
It's remembrance day.
Euros, get in here. Post poems, events, art; anything your people made to remember the 11th day of the 11th month.
The beginning of the end.

Attached: Seaham Remembers.jpg (1841x1227, 317K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Have you still got your tin hat with you,
Old pal who has gone before?
Do you still wear the dear old uniform
That I knew in the days of war?
What's it like there across the border,
Now you've taken the long, long trail?
Do you wake to the call of reveille?
And still hear retreat's last wail?

Grand! Grand! was your smile at parting,
And the look in your fading eyes,
As you signed your transfer papers
To the Army beyond the skies.
I'd like to have seen your greeting
At the Heavenly Barrack gate,
When the Great White Chief, with His hand outstretched,
Said "Welcome!" and "Well done, mate!"

Old man-we miss you badly,
You were always a darned good sort,
And we gather together once a year
Just to think of you, old sport.
And we're wondering very sadly
If you're thinking of us that way,
As the clock booms out the eleventh hour
Of the eleventh month and day.
Goodbye! old boy, I must leave you,
Things aren't too good down here ;
But! we're playing the game as you did,
For the sake of your memory dear.
And, perchance, at the last reveille,
When the Great Chief calls His men,
I too shall be there beside you,
With my hand in yours again.

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Personal favourite

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Shameless self-bump for a good thread.

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Were these people who marched off to die a bunch of fucking idiots?
Stay at home and the army will shoot you or join the war and get shot on the front line..

Mass pacifism would have ended the war in weeks.

The problem is that "idea" is that if your side does it and the other doesn't, they fucking annihilate your country.

Like nukes but they take longer to land.

Millions dead by war vs a few dead by invasion.
What does the common man get but new masters and to stay alive?

He's looking for (you)s. Don't let him disrupt the thread.


No I'm not, I'm questioning the validity of sending your healthiest men to die in war so that they can be replaced by foreigners.
And as such I will bow out of this thread here and now.

What are the Germans doing today Hans ?
Official stuff, or nothing ?

All this shit over a dead crown prince and his wife.
They should have flattened Beograd and left it at that.

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Yeah you're welcome

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composed in honor of the victory over Austro-Hungarians at the Battle of Cer in 1914

To the fallen of the West, thank you. You fought so bravely to keep your homelands strong, to stop them from being invaded by foreigners. You died to keep your nations healthy and happy, so that your loyal, fertile women back home would be well-fed, and your children chubby. You fought so that you would not be tyrannized by malevolent ideologues, and the streets of your cities would be safe to walk at night. You fought in defense of Christendom, so that the faith would remain strong, and the moral values of your forefathers would not fade away. And so today, you can look out from the grave, and see your country, in all its glory, the torch still burning brightly, and know that your sacrifice was not in vain. Thank you. Thank you.

Attached: ct-vj-day-end-of-wwii-flashback-per-0809-jm-20150807.jpg (2048x1511, 852K)

Would it be faggy to share a poem of my own?

wonder how that sort of propaganda would fly today

It would be
>if you were a German
>aged 4-100
>would be fighting
>for the Designated Head of State!
>What are you doing for the Rabbi?

Why the fuck are women in the Police forces?

Attached: Maybe you should just learn to use this. If there's a war, just blow on it and I'll come h (601x400, 32K)

You're welcome

Which side will YOU take in their family squabble?

Lest We Forget.
Have a nice armistice day fellas and remember what a generation suffered for.

Attached: WW1 Australian defense.jpg (1100x665, 268K)

who cares about some fags that died like 1000 years ago

The wrong side won... Also fuck the Germans for sending back Lenin.

Bent double, like old beggars under sacks,
Knock-kneed, coughing like hags, we cursed through sludge,
Till on the haunting flares we turned our backs
And towards our distant rest began to trudge.
Men marched asleep. Many had lost their boots
But limped on, blood-shod. All went lame; all blind;
Drunk with fatigue; deaf even to the hoots
Of tired, outstripped Five-Nines that dropped behind.

Gas! Gas! Quick, boys!—An ecstasy of fumbling,
Fitting the clumsy helmets just in time;
But someone still was yelling out and stumbling
And flound'ring like a man in fire or lime...
Dim, through the misty panes and thick green light,
As under a green sea, I saw him drowning.

In all my dreams, before my helpless sight,
He plunges at me, guttering, choking, drowning.

If in some smothering dreams you too could pace
Behind the wagon that we flung him in,
And watch the white eyes writhing in his face,
His hanging face, like a devil's sick of sin;
If you could hear, at every jolt, the blood
Come gargling from the froth-corrupted lungs,
Obscene as cancer, bitter as the cud
Of vile, incurable sores on innocent tongues,—
My friend, you would not tell with such high zest
To children ardent for some desperate glory,
The old Lie: Dulce et decorum est
Pro patria mori.

Merkel is in France attending the ceremonies, but in general no, it would be very racist and offensive to remember our dead soldiers

"Why should we fight" he asked me,
"'Cause England is at war?
Why are they fighting now, Dad,
What are they fighting for?
What does it mean to you, Dad,
To babes, and mum, and me?
The Germans won't come here
From away across the sea.
So why should you go there, Dad,
And leave us here to cry?
Is it cause England owns us?
Is that the reason why?"
His eyes look widely at me,
I tightly held my son,
And this is how I answered,
His questions one by one.

"We fight when England calls us,
For in her sacred keep
The ashes of our fathers
Lie in her soil asleep.
And many times for England
They fought that she'd be free,
And they are part of England,
And so, my son, are we.
And some may pass her by, lad,
And some may scorn her hand,
But we must be forever
A part of that fair land.
For everything we have son,
That's good and fine and just
Was washed in British blood
And given to us on trust.

"And we must keep that trust, son,
Against the force of greed.
And fight beside old England
Whenever she's in need.
And once again she's calling
Across the Empire wide,
And all her Empire answers:
"You'll find us at your side"
Oh yes, we're owned by England,
But we own England, too,
As you are part of me son,
And I am part of you"

Harold Wood, Ontario, Canada

Der schlimmste Feind des Deutschen sind nicht die Franzosen, nicht die Russen, nicht die Italiener, nicht die Briten.
Der schlimmste Feind: Der Jude klug und klein in seiner eigenen Reihen.
Kein Amerikaner ist so gemein, wie der Jude in den eigenen Reihen, wie der Jude in den eigenen Reihen.
Passt auf, da steht der Feind der euch 100 Mal verraten.
Loben tun ihn vereitn die Linken und Demokraten.
Freiheit? Erlösung? Gute Nacht!
Wir sind um die Frucht unsres Leidens gebracht!
Was gemacht? Wir konnten uns nicht befreien von dem Feind in den eigenen Reihen.

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Burger here.
Thank you, bongs.

Here's something to remember. Remember that it was Jews who started every fucking war. But... oy vey 6 million Jewwwwsssss

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Fuck the anglos and their suicide war that destroyed the west.
Forcing everyone to wear a poppy, piss off.

Reveal flag.

What's the point?

Fuck off. Every single one of you has blood on their hands. Fucking kin slayers. We need to nuke your island off the map for what you did. All this degeneracy and all these filthy disgusting kikes are YOUR FAULT

My great-grandfather became a cripple 100 years ago.

>ignoring the centenary of the 1st world war to take out your little man syndrome on the flag posting the thread
Chan addiction- know the signs!

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fuck all of you and your homoerotic war fetishisms

Nice statue desu
This. Replacing one set of Germanic rulers with another.
Life would have carried on.

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What did they suffer for?

Is this the moment the West started to die?

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Who cares
weak foundation myths wither away
We will all piss on the graves of the traitors

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