Imagine being so pathetic you travel to a city on a rainy day to hold a shit rally full of utterly degenerate looking neonazi scum because a 90 year old holocaust denying fuck up is incarcerated in the middle of nowhere close to that city
why does national socialism seem to attract utter scum of society?
Austin Bailey
Imagine being such a traitor to the principle of free speech, you don't think a 90 year old man being imprisoned because he thinks a historical event might have happened differently than others say isn't something worth being upset about
Jayden Myers
To laugh at you, especially you dumb as fuck muricans who out-retard the others
Aiden Jones
Jow Forums is a board of peace you unironic stormnigger.
Michael Torres
at first I saw a polish flag and thought you are just talking nonsense.
But real question: what is the affiliation between nazism and the flag of the Kaiserreich? Why don't they use their own shit?
Easton Williams
Imagine being such a cuck to nazis you let them advocate their nazi stuff including murdering people due to their looks
Hunter Hall
Imagine being this ass pained about your neighbor
James Taylor
That flag's not forbidden and used as a symbol by deranged nazi fuck ups
Camden Nguyen
I said he shouldn't be in prison for holocaust revisionism and you jumped to a strawman about people "advocating murdering people on looks"
>muh nazis >muh skin color
You're dumber than dogshit
Jaxson Roberts
>he Always so informed about 90 year old neonazi women
>You're dumber than dogshit >mfw a murican unironically thinks this holds true
Sure thing shitskin, enjoy your Orwellian kike fueled nightmare
Nathaniel Davis
that must be such a slander to the history and actual pride. Literally picking up the greatest thing that happened to Germany and shitting on it with nazism and degeneracy
Nicholas Howard
>the greatest thing that happened to Germany You serious, Rumpfstaat?
Frankly, yes. In memory of Prussia, I know that some of my family members from Lithuania literally waved this flag the moment they were informed about Lithuania gaining independence from USSR
Imagine being so pathetic you visit a mongol throat singing forum on a sunday to advertise your useless shitty (((journalism))) video on JudenTube because some 90 year old woman had some uncomfortable questions about an absolute event that is so undeniably true you get sent to prison for questioning it.
Imagine being so pathetic your whole existence revolves around stalking 90 year old people because they hurt your feeling by questioning the biggest lie ever told.
Antifa is truly the epitome of cuck and slavedom for the kike.
yes, our SS soldiers were imprisoned for three months, then immediately re-armed and sent to Indonesia to slaughter villages of brown muslims and rape their women.
then they were sent to Korea to kill communists. Then they were promoted and became commanders in our Military.
Landon Lee
The absolute state of swampland
Isaiah Peterson
What's sad about being proud member of Baltic-Preussen family? I don't see any point except whining in what you say
Sebastian Roberts
>t. sad neonazi fuck up
Eh you know, celebrating being under the boot of some Prussians
Zachary Morris
It's the same dude spazzing out in the other thread. Must hurt that no one has taken his bait despite making a dozen inflammatory comments about Trump.
We were literally one of the german families that represented the prussian-german diaspora in Lithuania for a long time which was a reason not to move back to Germany and keep living there after WW2. I didn't say a single word about being under the boot.
Eli Miller
Did you really laugh, or were you laughing inside? I doubt either. You want to make it clear that you found my comment beyond a worded response. Perhaps because you couldn't refute it.
Jordan Wright
>Perhaps because you couldn't refute it. Perhaps you're completely deranged
Parker Gutierrez
You sound scared schlomo.
Ian Ward
>lololol Is the same as >hahahahaha!!! It means >my botbot is sore
Why there are people even replying to a german thread ?
Modern Germans are self loathing idiots who masturbate on the thought of their own defeat and are so desperate to prove that they are not like their fathers that would do anything in the world to humiliate themselves and their nation no matter what kind of ideology they believe in.
And therefore Sage
Jason Taylor
>bait thread >tumblr laugh gif as every response
lefty pol pls
Levi Rivera
>nazis essen heimlich döner of fuck 10/10 I lost my shit
Owen Lewis
>no one has taken his bait well, you leapt straight on it like a hot potato.
Jace Cruz
let me guess, you're not german kek
Nicholas Torres
IT'S TRUE kek I am
Joseph Bennett
i know people that traveled there sigh
Alexander Long
I know it's true... döner is just that good.
Eli Flores
free speech bro
Lincoln Foster
yeah i cant imagine S
Brayden Davis
don't give this faggot (you) you fucking retards, is just a left cuck from berlin most likely who enjoy his country get raped .
Jack Bailey
Imagine being such a cuck to Jews you imprison your grandparents because they questioned something the Jews believe.
If there was one jew, one nigger and you in a room and I had 2 bullets, I would shoot you twice and then beat your cuck skull into a pulp with the gun. You are nothing but a product of the globalist establishment. A prime example of an NPC. As low IQ and irrational as it gets.
you're a dumbfuck fascists say "it's okay to be white" leftists say "no it's not" so then the fascists kill them. niggers and kikes stand with the anti-white traitors the left always starts it. i know it's hard for a meandering mind of a leftist faggot to understand but it's important to know why people hate you.
Jeremiah Jones
>Why don't they use their own shit? because its forbidden
Joshua Bailey
smrdliv bosanc spizdi nazaj v kalifat
Nolan Howard
>their looks I think you mean >their innate genetic inferiority
Jack Jones
Because it's not the current system. The scum think if the system changed they would not be scum anymore. Also Nazism is taboo therefore cool
Brayden Sullivan
You can fuck your pinko ass wih a fence post, pal.
James Ramirez
Yes like that other famous nazi who wanted his country free of foreign influence, Ghandi.