"What an amazing cheat... thing you've done" Trump says to the Satanic NASA propagandist at approximately 17:50

Please notice the blonde girl on the President's right side. When he says the word "cheat" her eyes light up and betray her inner emotions.

Disclosure when?

Spherecucks BTFO

Psalm 19:1 King James Version (KJV)

19 The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.

Attached: Trump_Cucks_Spherefags.png (1326x836, 1.77M)

Other urls found in this thread:

the link:

Trump doesnt exist. He is a made up character like captain crunch only instead of advertising cereal he promotes the illusion that americans have freedom or a coise.
Daily teminder that you cant cote your way out of genocide


Surprised you're still around, honestly. What do you reckon you got, maybe 3 more weeks?

Think he was gonna say chievment.

It's real, bump


"chievment" isnt a word and there is no a- sound or v- sound.

He said the full word "cheat". He did not stop at "chea".

oh we don't want to vote our way out of our genocide, rabbi

we want to vote our way into your genocide.


checked. fuck kek is with me tonight muh muhfuggin digits in this post and elsewhere

Hmm, sounds interesting, let's give it a listen....

...yup, this is all it was.

wow, pls stop

>Spherecucks BTFO

please tell me that the CIA isn't trying to mind control the president to say that the earth is flat.


>we'll just kill everyone and there will be no repercussions
The hubris you people consistently display. Its fucking unreal.

sounds more like he was about to say thing as planned but then almost accidentally said achievement instead which would have been fine but he corrected himself mid word to say what he initially planned on saying; thing. almost saying achievement just being a rapid slip of the tongue. since the word achievement often comes after the word amazing since that rolls off the tongue. and the looks on the womens faces were just automatic because when a person slips up what theyre saying it can be mildly startling.

The madman actually said it

so he could have kept going and said achievemtn but he stuck to saying thing instead just a blunder on the fly that can happen when public speaking. an uninteresting slip of the tongue.

Ayys Confirmed !

Attached: Check.png (300x161, 59K)

CIAniggers get the rope

check 12:12+ that's why he checks his clock.


good catch user

whats up with you and genocide go play a video game or something



Attached: 1515736634129.webm (1280x720, 2.77M)

Damn now that's a huwhite house.

He said achievement btw you moron imbecile, where you dropped on the head Nigger

>Ivanka's just fucking sitting right next to him

Man, maybe he does want to fuck her. Maybe all the rumors are right.

OR he was idly checking the time as people in all walks of life tend to randomly do whenever if they are wearing a watch. when you wear a watch you just glance at it sometimes. astronauts im sure are very time aware people with all the things they have to do they have to manage time.

OR he is not used to earth time and therefore has to use an analog watch. because hes an alien from another planet the numbers on a digital watch would be harder to get a feel for the passage of time on.

Bitch please. One small nation brought you to your fucking knees. When the world wises up tel a shit will be nothing but glass. Only a matter of time rabbi.

you seem rather desperate that no one is giving your (((post))) the attention it (((deserves)))
have a you

thankyou goy
oy vey if i dont get enough upvotes ill get fired from jidf!

It was awesome. Notice how Ivanka is trained to smile whenever she's the least big uncomfortable.

The NASA girls was cute too, her eyes went 'shit, he knows' and it too a few seconds for her brain to catch up and remember he's the President.

>The NASA girls was cute too, her eyes went 'shit, he knows' and it too a few seconds for her brain to catch up and remember he's the President.

holy shit, yup ! wow

Because there is no space. Only lower earth orbit. Concave earth reality

HE was gonna say "shit"

Trump tells us everything one way or another - awesome POTUS

Trump say "How did we do it all without space". Buzz Aldrin bugging out

astronaut admit at 6:30 hes hanging from a wall


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Or how about this:

He tried to say "achievement" but read ahead of himself and accidently started with the sound "chee", quickly aborted the word choice and paraphrased.

Or is that just what they want you to think?

The truth will set some free, and others into a frothing mad fit of rage.

Attached: image.jpg (1583x2048, 558K)

SOPHIA is Hubble

>unironically being a flat earther
Why are all boomers this retarded? Not only do they believe a conspiracy theory, they go so far as to make a cult out of it

((conspiracy theory))

Ivanka makes for an amazing abajour.

Nice catch OP

>He is a made up character like captain crunch
The funny thing is that user is absolutely right. Mutts literally voted on a reality show character.

NASA is full of shit.
Real time from ISS which is 250miles from earth.
Moon is 2250.000miles from earth.
Mars is 142.000.000 miles from earth.

No magnetic field in deep space to protect someone from sun radiations that melt dna in few minutes.


Trump knows it.

Do you know how many people had to die for me to be me, lol

Attached: IF.png (531x407, 309K)

Moon is 250.000miles from earth* (typo)

Buzz's handlers have left him and he's free of his shackles

That left eye twitch at 4 secs


Deranged murican doesn't know the word achievement nor that his president is a fucking joke and bumbling mess, the thread

>I remember this
So fucking cringeworthy that I couldn’t watch it all the way...
>think Pence got to handle all the NASA shit after this

He combined the words "feat" and "achievement" together. Nobody says, "What an amazing cheat", especially at his age. "Cheats" aren't used as nouns apart from pre-2010 gaming.

It really is a daily reminder because you said this yesterday.


Trump said he knew the Earth was flat after he was elected. Same meeting where he asked three times if he order a nuke attack, if it would actually happen.
Others were saying that he was stupidest person to ever take office, suggesting that he believed the round earth propaganda. He said he knows the truth. Wasn’t widely reported

Attached: Oct 12 2018 Northern China UFO creates shining silver light in the sky.webm (1280x720, 1.69M)

Attached: 1510430075498.webm (960x720, 877K)

This is fucking hilarious. A couple of good reaction JIFs can be made from this.

Attached: Russian rocket is seen streaking accross night sky in Russia during World Cup.webm (640x480, 2.78M)

Attached: Rocket spotted over World Cup in Russia.webm (854x480, 1.28M)

Attached: Rocket Over Russia.webm (1280x720, 2.85M)

Attached: Rocket OVER ARIZONA.webm (720x1280, 1.75M)

Attached: Answers needed - SpaceX launch stirs alien UFO fears in California - youtube_wIvql59t9e8.1 (1).webm (640x480, 2.69M)

What the fuck kinda nonsense are you spewing?

>he has no idea what is the amount of radiation per area that reaches us

Daily reminder that Jews fall prey to their own shenanigans. Your women are the same promiscuous whores as the rest of the "free world," and every remnant of your superstitious rituals and dietary laws will die out because you have no choice but to turn to goyim just to find wives. You're too cucked of a people to crackdown on your women, just like the rest of the "white" world.

Galactic cosmic rays (GCRs) consist of high energy protons (85%), helium (14%) and other high energy nuclei (HZE ions)

And I repeat it : NASA is full of SHIT since its creation.
Moon landing never happened in 1969.

People are dumb as fuck.

Attached: PIA17601-Comparisons-RadiationExposure-MarsTrip-20131209.png (900x1017, 224K)

987457349587D underwater feminism Hillary is about to be locked in space with the gay mexican swamp

And for your knowledge : you don't have to be in the red level to have your dna irreversebly damaged.

Few hours is enough as radiations melt dna in every cell it pass by. Which is a cause of cancer.

Cancer is the multiplication of damaged cell which dna are replicated with errors.
Humankind is trash and retarded.

CHECKED. Space Force now ! ISS 1488 patch unrelated

Attached: download (4).png (225x225, 9K)

You get blasted daily by various forms of radiation, what matters is how much you it actually is.

That is why there is a thing called radiation shielding.
>Astronauts are exposed to approximately 50-2,000 millisieverts (mSv) while on six-month-duration missions to the International Space Station (ISS),

full retard

And that is far from being an instant danger

Attached: radiation.png (1134x1333, 87K)

>Booster falling to earth is proof of flat earth

Attached: 1514351079639.png (403x448, 53K)

ISS is NOT in space it is in high atmospher BEHIND earth radiation shield.
NASA has no radiation shield technology : radiations bypass all matter the only radiation shield that works is based on magnetic fields. And USA has no technology based on magnetic fields on spacecraft.
Magnetic fields are the only effective Shields against GCR as it can redirect them from their natural course.

>No magnetic field in deep space to protect someone from sun radiations that melt dna in few minutes.
That's bullshit and you know it. They all carry magnets in their pockets. So there is a magnetic field



Attached: 1536264700041.jpg (782x1100, 552K)

Die of AIDS please

>NASA has no radiation shield technology : radiations bypass all matter the only radiation shield that works is based on magnetic fields.
That is so retarded it hurts.

The weaker types of ionizing radiation get blocked by sufficiently dense enough materials, as for EM radiation, the same laws apply as to the rest of EM waves.

Attached: shielding_radiation.gif (1063x1949, 2.34M)

>cant explain why the rocket starts going sideways instead of up
שלום, rabbi

Wtf she's just looking at the camera.. Jesus Christ, go to bed you idiots!! It's between 2 and 5 am in America.

Not in our lifetime

Truth sauce please...?


Attached: 1531893433027s.jpg (125x125, 2K)


I don't even believe that the ISS is real, but this is clearly what happened.

Also, the Earth is not flat; that is disinformation used to discredit NASA skeptics. The setting of the Sun would be impossible if the Earth was flat.

Clearly reptiloid

As for GCR's, for example, here:

As for something like a trip to the moon, you already posted a graph of it, take those 180 days to mars and transform those into 8 for a full trip.
The estimated dosage there already counts for the average amount of radiation that would be absorbed, including cosmic rays.

Because guess what? Getting hit with a few of them isn't gonna do you in, that's why we calculate it in DOSAGE, which can be decreased with appropriated shielding.

>I don't even believe that the ISS is real, but this is clearly what happened.
You can get a telescope or go to the nearest observatory to your location and look at it, you can see it any day of the week, it completes one orbit every 1.5h

You will be fighting Iran alone Schlomo. Have fun.