WTF I like indians now?

WTF I like indians now?

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I guess we should let n undocumented aliens too, that way we can turn out just like the Indians did!

WTF I HATE Thanksgiving now

Europeans built the country, it was undeveloped before they arrived.

That really worked out well for the natives didn't it.

>implying indians used silver platters

We wuz Pajeets n sheit?

Faggots that say the land is stolen need to be lynched. You can’t steal undeveloped land.

Come on guys we would have never learned how to grow corn without the pajeets

The natives were based.
They were vehemently right wing and very similar to pre-Christian europeans.
Only their brainwashed SJW millenial descendants are actually left wing.

that's retarded , indians did not have a migration policy against people from overseas , modern nations do .

which one is Israel and which is Palestine in this picture?

/thread. i love how libshits use the indians as a reason why we should have open borders now. besides the original thanksgiving was basically a celebration of the local indians already being dead from a previous wave of europeans.

what is palestine ?

then proceeded to conquer their land, by shooting them in their dumb brown potato-head faces with muskets


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>sickly jew

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Historical Kek

You cant call them illegals, Metacomet entered into a treaty that gave hem the land for the first settlement.

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Colonialists don't infiltrate communities, they make their own separate societies with borders. They didn't plop down in the middle of a teepee village and say "I'm an Cherokee now, feed me you racists".

Nah the original thanksgiving day was 10,000 years ago when the Clovis people came and wiped out 100 million species of North American mega fauna and their ancestors whom never invented the wheel say they were created here.
>pow wow chow


There was no nation to immigrate to. The Americas were a barren wasteland of wilderness that was occasionally the stage for some tribal warfare between natives who wanted to slaughter and scalp each other and eat each other’s children. So when the Europeans came they were simply another tribe that jumped into this battleground and definitively won. Then they set up an actual civilization and nation with laws regarding immigration which they defended and upheld ever since.
Maybe natives should have thought about doing that instead of fighting each other so that when their descendants are stuck in this new world they don’t have to give me this weak bullshit that twists the reality of their failed ancestors.

They didn't though. They let them starve. The europoors were so hungry they dug up indians and at them.

>indians did not have a migration policy against people from overseas
They did though. Their policy was to murder, rape and enslave. They also would dash children across trees and sell the women into slavery.

How did that work out for them?

im pretty sure stein dosnt mean 'jew'
i suggest
most of them clearly did not have this policy from the reports of those first meeting them .

So where the Viking's portion, or you gonna lie some more about who was REALLY HERE FIRST, PANGEA MAN.

Are you saying democracy was wrong?

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>muh magic dirt

Fuck, liberals are stupid. The land was named America by whites.

>most of them clearly did not have this policy from the reports of those first meeting them
They didn't leave behind written records, so now they they dindu nuffin.

everybody did that back then, you faggot

>Are you saying democracy was wrong?

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the european people who met them left lots of written records

Most of the land was abandoned. The diseases of the Spaniards wiped out to 70% to 90% of the native population.

>feeds us once
>turns entire continent into a breadbasket
Yeah, but thanks for the dinner, Squanto. It was really great.

Lol natives are so fucking salty that they lost. I'd say I love it and it's hilarious but whites will probably be that way in 200 years

Kek also liberals thinking that the Indians were a nation and not just small groups of savages scattered through out an entire continent

Member that time the Indians killed everybody at Roanoke?

>Roanoke Colony

Betrayer Sequel when?

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I member the battle at Fort Mims where the redsticks killed a multiculti society. One womans stomach was cut open and her baby's hand was seen reaching out of her corpse.


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No faggot!

There was no country

There was no government

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How'd that turn out for the natives?

Well, not just undeveloped, but not actually owned or established.