What's your stance on abortion, Jow Forums?

It's a very touchy topic to some it would seem, but I think there's a nice middle ground that could be reached. I personally believe that abortion should be allowed, however, anyone who receives an abortion will also receive a mandatory sterilization procedure to ensure that 1) the taxpayers/government/who the fuck ever does not need to waste anymore potential money on someone who has been shown to be a liability, 2) the degeneration of society will be slowed, and children who are born are more likely to be born to those more deserving of them, 3) provide an incentive for women to fix their mental illness.

I would be willing to make exceptions for rape cases,but there will need to have been a conviction backed by copious amounts of evidence.

Attached: Top-10-Arguments-in-Favor-of-Abortion.jpg (1000x750, 42K)

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If we're going to pretend that human beings are equal and naturally have rights there's no biological or philosophical reasons to justify excluding the unborn. An egalitarian has no business supporting abortion.

This. Except for niggers and spics.

Well my idea implies that people are not equal without explicitly stating that, as I have people who are unfit sterilized. So there's that.

Personally, I find it distasteful, but I'm not going to cry that broken cultures are erasing themselves from the earth. For me, the controversy around it seems to be based on who owns the baby. Is it the child itself? The woman? Society or the nation? Each of these has consequences that no one likes.

If we are talking in a pure white spciety, then abortions are only legal in instances of rape or incest, but you gotta prove it. Incest gets an extra year after birth for abortion, rape is still prove it happened until birth otherwise you gonna have the kid.
Multicultural societies all shitskins get free abortions

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Abortion makes my cock rock fucking solid. There is nothing sexier than a woman expressing personal autonomy

Very simple. Except the consequences of your life, regardless of the circumstances.
Unless that fetus finta kill u.
Otherwise diddndunuffin.
The more people refuse taking responsibility the more immoral and authoritarian the world becomes.
Which ruins it for the rest of us.

This is more or less Jow Forums's overall opinion.

As long as it kills niggers I'm cool

Eugenics is good. Who could really support the scum of society breeding? I understand Christians opposing abortion, they love society's trash. But no reasonable person would oppose keeping these "people" from breeding.

It is society that has to deal with the consequences. Abortion is only stopping the birth of "people" who would grow up to be criminals, and low lives and leeches. It will be society's problem when they're stealing and killing and/or on welfare so it should be society's imperative to prevent them being born.

Pro-Abortion: Keeps nigger and spic population down. Once all these fertile Hispanic women go to college for the neo-bolshevick indoctrination plus insatiable greed for consumer goods their menial labor men won't be good enough for them and they, like white women will delay marriage and procreation and their birth rates will fall big time. Races come to the west....TO DIE. It only takes ONE generation before they drop to below replacement level boys. Keep the abortions rolling and pushing white solidarity and we can retake the highground. Make nigger and spic culture UNCOOL and the white women will come back. Stop worshipping sportsball and rap and whtite women will take us serious again. Again...STOP watching sportsball. It's full of niggers. We need to stop idolizing black men.

and i havent cried in a long time

I agree....we need MORE abortion clinics. The alt-right must push down the ChristCucks. We must STOP getting killed in elections because of fucking abortion. If neo-bolshevick sluts want to spit in our eye by killing their own babies as some bullshit political statement against the patriarchy I feel it is a small price to pay to keep the brown horde in check.

70 year old christcuck boomer detected

My main concern is with disincentivizing immorality. Fornication in society is far too easy these days, with both contraception and abortion encouraging people to behave recklessly. I don't have an issue with abortion itself, at least not much of one, but ideally the possibility of having a child out of wedlock would be minuscule.

I wish we could go back to the standard of requiring a marriage license to buy contraceptives. It would solve a lot of issues in one fell swoop.

Even low-iq retards deserve a chance at life. Plus most abortionists are objectively psychopaths (how else can you rip a baby limb from limb from its mother's womb?)

>Even low-iq retards deserve a chance at life.
I disagree.

i think it should be legal in first trimester. or the mother suffers from certain health conditions. pretty similar to what the law is in a lot of european countries like france

Only acceptable as a way to limit the growth of undesireable populations, namely the low IQ shitskins who fuck like rabbits.

Who else is going to stock the shelves at walmart? Or get shot by muslims 1000s of miles away from home so you can shitpost on Jow Forums?

i am for abortion because it kills as many/more black babies than are born

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im a bit half and half

I think in cases like rape and genetic defect early term abortion is morally acceptable but it should generally be held as something distasteful

Min 25....unborn nigger criminals....saints??? That will be the day.

Abortion is unacceptable unless the child

>is black
>is hispanic
>is jewish
>is deformed
>is mentally handicapped
>is thrust into a hostile or poorly financed life
>is conceived by atheist parents

There's some fine lines but bottom line abortion is bad.

Against, and I'm an atheist.

>moral slippery slope
>Why does an atheist care about morals? Because you devalue every other human right and quality through eugenics. No one cares about the right to free speech when lives are valueless.
>The issue of who pays for it
>It encourages lack of responsibility and the rapid destruction of society
>The rape/mother's health argument is a total cop out from centrist cowards. It happens in like less than 1 percent of cases. It's the same as talking about genetic abnormalities or mental defects for tranny rights. You don't legislate for a microscopic minority niche issue. Abortions are almost all for convenience. Therefore it's illegal by default and the mother must get special dipensation (rape kit from hospital and a dna record of assault on file so they're less inclined to lie) (medical test showing the mother's life in jeporady signed off by ranking physician)
>Jow Forums's "it kills niggers argument" is ofc morally bankrupt and more whites get it for convenience anyway globally

I am 100% in favour of abortions in POC including mutts
For white foetuses, I am against it except in the rarest of circumstances where the mother's life is at risk (and I mean real physical risk not psychological bullshit)

It's one of nature's catch-22s.
The people doing it shouldn't be breeding anyway.
Period. Morals and rights be damned.

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Agreed. Anyone who is fine with killing their own babies should not be breeding in the first place. This is population control. I'm totally fine with abortion. There's already too many people on this planet anyways

Roe v. Wade should be overturned in the US. Other than that, I believe it's the mother's choice AND responsibility (to get the funds etc.). I do believe, though, that the only responsible situation to get an abortion is when the woman's life is in danger (you can always give the rape baby to adoption).

>this pic
You have no idea how much my fren kek'd when I showed him that.
"You made my day"

>Roe v. Wade should be overturned in the US.

well it's already been heavily revised since the 80s anyway

not sure that should require red mana

At the very least, anesthesia should be used. The baby feels everything as it's arms are cut off, legs cutt off, torso mutilated and head finally cut off. If people really insist on murdering the innocent, do so with the smallest act of humanity possible and numb the baby first

Yes. That is my stance. Take the feds completely out of it.

Should be red, white, and blue, technically.

It's murder, anyone stupid enough to go through with it is probably unfit to be a parent so it's probably for the better.

You can see it in the eyes and hear it in the voice of many women that go through with it. The quickest way to break a woman that went through with an abortion is to calmly claim it's murder. She will lose her shit in an instant because she knows it's true.

>It's one of nature's catch-22s.
The people doing it shouldn't be breeding anyway.
That's silly.
If abortion had been mainstream practise starting 1000 years ago, none of us would be here because some dumb, self-centred bitch way back in our lineage would have decided to abort and that would have been that.
Think about it. All women have it in them to become "aborters".

You say that as somebody who is clearly anti-abortion. As am I.
But a woman in yours or my ancestry could have flippantly decided to abort if she lived in a society that promoted abortion. Luckily they didn't and we are here. But in recent decades society has gone awol.

>how else can you rip a ow-iq retard baby limb from limb from its mother's womb?
Offer it some Jordans and it will come running out on its own.

All children must be born dead or alive. However, responsibility of unwanted children rests on the state. Mothers cannot be denied the right to reject parental responsibility for their children.

The AI robots are coming. This is a fact. Soon they will be performing the abortions. It is as should be. This is the culling of the low IQs. It's God's Will. We can't go to the stars with Tyrone. I'm sorry..we just can't.

You are only here today because abortion used to be taboo for thousands of years. If it was encouraged like it is today then most of us wouldn't be here.
Apparently that's fine with you because "aborters shouldn't be having kids anyway".
So you'd be OK with not existing.

>genetic defect
Any color than white

Your "compromise" is just proof that you don't really understand the anti-abortionist position.
The principal thesis of the pro-life position is that abortion is murder. Not just an act resembling murder, not just morally iffy, not just disgusting, but actual fucking murder. Someone who advocates the pro-life position is to make the law consistent with this thesis- that if murder is an unconditionally criminal offense, abortion is also a criminal offense.
Consciousness and potential for consciousness (in instances of sleep, passing out, etc.) are a good legalistic approach to defining life. If this is carried through to its implications, both there is little difference in phenomenology or potential for consciousnesses between newborns and fetuses. If our moral intuition that it is wrong to kill the innocent is in general justified, then the umbrella of humanity extends to all entities that have the potential for consciousness intrinsically.
This doesn't mean that we have to treat every sperm as a life, but it does mean that since a fetus, given the full genetic makeup of a distinct human being, have an inherent right to life.

You forgot
>Mother is a feminist
>Mother is liberal
>Mother is any race but white
>Mother pours milk in before the cereal. Seriously, what psycho does that?

>That's silly.
No what's silly is preventing retards from exterminating their very OBVIOUS bad genes.
And yes. I have thought about it. Far too much.

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I would be fine with not existing if it meant less people on the planet. humanity are destroying the diversity of species on the planet

How about instead of that we just automatically abort all white baby's?
Allso if you unironically browse /pol you get hanged.
What do you guys say?

Lady's the one that has to have the little parasite grow inside her body and deal with the consequences of that, so it's her choice. Not my problem beyond that.

>Lady's the one that has to have the little parasite grow inside her body and deal with the consequences of that, so it's her choice. Not my problem beyond that.

>Murders are ladies
>Babies are parasites
>Killing is no big deal, just a 'choice'. Birth control and abstinence are also choices but fuck why ever encourage responsibility

Leftists are just fucking disgusting subhumans.