We need medicare for all to keep states from going bankrupt. Pension benefits are killing many states.
We need medicare for all to keep states from going bankrupt. Pension benefits are killing many states
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Why do people act like Alexandria is dumb? She has an economics degree and finished second in the Intel Science Fair.
jesus christ this bitch is ugly
holy shit
You act like you need to be intelligent and not just repeat what the teacher says in order to get an economics degree. lel
come on now, that's not even close to being subliminally observable.
I’m not touching that nose.
shills aren't going to like this thread
>beats women
based and redpilled
Econ is a hard science, pig fuck.
Unless your degree is attained by your pussy you retard. She suggested we could afford a 40 trillion dollar medicair expansion by not burying people. She is the single most stupid politician I've heard speak and I voted against W.
Is there a medley of her saying stupid shit yet
that's a good idea. I'll start working on one today.
>She suggested we could afford a 40 trillion dollar medicair expansion by not burying people
$36 trillion over 10 years. We'd spend around half that anyway between medicare and medicade over 10 years.
Shifting costs from companies to general taxes will make it possible, as we already spend more than medicare for all when you factor in private insurance.
Plus, the GDP should be around $30 trillion in 10 years. We can afford to give healthcare to people.
4 serious, wear contacts.
that is not contacts.
congrats you just indebted all remaining future generations of Americans because you can't work hard enough for your own medical insurance
States have already indebted Americans with their pension plans. This would bail everyone out.
Also, employers would have to treat employees better if they don't have the healthcare anchor to tie them to the job.
Just like how Obamacare and bailouts saves the economy amiright?
>just print more
>those who can't afford insurance should have it provided for them by hard working tax payers.
36 trillion over ten years coming from the group that also likes spending 300 billion a year on illegals. Discretionary spending is around 1.2 trillion currently and you think we should what, scrap that and invest in niggers and spics who add nothing to the tax pool? Even then you're also suggesting raising taxes by a great margin to do so.
have you listened to her speak about issues? if not shut the fuck up about how "smart" she looks on paper
Get bent, so we shift the entire GDP to healthcare? That's insane Shit it seems like lawyers and doctors end up with all your money anyways.
Ocasio-Cortez, go back to your twitter goblin.
that won't happen, the people on top will always get their money one way or another
Yes I have listened to her. She's clever and passionate.
>how do you justify a 40 trillion dollar budget for a Medicare program?
>how much do we spend on funerals?
pension benefits are killing states because those fucking unions turned their pensions into political slush funds for the democratic party. then it goes something like this
>pension funds run out because they're being used to fund democrat party
>hey let's borrow to pay for it, nobody will care
>holy shit we can't borrow anymore
>hey tax payers we're going to have to raise your taxes to cover this horrible pension crisis
>what?! I don't want to pay higher taxes
this is why I hate the democrats so much. they're so manipulative. they milk your average pension worker out of their pensions, then they burden the tax payers with a shit ton of debt to keep the scam rolling and finally they ask you to pay for their bullshit, because if you don't you're evil.
these people are absolutely sick.
>We need to spend more money so we don't run out of money
The state of socialists
being a "POC" with a degree doesn't mean shit. they get pushed through solely on their "oppression" points. their grades are completely inflated
>Ocasio-Cortez 2020
>2023 USA totally collapses
>2024 German putsch
>2028 Global Fourth Reich
Show proof.
>Econ is a hard science
3.. 2.. 1.. contacts.
>Unless your degree is attained by your pussy you retard.
come on....
you know you want some contacts.
How is that going to be paid for?
Econ is a joke. And economists are as useful as a room full of broken clocks.
Sure you can point to one or two of them that have an astute opinion of something (after it happened, of course) but that would require you ignoring the ocean of incorrect clocks around them.
g a s s i n g the kikes, hopefully
Ive been to the intel science fair, hosted at NGS. Youre a fucking retard..the shit they have there is nothing but science projects, except built with money. Now go die eith that bullshit justification. Trust me..
T.ngs employee.
Post sauce on this. You keep talking of state pensions bankrupting states. So why dont you tell your state it doesnt take 3 fucking people to change a lightbulb, or to put freon in a machine, or that buying vehicles every 5 years because "muh budget, use it or lose it" explain nigger..youd rather go after everyone else instead of whos causing the problem.
Just look at California and Illinois. They aren't going to be able to get the money for their unfunded liabilities.
Wow, you really don't know how pensions do you?
It’s because it isn’t true. OP listened to her speeches on YouTube and blindly believed what was said.
Stop bumping these shit threads.
>many states
>lists two
Dumbass. The economy isn’t getting revamped because two states have mismanagement of financial responsibility.
Oh and nice link. You’re just pulling shit out of your ass.
>why dont you tell your state
The bulk of states with impending pension crisis vote solid blue. They're not changing.
Agreed on the use it or lose it budgeting though. I wonder how much of the debt / deficit could be paid back by just allocating that money to debt payments instead of "using it before you lose it".
Is this another “People pretend that states’ defined health benefit obligations can be discharged by a chintzy “universal” health plan” thread? because I don’t have enough options fields for that. Public sector union healthcare plans are no joke and they aren’t going to give them up for something that isn’t better, case and point all the carve outs and exemptions for union plans under the ACA.
Wow, that's so sad, it's better to make it that all the states fail at once!
Pension problems are getting worse in 43 states. With many states not even able to fund half of their commitments.
Here's an image. It's no beuno.
Econ isn't science, it's a bunch of dweebs who can't hack the math for physics or the logical rigor of philosophy, so they stagnate in stats so long that they genuinely believe that we have properly instrumented every causal mechanism of human value systems and that they're sharp enough to analyze such data. -- Fucking plebs.
Unfunded liabilities meme, Ok so they'll have a problem if everyone retires at the same time and no one is hired after them? If you have a mortgage you have unfunded liabilities on the remainder of the house, if that debt was called then your fucked but why would that happen? Sure some places are probably too generous but learn how pensions work
>Ok so they'll have a problem if everyone retires at the same time and no one is hired after them?
....no. They had those funds but they have since been raided. It's nothing like a mortgage. It's not a loan, it's a fund.
>learn how pensions work
You first.
Finally some reality. Thank you.
So, that’s a few thousand dollars. It’s literally nothing in most places. Colorado takes more in marijuana taxes, almost 3 times what you’re worried about.
California always touting its GDP is higher than France. Why don’t they use some of that money to fix their “crisis”?
When you actually see the numbers, it’s not a big deal. Government, even at the state level, deals in millions. You’re panicking over a few thousand.
>We need medicare for all to keep states from going bankrupt.
No. the states can afford their own healthcare. They already have medicad. Why not medicaid for all.
>Pension benefits are killing many states.
Any government worker who is still on defined benefit at this point is an idiot. They should have moved on to defined contribution long ago. You can look at any cafr and see that pensions are screwed and will not pay out in the future.
Uts called prioritizing, which california is fucking failing horribly at. Trump took some money, but does that mean to cut off an entire leg because you cant afford the shoe? No nigger, it means you buy cheaper clothing to spread out your money. Same principle, california needs to stop giving illegal niggers soo much money..maybe then they could handle the fires.
Unless part of the degree program requires quantitative analysis and programming an econ degree is worthless paper.
>finished second in the Intel Science Fair
Those are just dog and pony shows.
I want to hate fuck this bitch so bad
>Having a degree makes you smart!
Ocasio-Cortez has a Bachelor's degree and she cannot speak coherently. Let's compare her to someone who is intelligent.
Ted Cruz has degrees from Princeton and Harvard. He was the Associate Deputy Attorney General for the US and later the Solicitor General for the state of Texas. He also served as a law professor at the University of Texas. Several legal experts said that if Ted Cruz lost to Beto, he could be nominated to the positions of Attorney General or Supreme Court Justice.
Ted Cruz says "medicare for all" will be a disaster.
What are comparisons? No shit it's not a loan. Most the stuff wasn't "raided" but you have states not contributing what they originally were to fund other stuff for whatever reason. But again the funding percent is if they can pay EVERY CURRENT employee and retiree their retirement which is completely unrealistic. Now that figure is actually helpful for a private pension system though if the company goes under
I take it back, some of you Ameribros have a solid sense of humour
>have ECONOMICS degree
>can't figure out that you won't be able to live in DC until get paid from government gibsmedat for politicians
>still move to DC and not even on some temporary budget option like sharing a house with 4 different people
truly MENSA material right there
she might get camera fright but she's spoken well on camera a few times. i think the palestinian/israeli question had her tripping over her self mentally. in an effort to prevent her foot from flying in her mouth
>But guys she eats instant Mac and cheese she's just like one of us
How do people not see through this shit.
Dont forget the expensive pants suit she had that was easily worth half months rent in d.c.
Like when she said she was inaugurated to Congress?
Or possibly that time she said she has no idea what Congress does?
She’s said so many dumb things, she’s attempting to ban the media from her events. nypost.com
Please think before posting. She’s a Bernie bot, and is only repeating his catchphrases.
Unemployment is low because people are working 80 hours a week, and there would be less crime if a seventeen year old couldn’t legally buy a gun.” :Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
Where can I find video of this?
>she cannot speak coherently
This is a flat out lie. She's a good speaker.
Glad to see my waifu getting attention on this board ^_^
we have a choice:
Medicare and Social Security for all,
Wars for Israel.
Currently, most Americans are returning 98% of Congress each election thus CHOOSING Wars for Israel.
Cortez will be first member of Congress in 50? years to NOT choose Wars for Israel.
The way the right is attacking her, she must be good. When the GOPs billionaire donors are pooping in their geriatric diapers, America benefits.
Finding one example doesn’t make her a good speaker. Her, being able to justify her plans is what will make her a good speaker. She’s not there, yet.
I’ve busted on her this thread only because I’m sick of seeing this garbage constantly posted about her. I hope she will grow into the political savior that this country needs. She’s just all talk and zero plans on how to achieve it.
In reality, you need working plans to achieve goals. She’s lacking a decent plan on everything she proposes.
You’re fooling yourself if you think she’s a good speaker. She claims to be a socialist, but can’t define it.
Medicaid for all requires eugenics for all.
It's a hard science in the same way that stargazing is a way to measure the distance between the stars.
>”shills won’t like this thread
>says the BLM meme flag
Found the communist jew
>Medicare for all non-illegals
>Private insurance for illegals
She was literally working selling Tacos 1 year ago though.
>Finding one example doesn’t make her a good speaker
Move the goalposts much? I went with her most recent speech. You are going by stuff from the beginning of her public career. She hasn't had any experience speaking to cameras before this year, and she has already adjusted to it and is good now.
this guy gets it
will you be my congressman?
>> Implying the GOP billionaire backers aren’t Jews.
Here buddy. Let’s put your idea that she’s capable of speaking to rest. She isn’t.
She criticizes the occupation of Israel, then admitted she knows absolutely nothing about it. A good speaker, talking out her ass?
Here she is on a left wing talk show, failing at math.
This interview was a complete disaster. I’ll only focus on one thing she said.
>Hoover wanted to know why Ocasio-Cortez thinks that the economic mechanisms of democratic socialism are the best devised for delivering the desired results, not whether the DSA is more explicitly socialist than, say, the Tea Party. The candidate essentially said, Democratic socialism is the best way of giving us free college because democratic socialists are the loudest in demanding free college. That is the logic of a demander but not of an implementer.
She’s great at demanding things, but can’t explain how they should be implemented.
So here, an economic graduate can’t understand how unemployment numbers are calculated. She’s wrong on everything she said during that interview.
I think she’s going to learn so much in the next two years. The first thing she should learn is to shut up, because when she opens her mouth she tells everyone she’s dumb.
I’ve posted about ten examples of where she can’t explain herself. That’s not moving goalposts. Using buzzwords that don’t apply just shows your lack of intelligence.
Kid, I think she will grow into something awesome. Only if people like you stop blowing sunshine up her ass and really see she’s got good ideas, but they are pipe dreams without a plan to make them a reality. She’s barely competent to speak on subjects she has a degree in. She’s not a good speaker.
>Ted Cruz says "medicare for all" will be a disaster.
It will, because its not defined what "all" and "care" even means. Between states, medical procedures have different cost and different structures. So it could work with a high level reformation of the system that forces you to shop for things and get kickbacks if you fly to fucking Montana for a knee surgery instead doing it in expensive NY.
But if it is like a day at the chocolate factory, then it will fail just by the virtue that you add to a non interest how much medical things costs a disneyland three day pass "I ride as much as i want" aspect to it.
kek I know a few retired boomers and they will snap if some brown latinx commie takes their CalPers to give to Pedro
>literal physics envy the discipline
>i hate debt, unless daddy trump does it
It can't be done with open borders.
Why do leftists argue against their own economic interests?
Someone put a dick in that pic
Government money is debt.
I hate illegal aliens.
Just cancel all pension benefits and tell old people they should have seen it coming. Somebody's going to get it in the ass, why not them (too)? It's not like we're going to get any.
Nobody likes debt no matter who does it. Daddy Trump just understands that money has no national loyalty.
when did I say anything about illegals? We need healthcare that covers only citizens. Any complaining about debt from republicans is hypocritical sense they have absolutely nothing about the deficit.