6.4 million leafs recently admitted they only eat meat once a week because they can't afford it

The national propaganda machine CBC is trying to spin it that it is because of lifestyle choices - just read the comments to see how every single response is 'BULLSHIT LOL WE CAN'T AFFORD IT'.


>There's a new reason to ask, "where's the beef?"
>The results of a recent study undertaken by the University of Guelph and Dalhousie University show that Canadians are reducing the meat in their diet—and restaurants are responding.

The numbers are revealing. While 82 per cent of Canadians said they eat meat, the study also showed that 6.4 million of us have reduced or eliminated meat consumption.

>Women are more likely than men to limit or eliminate their meat intake and more likely to replace it with other proteins.
>Ontarians are most likely to already be eating less meat, according to the survey. Atlantic Canada less likely.
>Age plays a role: 63 percent of respondents describing themselves as vegans were under age 38.

>Restaurants, both national chains and independents, have certainly noticed their customers' interest in eating more plant-based food and less meat. The success of A&W's "Beyond Meat" plant-based "hamburger" meant that it sold out quickly, and this past summer, Beyond Meat was in fact outselling its popular Teenburger.

Meat is so expensive fast food chains are replacing beef with tofu. If it wasn't for Jow Forums you'd only have the CBC to tell you how great things are in canada where they actually put anti-theft devices on small blocks of cheese because cheese theft is a huge problem for grocery chains, same with cold cuts, they put security tags on the bag of deli cold cuts now

They even have security camera warnings on all the cheese and meat aisles.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Love this meme, please never stop

6.4 million leafs recently admitted they only eat meat once a week because they can't afford it...

...BUT how many REALLY can only afford to eat it once per week? It's probably 10 million given their propensity for lies and denial about their worsening circumstances

Attached: 3 steak for 50 bucks.jpg (932x900, 368K)

$6.50 for a 4 pak of kraft dinner.
$2 for a can of chef boyardee

bless your heart kind patriot

Attached: kraft dinner.jpg (907x1209, 359K)

pic on the right would costs over $270 CDN in canada

Attached: canada 75 vs us 75.jpg (2352x1105, 360K)

look at this cereal pricing. it's like a surrealist art piece

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I met a traveller from an antique land,
Who said: “Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them and the heart that fed;
And on the pedestal these words appear:
“My name is Humungus, A Mere user:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!”
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare,
The lone and level sands stretch far away.

Attached: food guy.png (800x704, 92K)

CDN T-bone for comparison

Attached: 16 bucks.jpg (979x1305, 358K)

a selection of prices from southwestern ontario

Attached: anons prices octC.jpg (2290x2932, 1016K)

We didn't fight 2 world wars to let some gangsters and corrupt politicians nickle and dime us to death.

Canadians pay the highest food costs in the world.

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Go too bed you Canadian club slurping new zealander

Canada is a dystopian hellhole.

A 1lb tbone steak for $16 Canada dollarettes sounds just about right and what you'd be paying in America when accounting for exchange rates

What the fuck are you on about?

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Admittedly what were you expecting when the Canadian dollar is even weaker than the Albanian Lek

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Keep making this OP! I enjoy seeing the snownigger rage!

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Whats the point of posting in store prices anymore? These threads still get made Jow Forums tardd eat it up

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I eat dog food everyday..woof.

Reminder that the pole was refused entry into Canada. He is trying to use cheap grocery prices as an excuse to flood his impoverished countrymen into our country. They have already executed this strategy with cleaning toilets in the UK. We will continue to reject the mexicans of europe and you should too.

they are pulling all the stop out to prevent pics of food prices from being posted. pic related

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Shill. Just post the in store prices, NO SALES and NO loss leaders.

here's what $75 canadian gets you in canada

>Bread 5
>Lara bars pack 15
>individual lara bars 2
>cheese 5
>amy's soup 25
>eggs 7
>dates 6
>peanuts 2
>cream of wheat 4
>frozen peas 4

Attached: 75 dollars cdn.jpg (1440x1080, 374K)

>toilet cleaning Nunavut resident

According to the theory pushed by canadian grocer defense force anons, there is a polish guy who flies to canada, photographs food prices and then reposts those photos from poland not a day after they were taken. He has done this multiple times this month alone, according to the shills.

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I fucking love shredded miniwheats, but a 1kg box is like $12.

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>I fucking love shredded miniwheats, but a 1kg box is like $12.

Attached: cheerios 6 bucks.jpg (675x900, 251K)

How many days of food would you estimate that to be?

Honestly man, I think these guys are too envious of your privileged position man. God bless you for your entertaining and eyeopening threads. Niech cię Bóg błogosławi w twojej krucjacie, przyjacielu!

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like five minutes worth if you have a half dozen little shitheads running around eating everything like the langoliers.

>mfw can buy that for $20 or even less
>mfw Canada is in the "developed" world

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Post your address I'll send you a big box from murica

How long before the CAD media starts mass dropping articles about going vegan, meat being murder, and Leafs being too fat?

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thanks patriot.

as funny as these thread are this is not a game. we both know that humans need food to eat.

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>How long before the CAD media starts mass dropping articles about going vegan, meat being murder, and Leafs being too fat?
it's already started.

join the meatless diet revolution, brother.

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I hope you die in a bathroom fire

In Australia T-bone is about $20 per kg and our average salary is $85,000

In Canada T-bone is $35 per kg and the average wage is $50,000

In-store prices? I don't get this meme.

Reminder that crossing the border to buy groceries is actually a thing because OP Is right.


they are going to raise a generation of manlets raised on the diets of an asiatic peasant.

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>I hope you die in a bathroom fire

6.4 million leafs recently admitted they only eat meat once a week because they can't afford it.

and a man posting about that fact on Jow Forums is what bothers this user most about the whole affair.

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Kek, awesome reference.

text too small and too violent. the humungus is about ending the horror and is an user of peace.

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I eat fish and meat often. I do not pay for fish. I have a full fridge and a deep freezer and a whole pantry relax Mr. Polish plunger

wow 5 posts and you have posted a dog being abused yet. impressive work

Here is what 80 USA bucks gets you in freedomland
>3 heads of lettuce
>1 lb carrots
>3 lb bag of red onions
>1 head of celery
>2 large spaghetti squash
>1 can of fancy salted nuts
>1 loaf of bread
>1 gallon of milk
>large jar of peanut butter
>jar or apricot preserves
>1 lb or shaved Turkey
>1 lb of shaved roast beef
>8 oz of sharp cheddar
>8 oz of provalone
> jar of whole fresh half sour pickles
> 2.5 lbs of ground Turkey
>17 lbs of trimmed, skinless boneless chicken breast
>2 lbs of frozen broccoli
>half a gallon or beef stock
>1 dozen eggs

Post plunger

here is $75 USD worth of 'shit'

Attached: 75 usa.jpg (2000x1125, 654K)

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Why is food so expensive in Canada? What's driving those costs?

75 dollars worth of Polish shit, get too work user

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here is a comparison of your country with the guy who broke your mind's.

he has a way better quality of life based on these verified numbers

Attached: comparison with grocery stores prices.png (1207x1272, 436K)

>jar of whole fresh half sour pickles
what the fuck does this even mean? the poles are a blight on the steppes of the slavlands

Our media and government will claim its high shipping costs. In reality its cartel-dominated supply chains driving up food costs onto the consumer.

I can overfill a grocery cart for 75$. Why is prices so high in canada?

Why do American products always say "real *insert product name here*"?

>real beef
>100% real milk
>real chicken

Was there a time when they used substitutes or what lmao

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I have an unlimited supply of fish. I do agree with you for the most part.
Most prices are outta this world. But my survival does not depend on grocery stores.

you should be glad of the chance to prove your claims and astound us with what you allege are low prices.

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Daily reminder user's if your survival has a monetary value you're basically a gold fish

Yeah nah cunt. Median is closer to 60k, and our unemployed plus underemployed are sitting around 20%.

We might be fucked soon too.

here ya go yeh fakkin cunt sobeys.com/en/flyer/

American marketing genius.
>Oh look, Brand X is made with real beef. Brand Y must use that fake stuff.

> take a look
> eh thats not bad. 2.99 for lunchmeat
> mfw its per 100 grams
> a pound of generic ham is $13.50

Lol good job proving his point

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The sadness of every Leaf is why I go to these threads.

>buying deli meat

lol you realize I could go get a kilo of ham and cook it myself for under $10, slice it, and freeze it and it wouldn't be full of preservatives and other unnatural carcinogenic americanisms

anyone who buys pre-sliced deli meat is a retard who is too stupid to use an oven

Good morning, user. How's it going?
They even have a songs about shopping in the US! youtu.be/CLbI1g4q1w4

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This leaf nigger gets it. Most meat I consume is fish I haven't paid for ever. I eat like a king

Sure I mean there are all sorts of stupid shit I could do rather than buying lunch meat but why would I do that when I could just buy lunch meat for a reasonable price?

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pic related

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There is no reasonable price for something you can do for yourself, cheaply. If you can't cook a ham that feeds your wife and two children the protein they need for a few days and come home with 50 packages of fucking deli meat to feed to them, they're all going to have hypertension by the time they're 15 years old or your wife will leave you for a nigger who at least brings them Popeyes which is technically two foodgroups per drumstick.

nice cope post

> eats like a king
> must laboriously provide lunch meat for himself rather than just buying it at a reasonable price

>There is no reasonable price for something you can do for yourself, cheaply

What the fuck does this even mean?
There are tons of things that are reasonably priced that I can do myself but don't because they're reasonably priced. The fuck do you think reasonably priced means?

>don't cook your own food, goy. buy my kosher deli meat products! blessed by a rabbi and 2 for 1 this saturday!

i wouldnt be surprised if you grind up foreskins and put them in your deli meat, mortimer

These memes are great.

Have you ever caught fish in your life? If you think fishing is "Labor" you must be a fat fuck who can't walk up the side of the bank. It's not like I'm constantly out on the high seas battling the elements and scurvy

You're doing the Lord's work user.
Rake the leaves.

Hes a fat nigger who has never left his room let alone gone fishing. The racial mixture of americans has significantly damaged their ability to perform most basic human functions like locating toilets in a reasonable time.

>Walking to the store and buying a fillet of fish is less convenient than fishing and preparing said fish yourself.
Do you know what opportunity cost is you stupid leaf?

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Will one you hoser assholes just go to the fucking store?!

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I enjoy fishing, it's a hobby and it keeps me in good supply of food for my entire family just by pulling over on the side of the road for 45 minutes after work. I'm not going out on a frozen lake for 8 hours a day ya daft cunt.

Great, it's better for the environment and will ensure US supremacy in North America.

OP is an autistic moron who is usually wrong but this time he's dead right. I pretty much can't afford meat (I refuse to dip into my savings to buy a fucking steak). The region has absolutely no employment and I'm a student, it's like being in a second-world country. The high shipping cost from the US is a myth, I live on the border and the prices in the US are half of what they are here, having monopoly money and high taxes just compunds this.

I'm literally making this my shopping list for today...will see if I can get under the price

holy fuck you are retarded, how much money do you make in 45 minutes? Is it less than the cost of buying the same fish in a supermarket? If so, is correct.

It's a marketing gimmick.

Huh? What kind of bread is that?
I thought the normal white ones like 15 of them costs only around 2 bux at most over here

Did you guys see the latest Q posts?

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second world here, everythign is dirt cheap even for me thanks to LIDL, get fucked fag

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Obviously the answer to fix this is to import more niggers in your country to increase demand and increase cost.

>Organic Ancient Grains
It sounds like hippy bullshit.
No. What did he say?

You're the retarded one you fail too see that my hobby keeps me fed. I don't do it out of necessity. Why would I pay for something I can get in my backyard? You're basically saying you should buy game meat instead of hunting it yourself because you can buy it somewhere. I for one enjoy hunting and fishing.

there's a bunch of spicy ones. worth reading

what do you think I posted?

here's one with sale and normal

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