countries as cucked should be a banable offense.

>democratic nationalism

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Stop being so self-righteous you little cunt. Your city smells, looks like, and is full of shit.

that may be the case, but at least it isn't Melbourne

Ah, the based and redleafed Canadian

I'll take your word for it, I'm from brisbane myself.

The grey is emu territory right?

>Canadian calling ANY other nation cucked
Seems like a skits cunt to me.

a man of fine birth

Thanks mate

Tier 1 Australia city
> Sydney

Shit tier cities
>the rest

Let me in! I'm gonna rape your Kangaroos White boi.

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Tier 1 is anywhere rural and not an abo enclave. After that, Brisbane is pretty high up there. Sydney is china's offland colony, faggot.

It's just you have so many more hazards than I would be used to and things that are second nature to you must be learned.
I've never been a "tourist" anywhere I've went. In France people assumed I was a German which I assumed to be a compliment, a German would blend in far more than an American.
It's just such an alien world. How do y'all feel about Americans anyway?I saw one post from an Australian talking about how crocs are pests. And it just struck me the hell you must live in where crocs are on the same level as like, a mouse or cockroach

They would box you cunt, GL. 6ft kangaroo master race would slay you


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The real, unironic answer to your question is that Australia isn't that bad. You don't walk out of your house and have to fight skippy to get to your car, but you will likely experience more spiders and snakes and hopping mammals. You should be fine if you're not bitchmade. Live rurally and you'll deal with brownies and red backs daily, but it isn't that bad.

But why? The Somali and Sudanese cunts we have ready are top shelf. It should be quality over quantity. Sure would be nice to get those enrichment levels though. Sounds like an Earthly paradise.

I’ll spear ya up the black rectum and turn you into a kangaroo myself

I would vote for Australia to become a republic. It will cut your final cultural tie with the UK and you won't have to put up with their shit anymore.

>drop bears


GC master race reporting in

Australia needs more BROWN and BLACK to replace their shrinking birthrates, right?

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Honestly the idea of leaving where I'm from is so alien. Everywhere else has an entirely different culture. Different wildlife, different customs, different life style etc. I hate where I'm from and dont want to be a foreigner anywhere else. Moving to whiter pastures is appealing and also intimidating at the same time. Thanks though Bruce. You chaps are all right. Have stood by Americans through literally everything, our brothers across the sea.


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Brisbane is a Hapa/ Chinese colony. Stupid fucks clearly don't know anything about this city

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I know how to stop all immigration to Australia, and it won’t cost us a cent.

Dont listen to that user americabro, watch out for drop bears everywhere you go

>1 post by this ID

fuck off back to NZ, cuz

Drop bears doesn't real.
Hiro needs to put canadians into time out.

coomera =/= gold coast

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>without at least boots
Also don't forget to always shake out your boots in case of spiders. White tails are a menace.

Honestly if i were you I wouldnt give up firearms for anything.
Giving up nigs though...

Dont remember the last time i saw a black person

used to party in the bush in this remote valley location that was hazardous as fuck to get to with this loose af spiraling dirt road, complete with an entire cliff face riddled with brown snakes. It was known that climbing one side of the hill was certain death.

They're all chinese colonies you fuckwit. Every city I've been to in Australia has had major chinese present, except maybe darwin and alice but those were full of abos who are arguably just as bad in numbers. It's why I said rural #1, because it's white as fuck and good as fuck

I will personally reinstate japanese internment and chain that dirty slope up in my own back yard

Don't worry they are letting in a huge amount of chinks and shitskins to make up for the birthrates.

The only thing holding me back is guns. I rarely shoot but I have a shotgun and rifle, and even thought they're not really "necessary" I love the freedom to have whatever I want.
Fuck off chang

absolute meme unless you are in the far north or in isolated country areas, you could put your dick pretty much anywhere and there'd probably be a 1/1000 chance something would happen

Good idea, just send the immigrants and chinks to the outback, there's plenty of room :^)

It's their land. Back the fuck off, shitskin.

80% of immigrants come to sydney or melbourne fuck off times infinity

>I'm not white therefore nobody else is
no u mutt damon

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You can get some shotguns and rifles with relative ease if you live rurally. The process is a lot harder than in america but most people near me own guns, including me, legally. The storage restrictions suck ass though.

>mfw i didn’t expect so many aussies itt

What time is it there

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3 in the arvo

fuck off maplenigger

Time to fuck off. We’re full.

shitposting time

this isn't reddit. you can reply to more than one post at a time