Why are whites kilimg thenself 4x times more than blacks

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niggers outsource their suicides

Fuck we ate native american now.....

niggers get shot by other niggers

Suicidal blacks join gangs and get killed in a drive-by.

... so they don't end up in the suicide statistics.

Blacks don't need to suicide, they just kill each other.

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To get away from niggers!

The curious thing is how white suicide rate has increased while the rest mantain stable

Mass immigration of utter strangers. Our nation’s elite selling us out to outsiders. Pathetically low interest rates on savings coupled with usurious interest rates on credit cards because controls on banks were dismantled. The perception by our underclass that a new generation of crooked unaccountable bankers has benefitted from gaming and robbing the system. Loss of manufacturing jobs. A general sense of helplessness exacerbated by the celebration of browns and blacks at the destruction of our once proud civilization.

All these have contributed to a sense of disempowerment and derangement. We can lay the blame for these sociopathic mass attacks squarely on the doorstep of those people who began coming into power in the 1970s and who have worked so hard to disrupt and destroy our communities.

We are a sick society. The mayhem is but a symptom of deeper issues. The shootings will stop when people once again feel as though they are part of a community that embodies their values.


fpbp, I thought the same thing. You can't kill yourself if you force a cop to kill you first.

Because we have became in a tsx slave cattle

Niggers have no shame nor honor.

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We are the only people who are told daily they should hate themselves for what they are
Young White Males are being conditioned to put Pussy on the Pedestal so high they try to climb up there with it,
chopping off their cocks so they can participate in the Oppression Olympics

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pretty much this


Incels don't exist in black culture. Hard to be sad when you're nutting all the damn time

Because without belief that life has meaning, if you convince yourself by listening to the devil's lies that nothing means anything and you can do what you want without consequence then you kill yourself as a selfish act the moment you are done with the "game"

Post male chart

Its alŕeady there

Niggers kill other niggers at a higher rate than suicide so it all works out. Plus abortions really help.

People kill themselves when their problems get to their heads too much.
Niggers have no heads so they have no real inclination to commit

Why asian kill thenself much less than in their iwn hime countries?

Because everyone is leeching us and living a good live while we die little by little

1. Higher IQ causes more to become redpilled and blackpilled.

2. Whites are the most racially victimized people in the world. All other races have positive identity politics. Whites are the only ones the entire (((establishment in all institutions))) can demonize. Whites are the only race the establishment literally jokes about genociding in their (((news and Hollywood media and social media))) subtly and explicitly, and whites who speak the truth about it are further victimized with attempts at having their lives and families destroyed. The reality sets in of living in a world where even small truths are labeled "hate".

3. Whites in the United States are more patriotic. They would die for the United States (currently Zogged, but that's a separate point) and their fellow countrymen. While this would ordinarily be 100% admirable, currently all of the US's policies is under International Occupation by a rootless cabal that perpetuates endless wars and American blood spilled. White soldiers are suffering in the majority, experiencing their brothers and family be killed, maimed, paralyzed, and blown to bits for the sake of Zog. Many of them come back mentally broken and it ruins families and lives apart.

Add the points together.

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Its so nice living in a white society that treats you well that all the minorities refuse to commit suicide. Life for them in the west is a paradise; however, gibs demand oppression so they pretend to have a hard time of it in order to keep the gibs flowing.


Because whites are the ones running America while being spit on and stolen from by everyone else.

One of the strengths of the black race is that they do not suffer from psychological problems. Their brain functions almost entirely in relation to the present moment, so if somebody abused them yesterday it won't affect them in the future.

That's why they were used as slaves. They also tried using American Indians and Irish people as slaves, but they would get depressed and refused to reproduce.

Blacks have difficulty planning for the future, but they do not have to suffer because of something that happened yesterday or because they have anxiety about what will happen in the future. This is why they don't kill themselves.

I only could find this

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And asians that kill thenself literally 10x times more than in europe proportionally?

Joe Rogan said it well
>black dudes never really give up
>they could be on their deathbed in a hospital going "shieet, ya never know"

>white dudes can only take so much rejection and failure before they slap on some velcro sneakers and go out lookin for bigfoot

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Because white women and rigged courts steal their children, and she runs off to fuck Tyrone and the only way to eacape the insatiable greed of the woman is to kill yourself, thereby depriving her of income to steal and the life insurance.


lol if youre honestly curious youre a shill or under 18 so you cant post on this board

or when they put lithium in the water

I made it for the shooters but underlying reason is the same

We're having every good and worthwhile goal in life systematically stripped away from us - careers, homes, wives, families - and being told all the while that we're monsters who should be grateful for the scraps we're left with.

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Ive been thinking about this and I think its simply because blacks are more content living in bad situations than whites, when a white man is single in his 40s hes depressed but when niggers are they sit drinking and smoking with all their nigger friends fucking random woman



Because blacks kill each other at 100x the rate whites kill themselves.

Joe is full of shit.

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I imagine its a combination of genetics and culture and culture is almost inseparable from race, western countries have vastly higher suicide rates than third world countries. Blacks are more content with a lower quality of life as its more natural you can see it in the ghettos, with whites it appears they are more content with a lower quality of life as it is more natural and like the ghettos you can see it in the trailer parks, white trash. Even the poor Asian immigrants you see will usually work hard and then their children will be successful.