How do we solve the problem of the rise in fascism and neo nazism in Europe?

I dont want to live in a society where bigotry and hatred is normalized

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>I dont want to live in a society where bigotry and hatred is normalized

Where is the problem?
This is just another one of those diverse opinions that we so desperately need.
Fighting those voices would be bigoted.

Do you want these gone user?
>pic related

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kill your socialist neighbor then yourself, then fascism with not be a problem

Surely everyone who has stuffed acceptance of the most outrageous persons down our throats with a ramrod knew it was going to meet an equally strong rejection at some point?

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Be fascists. Here in Poland we have democracy and freedom of speech which is guaranteed by the constitution, meaning everybody can say what they want and protest.

But I guess this is too much for this british subhuman leech who lives off Poland at the same time spitting on it, instead of just celebrating freedom.

Maybe he should fuck off back to UK where he could pump another baby Trump balloon with niggers and pedophiles?

Who cares. It's Europe. Who cares.

PoOland is full of thieves

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zamknij pizde reddit

By deporting the non-Europeans

Argue against them and teach. Call them out on their hypocrisy. They obviously aren't an educated bunch or don't have anything close to a full picture of how the world works.

Make the EU stop forcing people to take immigrants

id never have a chance with any of those women anyways so idgaf


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OP, k.y.s. That way you won't have to

you don't. 20th century apparently taught you fuckers nothing. enjoy the reactionary violence you created.

yo polish user , i like your country , good shit there
it also makes me laugh a bit that you killed one of us because you tough it was a muslims and it was only a pianist

Fascism is good when done by peaceful nations like Poland.

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but you live in fascist country britfag

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A political party that:
>is not batshit plutocratic and ruled by millionaires/kikes
>believes in democracy (and shows it)
>wants no more migration since it does not want a reduction of wages

Seriously. Why the fuck this never happens? Everyone gets either kikes like Trump or autocrat wannabe's like Le Pen.

that flag looks like a machining tool or something

all good-hearted "citizens of the world" who love equality and see no race can create their utopia in one of the nations already lost to their "good deeds".

We won't bomb them
Promised :^)

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Nah, looks like a sword to me, amerimutt.

>Tfw no grey eyed dirty blonde polish qt gf

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It's a simplified verision of Chrobry's sword, which was a symbol of Polish nationalists before Sanation goverment banned it.

I like the current symbol tbqh. Simple yet distinctive.

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I thought the mayor banned that parade.



>we have democracy and freedom of speech

You can go to jail for questioning the holohoax.

>tfw green eyed blonde polish gf

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So what don't live in Poland

It's clearly an arm holding a sword.

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Then maybe you ought to kill yourself.

By killing he people who think nationalism is bigotry and hatred.


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While agree there is evil in the neo Naziism . The globalists are commiting white genocide . Treating white Europeans as second class citizens. You can only push people so far. Thats why your seeing a rise in it.

>How do we solve the problem of the rise in fascism and neo nazism in Europe?

Deport the economic migrants. Unkike the economic system so that men can raise and provide for a healthy white family with one job.

That's it. That's all you have to do. This turns the Nazi back in to a Libertarian.

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Quit trying to disrupt their lives and making them live in some new multicultural “Utopia” you have planned for them.

embrace it. you chumps are so useless at anything but jostling for arbitrary authority, you'll bureaucrat yourself to the top and fuck the whole thing up with your incompetence and stupidity.

based and redpilled, unironically

The law is dead, but yeah somebody has to do something with that.

This one's my favorite.

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That "British" must be either kike or brainwashed puppet.

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>At a football match, I know let's ignore the game and take a selfie.
Fucking women.

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what if its during the break

>women have no interests and exist only for attention

Are you new to life or something?

Still shamefully vain.

Poland, never change

> I dont want to live in a society where bigotry and hatred is normalized
lmao Ahmed, you won't have a single country on this Earth if these naive standards are your way of living.
> How do we solve the problem of the rise in fascism and neo nazism in Europe?
too late for that, everybody have now grown up to see how spineless society liberalism has created and how economical reality's shift is changing attitudes now than Europe is not the factory of the world anymore like it used to be until 1980's.
We're "back" in the age of Empires, so start to think where do you belong in.

Then kys.

Didn’t the ((( leaders of Poland ))) warned about nationalists march ?

>I dont want to live in a society where bigotry and hatred is normalized
>Invite million of Muslims in your country
Already too late

>tfw they will never rim your asshole together for 3 days straight

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Leave it to a Frenchman to suggest surrender and retreat.

Stop forcing migrants down everyone's throats.

>I dont want to live in a society where bigotry and hatred is normalized
Then you should be supporting "fascism" and "nazism," since it's about protecting your own people and not letting haters and murderers of your race have power and influence.

There will be no other choice in Europe. Whether the muslims or the far right wins, OP won't like it.

>it also makes me laugh a bit that you killed one of us because you tough it was a muslims and it was only a pianist

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Unironically bring less immigrants.
Putin flooded Europe with them not because they're going to destroy it but rather to instigate bullshit like nazism and right-wing populism.

Obviously the only way to fight fascism is the same way that your ancestors did.
Go ahead, start gunning those Nazis down. We'll be right behind you.

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They don't know what bigot actually means.
There's a divine irony in the fact that those who use this word are that word themselves.

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Yet he found the words to blab on twitter

Shoo shoo dirty jew.

The ones that are murdering are right wing nationalists
Already forgot about the bomb package incident and the synagogue shooting?
The ordinary migrants are the ones being affected by this rise in hatred, not the whites.

I do, Chaim. Gas yourself and your rat faced progeny.

>that raven hair on the far right

Were the Nazis bad to actual Poles? We only hear about their issues with the Jews, Gyps, and homos. Did the average actual Polish person have anything to fear from them?

"I dont want to live in a society where bigotry and hatred is normalized"

The you should worry about Muslims and Islamists. Not about a bunch a patriotic Poles who care deeply about their country and independent. To a large degree because the suffered so terrible under Nazi occupation.

Why are you blaming and demonizing the victims of the Nazis for being happy about their independence OP?

>I dont want to live in a society where bigotry and hatred is normalized
If you think that what we do is bigoted and hateful, you need to remind yourself that Jow Forums is a board of peace and if we want some niggers or Jews out of our country it's for their own good so kys or emigrate

The globalists = jews and their paid shabbos goy.

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Meh, the soviet flag was literally a farming tool crossed with a hammer.

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Remove all the invaders from India, Africa, and the Middle East, along with the locals enabling this migratory behavior, so that there's no need for it.


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You far right Germans just don't understand that beautiful far left trannies and pedophiles are to be accepted and protected.

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Wife's Grandpa was born near Krakow, Poland and was in his teens during WWII. Didn't really get shit from either side. I'm sure if you weren't degenerate, you got left pretty well alone.

(((Bigotry and hatred))) are jewish buzzwords. Just like (((tolerance))). Jews hate any country they don’t have control over.

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Are you being retarded on purpose?

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i thought that too

Are you leftie niggers finally realizing the military isn't on your side? lmao maybe American leftists will get a wake up call from this.

I forgot which alt right libertarian said this but he said something like: "Fascism is a natural response to communism, get rid of communism and you also get rod of fascism".

Or something like that.

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Were the Nazis bad to actual Poles? We only hear about their issues with the Jews, Gyps, and homos. Did the average actual Polish person have anything to fear from them?

They are militant civcucks who can't get enough of black dick.

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You stop it by having bilateral support for blocking mass immigration.

Poland is on it’s way to becoming a great country. That’s why jews in Israel want so desperately back in. $$$, the parasites want in, but they will destroy Poland.

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Putin is funding every single far right party in Europe and the US (yes, that includes Trump and his GOP). They're also funding and arming the Taliban to kill US soldiers, and helped guide North Korea's nuclear program,which is why they've made so many advances the past couple years.

If you want to end the rise of fascism in Europe and everywhere else, get Russia under control.

Jesus christ israel...

Step 1) Deport all Muslims.
Step 2) Promote the traditional family.
Step 3) Encourage pride in Europe and her history at the national level.

Pic unrelated? Poles started the uprising, Germans defended themselves. Hitler was nice enough to evacuate Warsaw before destroying it, unlike the allied bombings of Dresden, Hamburg, Tokyo, Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

>the problem of the rise in fascism
me no understand

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We only solve the problem of your massive faggotry and we solve it with fire.

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Get Israel out of USA politics. Everything will get better.

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>I dont want to live in a society where bigotry and hatred is normalized
Then stop importing mudslimes you imbecile.

Yeah fuck Russian bots

poland continues to impress me.

And you think they only did it once? Never knew there were cucks like you who defends criminals who massacred your own ancestors.
>By estimates around 20,000 to 25,000 civilians were killed,[7][8] 40 percent of the buildings in the city were damaged and 10 percent of the buildings destroyed.

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>muh right wing nationalists
You're not in America dimwit