Why aren't you in Poland right now?

Why aren't you in Poland right now?
What's your excuse?

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but I am

huh i dont know im not a fucking nazi

Been to Poland, ages ago. Loved it.

Molymeme has been tweeting about Poland like some giddy midwife for the past week.

I am white

If I knew he was going to the march I would go to Warsaw myself. Oh well. Any other youtube celebrities there?

sigh. I should have gone. I have cousins there. apologies poland-bro

i have shit to do

It's Sunday?

because Poland is a shithole

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I’m broke and I don’t speak Polish. If I were going I’d wait until summertime.

Imagine being in a nationalist march with hundreds of thousands of other white people. A man can dream.

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Isn't Tommy Robinson there too?

Because i want to fight for my country and make it better
If i am to go to Poland its for vacation

I'm not Polish but I wish you guys well.

No cute boi puccis

>and I don’t speak Polish.
Everybody under 40 speaks English in larger cities not to mention the Capital.

I am in Poland

Dont get blown up

Much love and respect to our Polish brothers and sisters!

>US IP address

Not for work, family

Molymeme took his family with him to Poland.

Wife is sick, and i have to take care of her
that's why

Next time tell her to not get sick.
Should have worn that scarf and a hat.

Wouldn't it be kind fo awkward as a non-Pole & non-celeb or at least reporter to go to this?

Yeah me too.

I could be killed if I were in Poland today.

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what does her daughter look like?


Can I visit Poland and stay with you so I don't have to pay for a hotel? I promise not to be weird.

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we both know canada is. Leftist has destroyed this country. Most people barely survive here

it's not a cold

if i wanted to see poles i would just go to my local zoo

>canada flag
>broken english
>shitty bait
btfo VPNfag

Because you hate us?

Why? There are people from all over the World there. Many Poles from USA and Canada. Just hang around with foreign crowd and treat is as a trip to Poland.

>99% White and Catholic
Unironically considering expatriating. Not sure how patriotic that would be. I'll think about it

Are you a girl?

Because I have problems in my own country. Why would I spend a grand to fly to Polska when I can buy some more .223 with that?

We hate your Government, not regular Russian. We are all Slavs.

To feel that feel you cannot feel in USA.

You shouldn't accept new world niggers any more than third world niggers

what do you mean? it's one of trudeaus adopted children

I wonder if they stay on the following not regulated bydlo march or go to the concert like normies.

i'm not polish

Właśnie wstałem siedzie sobie w piżamce i wcinam obiad

have record no travel

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Kurwa, mam tylko cebulę, kaszę gryczaną i fasolę.

The real question is why is Molyneux there. Planning on fleeing from Canada?

Its too far, I have to swim across the ocean

Good plan.
Sooner or later they will block his account just like they did with Le Pen and Tommy Robinson.

he was visiting auschwitz to pay respect to his people that died in the holocaust

>not buying a cruise ship ticket 1 month ago and enjoying the trip.

>jewish e-celeb celebrating israel-tier jewish country’s independence

>ancap cant pay for medicine

I don't speak spaghetti.

i would be pretty excited to go myself.
but i wouldnt be tweeting about it

Is it the black baby growing inside her?

Spying. Fuck off.

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>shitty english
>"I'm Canadian I swear"
Go back to your homeland, you don't belong here.

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I'm not Polish and dont care about Polish nationalism, the same reason every other non-Pole isn't in your country

>Why aren't you in Poland right now?
I asked if I could come but you faggots told me to fuck off and informed me that you were full.

No Spencers allowed!

I'm in Poland now

pick one

if the start letting my kind in I would refuse to enter such establishment.

based Polacks hating all foreigners

I’m emigrating next month

I admire the Poles due to their help during WW2. A Polish couple live right near me and I always chat to them. They're the right sort of immigrant.

I would like to hear about this in detail.

I broke the dam.


Why would I?

would stand out like a sore thumb in a non-white country.

Not allowed to leave the country, also I'm poor. You'll have to accept my good will from afar, Poles.

It’s a long drive to poland

I'm still butthurt that you sent polish pilots who fought in Battle of Britain back to Commie Poland to be murdered on sight.

But I'm already here.

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broken wrist

There are so many foreigners in my country that it makes me sick going abroad.
I also despise countries that steal jobs from my country while getting gibs from the EU.
I also think that Poles are like niggers.

>ancap cant pay for medicine
Never said anything like that
I just have to take care of her

Im not poloish wouldnt want to breed your women with my white mutt genes.

Smart 56%er.

Why everyone loves to screw the poles?

I married into a polish household so we are comfy in MN watching polish tv

They have no honor and dignity.

Because I don’t want to go to jail for calling for lynching of jews and lipkas

Ograniczanie niepodległości Polski przez UE powinno się spotykać z jak największym oporem. Musimy szanować naszą suwerenność i dbać o nią


me too

ww2 Ancestor migrations, as usual

I am not

My bad. I'll try to catch it another year.

Best regards and congratulations with your independence. Anyone who knows history know that the Polish people have fought long and hard both to preseve our own nation. And to preserve Europe.

I salute you Poles. May you never succumb to the self hatred and anti patriotism / national masochism which we in West Europe suffers so greatly from.

80 years from now, Poland will probably still be a strong and proud country. Denmark? I doubt it

if you are girl i'm okay with that

I'm busy fucking Polish slut

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I’m not polish so why should I celebrate whatever you’re celebrating.

>Anyone who knows history know that the Polish people


>when you are so autistic you can't even bait properly because you can't distinguish races

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