Imagine being so pathetic you travel to a city on a rainy day to hold a shit rally full of utterly degenerate looking...

Imagine being so pathetic you travel to a city on a rainy day to hold a shit rally full of utterly degenerate looking neonazi scum because a 90 year old holocaust denying fuck up is incarcerated in the middle of nowhere close to that city

lölölöl neonazis

Attached: patheticnazi.jpg (950x635, 316K)

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Why are you here?

why does national socialism seem to attract utter scum of society?

Imagine being such a traitor to the principle of free speech, you don't think a 90 year old man being imprisoned because he thinks a historical event might have happened differently than others say isn't something worth being upset about

To laugh at you, especially you dumb as fuck muricans who out-retard the others


Jow Forums is a board of peace you unironic stormnigger.

at first I saw a polish flag and thought you are just talking nonsense.

But real question: what is the affiliation between nazism and the flag of the Kaiserreich? Why don't they use their own shit?

Imagine being such a cuck to nazis you let them advocate their nazi stuff including murdering people due to their looks

Imagine being this ass pained about your neighbor

That flag's not forbidden and used as a symbol by deranged nazi fuck ups